What compels a man to do this?

What compels a man to do this?

Attached: peak performance.jpg (4032x3024, 945K)

Attached: What-is-Soy-400x209.png (400x209, 155K)

I assume you can choose one colour, like blue?

usually a cock in his mouth or ass... or both.


>Soybois being proud that they can insert a pci-e card in a pci-e slot.
>Pays 40% on top just for looks.
>fell for the watercooling meme

Only in chronological age. Mentally, he is still a boy. His desire to never properly transition into manhood results in crap like this.

so what you're saying about this compared to all the other fags on Jow Forums with their chinese cartoon fucking shit wall papers and toys and programming socks are 100x better than this?

Triss is best girl.

Watching anime, crossdressing and fucking your ass with dragon dildos are patrician hobbies for well-adjusted adults. Why are you trying to compare them to manchildren and their video games?



Attached: autism.jpg (640x640, 52K)

video games
not even once

I hate every time i reccomend people stuff and they downgrade just to get rgb fans. Especially ram when people choose cheap shit because it has rgb over higger clock rates. Same with all other components

>he combined the colors

Have shitty speakers with such an expensive setup?

>g is one person
No, they're mentally ill
stock wallpaper = God tier
wallpapers of nature and urban landscapes = patrician
ricing and hipster window managers = pleb
anime wallpaper = suicidal trannie tier

The idea of"the man" is killed slowly every day because of things like this. Also soy

Attached: giphy.gif (480x270, 528K)

This is flexing in purest form. Nothing more or less. Having LEDs in pc is equivalent of spraying flames on your car.
It doesnt make it go faster. It doeant make it look better. It just makes you stand out in trafic while everyone will point out at the maniac/idiot/chad/gangsta depending on the group asked.

More like kid or teenager.

That case looks like shit and the strafe is a poormans choice

R.eddit + soy

>Yfw you realize Ciri from TW3 could uust be a really cute trap

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can someone explain me why this board is full of homos?

I'm more offended at buying overpriced low quality shit like that mouse or those speakers or that monitor than at the lights 2bh

I think that's from /v/.

Looks too much like gay pride flag, bit it is fine enough. What is your problem with this?

Not OP, but spending money on muh rgb and not buying more computers is retarded

I'm a literal faggot and even I don't approve of this

you cannot buy even a memory stick for the price of those leds

Yes, but for some reason pretty much everyone goes with the gay rainbow effects.
RGB was a mistake.

>buying clothes you find nice and not buying more clothes is bad
>spending money on anything you find nice is bad
Fuck off kid.

Throwaway money
Secured life

would own

OP you simply have no taste in finer things

enjoy your lifeless case i guess

>keyboard with numberpad in 2018

fuck knows, im stumped.

I would consider myself very minimalistic. But I recently built my first computer for work/pleasure and RGBd the fuck out of it. No regrets.

Attached: RGB.jpg (2268x4032, 283K)

Teenager building/getting their first computer where they choose the parts thinking it'll be so cool.
They'll get over it after a few weeks/months after showing everyone how "cool" it is.

If they're older than that... mental deficiencies.

Fuck off with your shit threads

Go to /trash/ or /wg/

>be me 17 years ago
>enroll to 2yr full time IT course
>Didn't know shit, didnt even change desktop resolution
>friend knows his shit and teaches me the way
>a year later i can pirate and crack games, safely install hardware ect.
>always had an interest in tech since thanks to him
>be the computer guy for fren and family for years
>both grow up and distance happens y'know (life)
>recently get back in touch with him
>tells me he has a £2k pc, vr, the works
>go over to his, literally OPs pic related
>not sure if im jaded or he has mental issues
I should have taken a picture. Guess he never found Jow Forums

That thing that kills me most is the RGB mousepad.

do you know specific people or watch streamers who do this? i think everyone takes the pictures with the RGB FX for whatever reason but the people i know who own RGB shit usually just go with one unified color scheme. i only have one RGB meme component (G403) but i keep it white backlit to match the rest of my shit

So let me get this straight....

Someone has a personal preference on how they'd like their technology to LOOK.

user looks at this and dislikes how it looks and draws the conclusion that the owner has a mental disability and treats it as fact?

If performance is what really makes a computer worth it's weight in gold and the RGB additions are just personal preference of the builder then who are you to pass judgment on their liking?

The real one with the serious psychological issues is the ones passing these judgments on people just because they don't like what the other person enjoys.

A high end $1K-$1.5K Non RGB PC is no different than a $2k+ PC with RGB except for $500+ and the added negative comments from judgmental idiots.

Or the guy genuinely enjoys his hobby in a different way than you do, and you should appreciate him sharing it with you, it´s really nice when people talk or share stuff they´re passionate about with you, and you should try to understand, at least, because they´d probably do the same for you.

Except you could have spent these 500+ buckaroos not being a giant faggot.

