>Youtube literally shot up because they fucked over a creator
>Youtube literally shot up because they fucked over a creator
>>Youtube literally shot up because they fucked over a creator
Nowhere in the video or the article is this even mentioned.
>Nasim Najafi Aghdam
If you need to be spoon fed then just ask
>According to the Daily Mail, Aghdam is an animal rights protesters who had a vendetta against YouTube, which she called a "dictatorial" site for "censoring her videos and not paying her."
>On her YouTube, which has been deleted, she ranted about how her channel "got filtered & demonetized."
>trannies lefties and sjw snowflakes btfo
>Our hearts go out to all those injured & impacted today. We will come together to heal as a family.
Like clockwork. This must have been something deeper than demonization. Something internal. I doubt someone working at YouTube is living from paycheck to paycheck.
Is that an Arabic name? Or is she a jew?
She didn't work at youtube, she made a living uploading videos to youtube
I've misread something.
>Aghdam’s family said that, as far as they knew, she had never owned a gun. They also believe she did not know anyone at YouTube personally, adding they were not aware of any motive she could have had.
Imagine being this upset when a company with no contractual obligations to you demonetizes your content.
The only mistake she made was not actually killing anyone :^)
She killed herself. ;^)
Fookin 'ell, April fools was three days ago.
Which is pretty giggles, actually
one of her big talking points wa that they had needlessly blocked her exercise video
while allowing children to view very "degenerate" popstar videos.
i thought something like this was just a matter of time.
youtube, google, facebook, and twitter are ground zero for so much conflict.
She was more upset at large internet companies promoting content that fits an agenda. She's crazy as fuck but I'm not surprised this happened. I imagine silicon valley companies will have security that rivals Government buildings soon.
Which kind of government buildings? There's a huuuuuge divide between state and fed security.
Hard to say. I was talking out my ass when I said enough security to rival a government building but I it depends on how many copycats this creates. On Jow Forums alone there is a lot of animosity about these companies so I don't think she'll be the last person to target these major international companies who probably have more power than any company has a right to.
Why the fuck did she have to be such a retarded idiot sandnigger vaginabrain about it
A little bit of planning and she could have actually killed high ranking CUNTS over there at jewtube
I'm not sure someone who decides making a living off of >YouTube is a good idea is the kind of person to ever think anything through thoroughly
mai waifu
Instead of schools, this should happen more often at tech companies. facebook, apple, microsoft should be next
>having the resolve to go through with anything properly
>Jow Forums will eventually have a youtube/e-celeb containment board
I miss the old days when people made videos on YouTube just for fun or information instead of trying to cash grab or become famous
Absolutely this
>Wounds 3
>No deaths
>Our hearts go out to all those injured
except they can hire security
Like 2005? People have been making a living off youtube for well past a decade now. It's been a loooong time since it was just about "fun".
>Sources tell KRON4 that the shooting appears to be the result of a domestic dispute.
you're actually defending someone for taking the sword against the pen. are you so weak that your only defense against words is force? google owed her nothing and they dont owe you a living either, get a job.
The pen? Wtf does youtube write? They don't create any content. In fact if anyone qualifies as the pen in this situation its her. She created content. She expressed her views while youtube simply supressed narratives that were politically inconvenient. Youtube's original service was about giving regular people a platform but now they run a gatekeeping service.
And you're actually defending Google.
Youtube is a "publishing house", just because you are denied to publish your book, doesn't mean your views are suppressed, you can always self publish. She chose to take a gun and argue her point by trying to kill people.
>Innocent people should die because I don't like a company's privacy policy I can opt out of
Everyone who works at the company is not evil. No one deserves to die
I would be fine with this if they weren't a monopoly.
>No one deserves to die
You're a real soft cunt, aren't ya?
Meant to link
>not everyone working for an evil corporation deserves to die
I'm able to forgive.
They're not a monopoly.
>forgiving those who don't beg for forgiveness
She did the right thing, bought time someone hit back at the censors.
Sounds white nationalistic.
>3 injured
>Only the shooter died
As far as public shootings go, this is pathetic.
They're as close to a monopoly as you can get without attracting Government scrutiny. Also they and the other tech giants are in a position where they are able to amplify the perception of a public consensus on certain issues. I don't even like the idea of the amount of power the major news networks have and tech giants have more power than even that because people understand the major news networks are bought and paid for. They may not understand that it wasn't happenstance that smellnutsack66's opinion might be promoted by someone other than himself.
Women, baka
Were you on fit earlier when I made a post about ripping my pants?
Also, if a big youtuber like pewdiepie or other account started an alternative to youtube/twitch/whatever people use, there would a large group of people who would migrate over. People are just scared of not making money for the work they put in on other platforms. It's literally not a monopoly. If you don't like it, you can leave and create competition.
Why is twitter niggerspeak filter still up
>doesn't want to get a real job
>kills herself
I earned 1 cent from adsense today.
Thank you Google.
Finally, somebody's fighting back.
>loud ads in the beginning and even the fucking middle of a soft spoken video unless you use an adblocker to get rid of them
>"this video is not available in your region because somehow this is acceptable discrimination and we can get away with it"
>no audio on video because a radio was in the background playing copyrighted music and the audio track was automatically disabled
>videos being removed all the time because they contain copyrighted material so unless the artist uploads the same video, it's gone forever (which they don't on old stuff)
I'm only surprised it took this long. Youtube is really pushing people's nerves.
Giving food for free in order to sell beer does not mean I have a monopoly on food distribution. You can literally go anywhere else.
