Recent news aside, has YouTube officially gone to complete shit?

Recent news aside, has YouTube officially gone to complete shit?

It's no longer about unique, original videos, but a rush of clickbait monetization

Do we officially need a new platform?

It's really sad, was such a great site

Attached: rip.png (225x225, 5K)

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>but a rush of clickbait monetization
>Do we officially need a new platform?
A new platform can't fix this issue.
Also, this is only tangentially Jow Forums related, this thread will devolve into underage shitposting.

has YouTube officially gone to complete shit?
It's not so much a YouTube issue as it is a social issue, where shock factor now grabs attention than any other topic.
companies who like data and results once paid for legitimate results. with clickbait and awareness people are flocking away, resulting in shock factor to deliver.
nothing's going to get around that until you change the shock factor into another trend

I still find youtube extremely useful for step-by-step instructional videos on stuff like electronics disassembly or automotive repairs. I'm not a fan of the direction the site is going though, it seems like 90% of the videos being uploaded now are clickbait and lists.

the free market at work

Until the underageb& stop watching the content that they do, it will stay what it is.

Just go into other parts of youtube.

Ive never watched a video from someone with over a million subs. There are tons of people putting out good videos.

The quicker YouTube dies, the better. in a better model because its underlying structure uses IPFS to decentralise hosting, meaning that your video won't get censored.

There hard to find. It's usually to dumb luck when I find a set of good videos with about 20 views each.

>as it is a social issue
thanks Mark Zuckerberg,
why do you hate humanity so much,
you freaking lizard

having an algorithm doing everything is the problem,
give people more power to search the right videos and channels

searching for: name, description, tags, videolength(custom, not just looking for videos under 5 minutes or above 5 minutes), popularity, people who like this channel also like this channel etc...

the issue is theyre pushing shit thats in their agenda, and screwing over half decent channels

That's what every media company does though.

>blah blah clickbait blah blah monetization blah blah creativity
I'm kinda sure they didn't think people would become literal millionaires using their site in the beginning and you need to remeber g00gle took over.

>Do we officially need a new platform
Who is 'we'?
NewPipe and Hooktube exists; Who gives a fuck about g--gle apps? If you wanna make some money by streaming go over to twitch.

This. + steemit are fucking based.

Based pewdie will never die


.00001% of the userbase would ever use those features you're a fucking autist

shouldnt have to filter through everything to get to the gold

what can I use to make videos on linux nothing works

Attached: 1521691991250.jpg (680x960, 94K)

Video editing: Kdenlive or Lightworks
Screen recording: OBS

ohhh, no how awful, then maybe hide it behind an expert switch so non brainlets can get shit done
problemn solved

but you know what? there is an other reason to not implement such a thing
this is easy and is implemented in literally no time
the thing is, without all these features people have to stay longer on your website and dig through all of this shit until they find a useful video

but sure, go on and side with the people who enjoy it to waste peoples time

but that's how it works
who defines what gold is
other things are important to other human beings
you may enjoy the 10 trending videos on youtube, but i don't
so a filter is very welcome for the other 90% of the population

I use YouTube daily and I come across 0 clickbait videos. Google thinks that you belong to the clickbait trash bubble.

>clickbait monetization
Been like that since 2008, remember tits or hot grill all over videos thumbnails?

>Recent news aside, has YouTube officially gone to complete shit?
Haven't you heard?
Everyone moved to

>actually letting them bubble you

you really this dumb?

delete your cookies sometime and see what you're flooded with

YouTube officially died when Papa Franku quit.


there is a metric ton of free university lectures and some really well researched historical and technology related stuff, also recent electronic music. Like all labels are there.

It's only shit if your interests are kiddy shit

>Do we officially need a new platform?
Yes. It's not good for one organization to dominate like this. I'm surprised that no decent competitor has come along yet. Almost makes me wonder how much corruption is going on for Google to keep its place at the top and make it too difficult for competition to establish itself.

Some advice, just get a mac. Linux is great for many things, but video production is not one of them.

I think the issue is that YouTube has their "default" main page be entirely composed of trending/popular stuff. A semi-curated main page would work wonders for the site and show that they don't solely care about ad money and video quantity.

Furthermore, the "bubbling" effect that Google products have makes many people unwilling to browse YouTube regularly (aka not in incognito). I for one don't want recommendation after recommendation until the end of time based on a single fucking video. If they got rid of that, or at least allowed you to opt in/out, it'd make theie garbage main page less bothersome.

>Do we officially need a new platform?

