Only oldfags will remember

>only oldfags will remember

oldfag thread

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It's not much different nowadays...

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you mean someone who's been using Jow Forums since age 10?

most of us discovered Jow Forums /b/ at age 14-15

i seriously doubt that, just sad that your parents did such a bad job.

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>just sad that your parents did such a bad job
same desu, pretty much left to my own with internet

I was actively posting when I was 7 lmao

You normies will never get it, some of us literally grew up on imageboards.

The same faggots that used to give us shit for being on the internet too much now walk around absorbed in their cia nigger spy machines all day. You normies are faggots. Hiro killed Jow Forums.

my dad was a lazy sod who wrote his passwords on the back of a picture
so getting around the site age-restriction thing he had set up back then was easy as shit

actually shit, he calls me up hoping I remember his passwords nowadays, shits' annoying

>some of us literally grew up on imageboards.
sure as shit isn't something to be proud of though, now I'm addicted to shota hentai

ISA socket

I never used a PC that did this. It was mostly if you had older machines with an AT type power supply, but I only ever ran Windows 9x on machines with ATX supplies that shut off automatically.

>sure as shit isn't something to be proud of though
It's bittersweet for sure. Breaking out of NEET habbits is pretty hard, but we have had a lot of fun over the years, wouldn't you agree user?

U r an fagguts

no u

>most of us discovered Jow Forums /b/ at age 14-15
Didn't start using until my 50th bday

Go to bed grandpa.

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old computer wants you to turn it off so you can get outside more and enjoy the sun

new computers don't want you to turn it off, so you stay hooked and miss the nice warm sun outside

i was the youngest in the family, my parents didn't even know how to turn the computer on or off
I think this was good, more freedom for me
the house were my parents domain
the computer and the internet was mine

Oldfag thread

>The Jow Forums experience in a nutshell
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

Kev cease

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Jow Forums didn't exist when i was 10

my primary school had a few of those
>tried to bring a game from home to run on it
>dos game on a dos-formatted floppy
i tried.

>tfw it will never be safe to turn off your computer ever again

Literally this.. I found /b/ when I was like 13 and edgy but ended up browsing Jow Forums and /mu/ for a majority of my teenage years .. never post much but I think Jow Forums broke how I interact with people.
> Mega sarcastic
> My opinion is the only opinion
and other /mu/ Jow Forums elitist traits

Ayyyyy! Been back here ever since I got divorced last year and also had too much time after retiring when ETH hit $50(bought the Russian hacker scam coin at 3 pennies back piece) Good to see I'm not alone in this sea of newfags. Though /b/ turned to shit

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> Tfw I've been on this site for almost 7 years now
Probably not a good thing init .. But /b/'s always been shit and haven't browsed it indepth for years now.. Seems like all it is is porn and edgy teenagers

>new computers don't want you to turn it off, so you stay hooked and miss the nice warm sun outside
old computers did the same for the people who were interested in the computer itself, and didn't just use it as a glorified telephone

>ended up browsing Jow Forums
For your sake, user, I hope it wasn't the old Jow Forums.
>>Mega sarcastic
>>My opinion is the only opinion
You'll grow out of it.

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mini will raise again

i want to die

Was in the glory days of desktop threads and when most everyone used gnu/linux
>Grow out of it
I hope so