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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.
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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists... >b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech? Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage. >b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech? Try disroot, autistici or aktivix
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
Did you check the sticky recently? Why would you be so disrespectful?
Samuel Reed
I like how easy Ubuntu is (the Ubuntu software manager is like program manager) lots of support. But I don't like that I dont' have access to root account and also unity. Should I switch to another debian based distro?
James Sullivan
>But I don't like that I dont' have access to root account and also unity. Should I switch to another debian based distro? sudo -i, and they've announced swapping back to GNOME. I think there's a beta out for it already. Still, yes you should. Ubuntu-MATE or Debian Netinstall, or maybe take the time to try out Devuan (Ascii, as the current one is still on Debian 8 packages).
because it's spam and was only funny the first few times and the pasta doesn't even apply to the op now let me as you this, why does has to be so disrespectful
Charles Diaz
is default thermald fine or should I try to configure it?
Just because GNU `true` has more lines doesn't make it better than BSD
Parker Edwards
Why is my skype from snap starts offline? I need to open it for it to come online.
Easton Williams
Are there any good alternatives to IBus + Mozc for Japanese input? I just got the new IBus update and it just fucked my shit up. >entering new line kills IME and switches to plain english input >not new but IME never starts in kana input mode and has annoying-ass popups about what emojis I want to use or whatever
Even more interesting is that Linux developers actually got lots of lawsuits for copyright infringement "stealing code from unix utilities". Imagine that. Imagine you get sued for being GNU because everyone calls GNU Linux. (That's also a good reason to stop the glorification of muh unix.)
Liam Lee
Are you guys absolute madmen that don't dual boot?
Nicholas Gomez
>Are you guys absolute madmen that don't dual boot? >configuring all your programs twice >rebooting just to use certain programs Why would anyone do that?
Julian Thomas
The Linux kernel itself contains GNU code.
Carson Perez
Anyone here on Solus?
William Reyes
Dual booting meants you're still a wincuck.
Parker Taylor
when i try to use sshfs it says error fuse: device not found please help
Joshua Myers
>A start job is running for dev-disk-by\{fug}.device (1min 32s / no limit) you idiot pottering what is the point of nofail if you betray me like this
Dominic Russell
How are the communities to newbies for Ubuntu-MATE or Debian (I can imagine this is as good as ubuntu)?
Hudson Powell
how did he obtain the source code and was it lawful for him to publish it online?
most of those are made with gcc though, does this make it gnu by recursion?
still have it but rarely ever boot into it for some time now
how did you gen those?
William Gonzalez
Odd that there was nothing about this on the Wiki. I'm looking for a download manager for Ubutnu, the type that'll let me continue downloads after my shitty internet connection has dropped and returned. Any recommendations? Bonus points if it can do torrents.
Mason Baker
aria2 I think
Jacob Jenkins
As someone whose internet is kinda shitty (slow, has data cap), would Arch/arch based distro be good for me? Does the bleeding edge feature means you have to do update everyday or something? And are these updates large in filesize? I just want to try arch based distro because AUR sounds interesting, but I don't want to deplete my bandwidth either.
Colton Evans
Should I use xubuntu or should I just use debian + xfce? I do a lot of gaming and wine gaming. With the hopes that when I get new hardware I will do gpu passthrough.
Anthony Reyes
Despielte having exe and bat compatibility software, if you absolutely have to use windows, use a vm fagget
Eli Long
you don't need to update every day, you can update whenever you like, however - if you leave it alone for a while, then go to install something, you may be forced to update a lot of the system to support that new program (unless you go out of your way to get an older version that suits where your system is) - some distros support delta package updates, which are smaller, arch does not, updating a package means downloading it again (edit: apparently there's unofficial delta mirrors for arch, see i have not tried it, so can't comment on it) - the longer you leave a rolling-release system (such as arch) out of date, the harder it may be to bring it up to date, this is only a problem if you're not too familiar with what can go wrong and how to fix it
is splitscreen the only reason to use gpu passthrough with linux on windows?
Jack Jackson
Liam Anderson
The great future we all deserve, but it probably beaten by NixOS b/c the cool proprietary drivers and systemd.
Christian Johnson
Yes, otherwise you can just dualboot.
Adam Cruz
For some reason debian can't detect a wireless network during installation. I know it's not a network card problem because ubuntu seems to be able to detect it. Am I supposed to do something with the router?
Jason Bell
One day it will save us. Especially if FSF finally mans up and starts to actively develop the Hurd
>GNU/Hurd + mach >Guix package manager >GNU Shepherd init system >100% free software This is the future I want.