>make neo-youtube
>first few months are like 2007-era youtube
>it becomes more popular
>all the ebin prank channels and le drama alert xdddddd """content""" """"""""creators"""""""" arrive and start uploading to both platforms simultaneously
>neo-youtube explodes in popularity
>videos start getting stolen and put on facebook only to get 500% more views and exposure than on the creator's channel
>neo-youtube becomes a mirror image of youtube

current society has devolved into a complete mess, they all want instant stimulation while turning off their brains to just absorb the random "humor" and zany gags, until that changes, any youtube replacement is doomed to become just youtube. that or it'll die of unpopularity

When are we making the blockchain technology video site???????

Attached: NKTnsOB.png (927x1027, 175K)

From technological perspective the platform is evolving like never before. You are referring to content. This is not the board to talk about who posts what videos. There is no other platform nor there is a need for another platform to watch videos online you degenerate fuck.

Check out sometime, it's pretty interesting.

Top Kek

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Youtube was better before people could make money from it. Same with the internet in general


Attached: jojo.jpg (152x166, 5K)

same with all engineering. its really sad.

> shilling

all the videos on look like the same garbage clickbait from youtube

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Face it as this user said this is what society wants and it works. Wanna go back to 2007? Hopefully a time machine will be invented but in the meantime this is the reality.

>d-demonitize youtube

Well if Patreon didn't exist id agree

>quality c-control

Users will just pay site developers to spam there videos.

If anything is a great alternative since you won't be censored.


A new platform with a new algorithm that doesn't promote clickbait could fix the issue

>he's never watched Kizuna Ai
Boy are you missing out

We've needed a new platform for a long time. You can't even post historical videos of Hitlers speeches without them getting taken down for hate speech. People aren't allowed to freely speak their minds and ad-based monetization has led videos that are perfectly acceptable pieces of work to being demonetized for absolutely insane reasons. An example is lindybeige's videos he did at the tank museum literally just talking about historical tanks with some of the workers at the museum being demonetized for featuring weapons.

Literally fuck YouTube, fuck Facebook, fuck Google. Every single one of them is an enemy of free speech and literally a danger to democracy and free thought, they don't respect your privacy either.

What you describe is a FILTER and DISCOVERY problem. Let the normalfags have theirs. A good YouTube clone would be smart enough to let you have yours, too, and not see the irrelevant content.

It's actually all libertarian/blockchain videos, I don't know where the fuck you're seeing normie clickbait.

But I hear they delete videos like a message board deletes topics that fall off. That's not good.

They pretend not to make money , preventing others from wanting to get in , you know the gold rush , and they use their pretend "lack of money" to screw everybody from content makers on the site to lawsuits to big media deals.
But you can't be the biggest social media platform and also the poorest unless you're lying or trying to fail.

>Recent news aside, has YouTube officially gone to complete shit?
A quick look at the recommendation page while you are not logged in will tell you the answer, where before it was filled with video's made by users, now it is filled by clips from TV shows and unfunny late night talk show hosts.


>Recent news aside, has YouTube officially gone to complete shit?
Was worse when that site use flash to play their videos.
>It's no longer about unique, original videos, but a rush of clickbait monetization
Most of people just want relax after the work. They don't want feel their are a victim of a conspiracy of the joos, capitalists or patriarchy. They want just silly videos.
>Do we officially need a new platform?
We a decentralized system.
>It's really sad, was such a great site
This is a nostalgia glasses, user.

and the same youtube names over and over , people who get millions of views for anything they post and don't need to be on trending at all.

I don't have a source but I read something about , that if your video gets no views , it gets removed from the system after some time , but as long as it's getting views it stays up.

I have no problems with content youtube recommends me. Maybe stop watching h3h3 and drama alert OP.

That sounds awesome. Wish youtube would do something like that.

Delete your history and cache and signout user.

The problem isn't what it recommends, it's what it doesn't. Unless you're searching for something specific it's too difficult to find small creators

>giving a shit about small creators
I give zero fucks, I'm not going on youtube to support my local indie doing it rough creators. And its not youtubes job to support them either, they can market themselves if they really want to.

Youtube has been shit for years.

I don't care about who you support, I want to find new content. Youtube is trying their best not to serve it to me and that makes it shit

>related channels
>not interested in this content
>using any other website for content aggregation
Stop using it wrong and bitching on Jow Forums

cant beat them for product reviews. its the perfect compliment to shopping online being able to see what the products are like when they are used.

They're livestreaming service may still be pretty shit but they managed to introduce a feature from the start that Twitch still doesn't have after nearly a decade; being able to god damn play back the stream.

Plug me some low popular good content you tubers

YT is full of super interesting stuff just don't search for content through trending page.

This. Useless cunts.

It's not about "supporting local indie", it's about discovering actually good channels.