Not him but what you do with your money is no one's business so fuck off

A filthy pile of secrets

Lack of fulfillment in other areas of their life, lack of modesty, attraction to shiny things, lack of shame, etc.

The same force that compels a man to rice his desktop


I've got an RGB build and have fucked 60+ women. Currently in early 20s, your argument is good.


being gay

i have the same monitor. as silly as the bezel looks the picture is fantastic.

having money but not being able to satisfy oneself with its use - but at the same time, not understanding the source of one's dissatisfaction

Kaczynski was right again

All of my wut? I think you're reaching FAR for a connection on what people purchase and the reason behind it.

The computer is a hobby which satisfies the builder. The source of dissatisfaction is not having an RGB computer.

>What compels you to exist?

Implying you do exist.

>person likes thing
You're jaded. I find it tacky, too, but so what? What if his hobby was decorating cakes or modifying his car in 1999 Fast and Furious style? Life's too short to hate on people for doing the things they enjoy when they aren't hurting anyone. I'm sure if a bunch of Manhattan fashion scene homos came to your house they'd find all the things you like to be tacky and ugly, but you wouldn't care, would you?

>Not having N7 colors in your PC case and keyboard turn on when you open Mass Effect 3
>tfw no bf
at least some sweet rgb fans and a ryzen 2700 to cuddle with

Attached: rgb.jpg (957x618, 81K)

I'll also order me some RGB RAMs when I have the new platform

Attached: 1522513811485.jpg (2880x1620, 775K)

You can't say that the RGB keyboard and RGB case isn't sexy.

low testosterone
it has nothing to do with sexuality as the real gay men wear leather suits and beat up cops

Just think, he could be screenfetching Arch with i3 and an anime girl wallpaper

Attached: 1512412061616.jpg (369x387, 35K)

Looks pretty.

21 and this is my first build.
Was I doomed from the beginning?

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Leather-wearing cop-beating homofag here; can confirm.

There's nothing the real gay community hates more than faggots who use their faggotry to point the spotlight at themselves.

The monitor was obviously carefully selected so he could properly watch Hidamari Sketch and Madoka Magica. The RGB lighting is certainly there to prevent eye problems from watching TV in a dark room.

meant for


"Man?" Why, a man who does this is hardly a man at all! This is the manchild's "rig." He proudly refers to it as his "battlestation."

>turn lights to white
>Fucking nice OP 10/10 styling

yall know the color can be set to anything right?

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The real problem is when people who do brag about how tech literate they are *because* they put together this stuff. There's nothing wrong with doing it, but people who brag must be cleansed. At least programming sock wearers don't act like the dudebros of Jow Forums

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I didn't know that 6ix9ine was into PC building.

oh look, a desktop thread that hasn't been deleted yet because the mods aren't doing their fucking job anymore

>Water cooling
I dunno senpai... I kind of miss not hearing a thing with my custom loop. The 1080 Ti's are obnoxiously loud. Every single one of em.

Lack of insight in the jewish problem.

Aids perhaps OP.

Attached: Thank god for aids.jpg (643x600, 73K)

You mean make interesting things? A sense of self confidence.

Only insecure faggots give half a shit about the opinions of others and thus choose shit to look 'professional'

Wheras someone with a functional set of testicles does what they fucking want and doesn't give a rats ass about Jow Forums's fucking autism

>how to troll
>compare X to Y
>Y are literally man children

It's a shame that the good ultrawide monitors with adaptive sync have all these gaymer features.

Why were the mods deleting posts ITT?

RGB is the dumbest thing ever and YouTubers who push it are idiots. I don't want my PC to look like a disco night club.

it would actually look pretty cool to me with white lighting


Homosexuality for the most part

Angel Eyes by Lime is playing in the background.

So many assblasted faggets in this this thread. Whoever built this thing did it the way he wanted and probably doesn’t give a rats ass about what you losers think. Seriously what’s worse bad taste or incessantly whining about it like little bitches who have obviously been triggered by the preferences of others? I think we all know the answer

it's cool

i once put Christmas lights in my retro build and the Grinch mob shown up and roasted me bad that day.

kill yourself reddit spacing faggot

So many soyboys in this thread

>inb4 shit taste, not aesthetic, etc..

A bunch of insecure omegas no doubt trying to feel better about themselves like this one for example. Pathetic

People literally complaining about Christmas lights? Just turn most a single neutral monochrome color or all off. It's not like he painted an androgynous vape wave dragon on his shit like I did.

Too much money put in the wrong place.

Stop projecting yourself on us for putting faggy RGB on your computer. Not everyone wants a rainbow next to them.



Could have been acceptable if he went with a color theme. Using rainbow shit instantly makes it to shit.

hurrrr people have different taste to me, how dare they

>do this
it's not this, it's her
And she's fucking hot

stage 5 terminal gay

>being poor