Bentley Jackson
Should I use Btrfs for KDE Neon or just stick with ext4? (Normal desktop usage, M2 SSD, no raid stuff) Don't know whats best...
Henry Thomas
Hello I have problem with compiling mupdf, I was thinking that is problem with my config, but it failed on fresh OS. Do someone has this problem too? Gentoo AMD64, profile 16
Gavin Taylor
stick with ext4. Remember to enable trimming or trim manually periodically
-widely supported -time tested, stable and proven -trusted by big devs and companies selling commercial Linux systems -jack of all trades
I use profile 16 too, going to give it a try once I finish my current emerge.
Henry Kelly
I'm using void with ratpoison cause I like minimalism and no distraction. Can you recommend me any simple/minimalistic status bar(I want it only to show time, battery status and wifi connection and not much more)
Jack Sanchez
Thank you. I picked this photograph out of my mobile porn folder for (You).
it's called virtual machines windows is a virtual dumping ground for software so every virtual windows machine I make is literally garbage to me but I can still do everything I would want
Colton Ortiz
wget -c
>the longer you leave a rolling-release system (such as arch) out of date, the harder it may be to bring it up to date wrong, you can not -Suy for a year and still -Syu fine after that, i can't speak for the forks/derivatives
depends what you install, just WM or KDE, and you don't have to update every day, you can do it once a week or every other week or month even because you may notice many updates aren't updates at all /as in upstream updates/ but some minor(?) pkg changes by maintainer
David Green
go to the coffee shop to download the packages.
Parker Cruz
"platform/gl/gl-app.h:11:25: fatal error: GL/freeglut.h: no such file or directory" any idea? I can't install NetworkManager and pulseaudio without mupdf
Andrew Thompson
maybe you should install freeglut perhaps it didn't get pulled in as a dependency
Caleb Thomas
xfs or ext4 are fine and proven.
But I had no practical issues with BTRFS for years either - still, you may not see any real advantages from using these - using just ext4 is likely just fine.
>no raid stuff Well, on Linux you tend to do this below the filesystem anyhow, with mdadm. Any filesystem will run on top.
Colton Rivera
>I can't install NetworkManager and pulseaudio without mupdf Do they have the "doc" USE flag enabled? I cannot imagine any legit case where a network management software or an audio server needs a fucking PDF reader for anything but their docs.
Aiden Anderson
>wrong, you can not -Suy for a year and still -Syu fine after that that doesn't contradict what i said i mean things i replacement packages might get missed, which can cause complications. problems from not updating often are rare, however
James Hernandez
try ibus-anthy
Zachary Watson
Hurd is a low priority project since GNU's goal is to have a free system and it got that with GNU Linux-libre. To make people work on Hurd, Linux would need to die first, so don't expect that Hurd will be finished in the next years.
Logan Wood
GNU/Linux n00b Just ran apt upgrade and it seems I've got about ~230 packages to upgrade. Q1: How can I limit the number of packages that apt should download at the same time? (currently it is four at a time)
Q2: Do I have to redownload packages again if I cancel the upgrade or can I install the fully downloaded packages somehow?
Asher Brown
q1: the "queue mode: access" should be what you need. q2: you can cancel the upgrade process during the download phase any time. You can resume download from the point. Once the installing starts you cannot cancel the process normally and you shouldn't cancel it. Even if you close your terminal, the process will continue.
Does anybody have any experience with Alpine Linux? The only experience I have with linux is a little Debian but after reading Alpine's website and Jow Forums wiki it seems like something id be interested in. Any good or bad experiences before I buckle down and install it?
if you dont rely on obscure drivers its fun. not recommended for main desktop usage though (unless you really have too much time on your hands)
Easton Allen
It's for embedded systems. It thus lacks many features one would expect from a desktop system. I'm like 70% they don't have popular WMs like i3 and awesome in their standard repos. Not to mention you will need to configure almost everything yourself, although they do include wizards to help.
Anyway, probably not the best for what you want desu.
Owen Wood
keep in mind that it's not GNU/Linux, this makes it quite different to most distros, and not everything works the same, or all all, with it. i'd recommend only trying it if you fully understand what being based on musl libc and busybox means
Easton Reed
Thanks for the help guys, ill just steer clear for awhile then.
Easton Powell
...or too (((cheap))) to delete an OS you paid for when you bought you're prebuilt.
Juan Ortiz
I've been trying to get a display manager up and running on Void, but with no luck. I tried doing # ln -s /etc/sv/lxdm /var/service/ after installing lxdm, but it never woks when I restart my computer.
