What are the bare minimum requirements to get a job in "Web Development"? I don't care if it's a meme, I don't care about what you think about web development in general... I just want to know what the bare minimum requirements to start working are. I need a job.
What are the bare minimum requirements to get a job in "Web Development"? I don't care if it's a meme...
just gonna chime in here before people start assuming i'm retarded for using the word about twice in one sentence by mistake
the bare minimum is knowing somebody who can get you a job because the industry is very competitive
It depends. Are you college educated, if not do you have any programming experience? HTML, CSS, Javacript are what I would say are bare minimum. If you actually want a job though you need to learn Java. Especially if it's anything related to mobile.
I've talked to some of these "self taught web devs" that got jobs within a year and they just picked up a few udemy courses, really paid attention to the intricacies of JavaScript and their respective frameworks while building 2-3 practical projects. Then at interviews they could freely talk about everything that was in the projects and they got jobs.
Bought a udemy node and react tutorial, did the whole app and paid attention to what was going on on top of developing alongside the teacher which landed me an internship at a successful startup. However I did know the owner of the startup, the project was just a "interview project" so he didn't have to come up with some way to tell I can pickup new frameworks easily.
tl;dr: add 2-3 udemy tutorial projects to your github, make sure you know what each line of code does
for smaller projects you can check r/coolgithubprojects/
wow thanks i didn't expect someone here to actually be helpful. i guess i pay too much attention to the angry neets
you definitely need JS, the more you know the better.
HTML and CSS are also needed, more if you want to work with front end stuff.
Additional language for the backend like python, php can also help.
then write a few projects as skill demo then start looking for jobs. if you can't land a job use your spare time as 'job time' by adding more demos with greater complexity.
knowledge of networking especially the internet, database, unix/linux and tools like amazon ABCDE etc. will also help.
Glad to help. I would strongly shill for udemy tutorials. Most of the time you can get them for 10$ a pop and they pay for themselves. Right now, as I've said, I'm following a fullstack react and nodejs course thats 25 hours long and its really good. The instructor explains everything really clearly.
I've never contributed to an open source project, though.
im angry because i've been at this for years but still dont have a job
HTML, CSS, and JS.
Pic is 1/2.
As put by a wise Jow Forumsentleman:
-Not getting calls? Work on your resume.
-Not getting offers? Work on your interview skills.
Other Jow Forums boards are full of anuses, but Jow Forums is one of the most helpful places on the internet, most of the time. You can improve by asking for advice here.
Pic is 2/2/, for OP.
why doesnt typescript link to angular?
>Not getting offers? Work on your interview skills.
i cant make it past the HR normies. any technical interviews i get have went well.
>I am lacking in social skills
One major issues that techie-type people seem to forget is that you ultimately be working with other human beings. As a subordinate, colleague, or as a boss, you will be interacting with others. You might be thinking that "everyone in HR should be flayed and brined", and I would agree... but HR serves a purpose too. They filter those who may not be able to get along with others.
How well do you do in the dating scene?
>One major issues
Pleas squeeze my English, she is broked tonight.
i dont date because i dont have a career
If you worked on the skills needed to date, you would have a career.
>"so what do you do for a living?"
thats like the first question that comes out of a woman's mouth during a date
>I whine about not having a job on The Jow Forums, instead of working on my communication skills. At some point, every adult understands that communication is important, but I have not reached that point yet. How about you, what do you do?
you must be able to tango with the King...to the beat of jawa