Well, maybe they shouldn't be arbitrarily de-monetizing peoples' videos then. Serves them right, you take away peoples' income there will always be a few who will snap. Let this be a lesson to Youtube.
Is this the actual state of Jow Forums these days, are people actually this retarded?
You know why the state paying for paving roads and building general infrastructure is a good thing ŕight? From that you should be able to figure out why making a whole new fucking video streaming service on your own as the only thing to sustain your company is absolutely fucking retarded, end yourself you piece of shit.
>loud ads in the beginning and even the fucking middle of a soft spoken video unless you use an adblocker to get rid of them
Or you could get a Red subscription. I don't know how you expect YouTube to operate with 0 revenue.
>"this video is not available in your region because somehow this is acceptable discrimination and we can get away with it"
They literally don't have a choice if they want to operate in certain countries.
>no audio on video because a radio was in the background playing copyrighted music and the audio track was automatically disabled
>videos being removed all the time because they contain copyrighted material so unless the artist uploads the same video, it's gone forever (which they don't on old stuff)
Automatic removel and content ID are bullshit, but complaining simply because they enforce copyright (again, a legal requirement) is moronic.
>I'm only surprised it took this long. Youtube is really pushing people's nerves.
They are, and there are a lot of reasons to be mad and a lot of things youtube is fucking up, but you named none of those things.
>Google her name
>random article mentions she spoke Farsi in a video
Iranian terrorist
Not all Nazis were evil and that's a fact
>taking the sword against the pen
Who gives a shit? It was a pretty lulzy way to kill yourself.
The ad isn't the problem, the obnoxiousness is. It's the same reason I adblock twitch when I can since I can't just put on a twitch stream and try to fall asleep when the volume difference between some sleepstone faggot and the LATEST BIG BLOCKBUSTER OH MY FUCK DON'T YOU LOVE BLARING HORNS ad kills me every time
>they enforce copyright
Actually they enforce their own pre copyright shitfest solution. By being heavy handed and giving the accuser the upper hand they avoid being charged with loss of revenue arguments
I expect this kind of retarded edginess from /b/ but don't people in Jow Forums have real jobs and grew up years ago?
Some of us have normal testosterone levels.
She uses ProtonMail
Jow Forums enough?
>this is acceptable discrimination
SJW-tier. Any and all discrimination is acceptable.
Its not like Elliot did much better
>plan to shoot up sorority house
>get stopped by a fucking locked door
>internet abandons personal home pages in favor of centralized services
>act surprised when they're limited by what is allowed on someone else's service
google/youtube/facebook/etc don't owe you anything, they are under no obligation to let you do anything on /their/ systems
you want to host things they don't agree with? host it yourself.
Companies like Google aren't about to let you or people like you have your fair say if they have any say about it themselves. They're more than fine curbing the ability of people with contrary world views being able to express them and they've increasingly been taking hard stances that run in diametric opposition to a lot of values integral to liberal western democracies and more specifically the US. Google and companies like it have accrued under their power virtually the entirety of the surface level internet and that power is the envy of every world government.
If these companies are going to wield that sort of supranational power to their own deleterious ends against common people they're going to be resisted the same way any other authoritarian apparatus has been, governmental or not. Google is long passed the point of acquiescing to any dialogue or notions of the "pen."
Anons, I...
Not saying you're wrong, but at this point after the Damore fiasco it's pretty fucking obvious what's expected of people who work there. There's no more room for ignorance about it.
They were the good guys
Is this talk available anywhere? Or similar Google talks?
>calling people who shoot shitty videos in their bedroom 'creator'
come over and drink my piss
Your analogy falls flat when you take into account companies like Facebook, Yahoo, Google/Youtube, Twitter, and the like control pretty much every major platform relevant to anyone not living in China or the extreme third world. And it's all run by the same small group of people in the same small geographical area with a state government that practices open corporate welfare to keep it that way. Your treatise on selective market solutions is completely irrelevant in the context of concentrated oppressive corporatism.
What exactly do you expect? The tech industry trains you really quickly that wide eyed idealism is not going to last long. You grow cynical fast and the reality of western social media makes it exceedingly obvious the authoritarianism is just going to keep ramping up despite any and all peaceful protestations to the contrary.
literally, no meme, both
You have fun with that lolbertarian delusion when every tech firm is talking to each other and working from the same guidebook on who to cut out of relevancy.
>The tech industry trains you really quickly that wide eyed idealism is not going to last long.
You have the whole Bay Area as evidence to the contrary.
And what do you think their motive is? Why are they doing it?
The exact opposite is the reality. When I said "train," I didn't mean in a literal or official sense. I meant it as in accumulated experience. What passes for idealism in the Bay Area is simply dogma at this point.
Simply being able to control who gets to talk and what they get to say is reason enough isn't it? Especially on platforms that are so goddamn prominent in people's everyday lives.
Know what doesn't change the world? Poems and chai lattes.
Know what does change the world? AK-47s and the will to fight.
>Stabbed 3 people to death
>Shot 3 to death
>14 non fatal injuries
It's not record high, but he at least managed to get some people. This one will be forgotten in a week.
Libertard spotted.
You just wait, pitchforks are coming.
¡Viva la revolución!
She actually has a pretty cool website.
>white people
>Shoot up a school and kill innocent kids
>Shoots globalists,sjws and soyboys
Really makes you think.
Yeah doesn't make sense, but maybe I should just throw away the bible and get a koran
I bet google has flagged this thread.
>live in America
>get shot