Ah I figured as much. How can I go about safely removing older kernel images?
Jace Cox
You can safely remove any version older than your current kernel. dpkg -l |grep linux-image the manually apt-get remove --purge them There must be a better method, but am brainlet when it comes to sed/grep text.
Or you can run synaptic so you can easily do it from GUI.
Elijah Taylor
Thanks dude, issue fixed!
Jacob Cooper
I prefer the former over the latter because Xubuntu has everything configured for you. Since you mentioned you do a lot of gaming I assume extra bloat in Xubuntu is not an issue for you.
Brandon Cruz
Ever since pacaur lost its maintainer I got stuck in a fortnightly loop of looking if there are reasonable replacements for it. So far nothing has come far enough to fully replace it.
I tried trizen a couple of times and it's garbage, too uncomfortable. pikaur seems very close to what I want (very pacaur-like, but a tiny bit less hands-off), but it hasn't matured enough yet (although its development is rapid right now).
user, what's the status of your quest to replace pacaur?
n=0 for i in $(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy?/scaling_cur_freq) do ((total+=i)) ((n+=1000)) done echo "scale=3; ${total}/${n}" | bc lscpu | grep -F 'CPU MHz' | awk '{print $3}' Why does this script return different values than lscpu? Is it simply because the frequency changes so much between the bash script and the lscpu command?
Samuel Diaz
i use cower
Isaiah Walker
pacaur is ded? i didn't even notice. still works fine. someone might pick it up when it breaks
Isaiah Williams
It'll probably work fine for a while. Codebase is trash, though, so I think a complete replacement is justified. Wouldn't want anyone wasting their life actively developing that.
it's a pacman wrapper that, when a dependency fails or changes, really screws things up and you don't know how to fix it because you didn't build the packages yourself
So on the subject of the AUR, why is it so highly praised? It's is inherently flawed and a major source of system failure. A package maintainer could go haywire and inject malicious code into their package.
Levi Wilson
>A package maintainer could go haywire and inject malicious code into their package that's why you don't use a helper. you should verify the download source
Elijah Lewis
It's just a kernel.
Logan Price
Someone please remind me why we don't just make life simple and call it "GNUX" again
Ethan Gonzalez
because Linux sounds better
Joseph Garcia
Sane AUR helpers allow you to look through all the build scripts upon first installation, as well as see the diffs upon every consecutive update of that package (so you don't have to look through every line when only a few of them changed).
AUR is good.
Asher Thompson
we get it, gnu is unreasonably, unarguably bloated.
Carter Anderson
Because the creators named their stuff already.
Carson Cruz
Good thing GNU is more than just software. And even getting rid of all GNU software doesn't mean you're not still using a system that grew from the seed of GNU's vision for a free operating system, and thus still a fork of the GNU system.
Jonathan James
>fork of the GNU system. but user, I don't think you understand the GPL
Parker Murphy
>A package maintainer could go haywire and inject malicious code into their package. You could say this about the official repo's that any distro support. In face you can look historically and see other distros have uploaded malware in to the official repos.
Jeremiah Clark
Guys, I can't into configuring X, and I'm tired, so help would be appreciated.
Right now, I'm using xfce, which I run on startup using startx. I want to switch to dwm, obviously by compiling it myself so as to be able to configure it. Once I have the binary sitting somewhere, how do I get to using it? Can I have an easy way to choose between xfce and dwm on startup without using a login manager? I know I'll basically need to edit some X configs but I have no idea which ones or how.
I'm on Void, but distro-agnostic advice that merely describes the files to edit instead of giving exact paths would also be helpful.
Nolan Butler
This is just another reason why declarative package managers like GuixSD and NixOS need to go mainstream.
They solve so many problems, including this one. They're still young though, but one goal of these projects (GuixSD in particular it seems) is to create "bitwise reproducible builds". Currently they claim to be at about 75% bitwise reproducibility.
GuixSD has a feature that they call a "challenge", where you can challenge a binary build in the repo against your own compilation. The end goal is that if you compile a version that isn't bitwise identical to the version in the repo then you'd know it had been tampered with.
Cooper Brown
typically you edit .xinitrc to chose which wm you would like to use
Yeah, just edit ~/.xinitrc and type inside "exec dwm" Then you can easily start Xfce4 by typing startxfce4 or start dwm by typing startx
Connor Green
I just want to format a fucking partitioned USB drive
Jeremiah Parker
A few weeks back back a ~40 minute YT video of a guy going through a basic Arch install got posted on this board. Anyone got a link to that? Or the account name?