Tech Nostalgia Thread
>Exactly 20 Years Ago to the Day Edition
Tech Nostalgia Thread
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When Windows 98 crashed and embarrassed Bill Gates on national TV.
>that loading time
it's painful to watch
today these speeds are allowed as punishment for not paying
2007 Unreal Flash used to be my favorite
It made using the internet feel meaningful and satisfying honestly.
Having a constant stream of "information" constantly assaulting you at high speed and resolution is not any better.
would be a lot less painful if multitab browsers were a thing back then.
So what holds you? You can just cap your connection.
I think it's not about slow speeds. It was about having less distractions and more focus on page's content. Because they couldn't have distractions with slow speeds.
Today it's not about content at all, it's all about "share", "react", "stay in touch" and other social network bullshit. But you know what? Back in the day some people hanged on chatrooms all day long. Same pointless socializing, same distraction. Today it's just bigger.
No one could afford to stay online for more than an hour or so at most you fucking underaged piece of shit
You could jump tabs to spend time while page loads. But otherwise, it wouldn't help much.
It's just tiresome when a page doesn't load instantly
I mean maybe not 20 years ago, but 15 or so
back in 1998—yeah
jerking off was such an adventure back then.
>search the web for pictures of celebrity bitches
>high res picture takes minutes to load
>save them on floppy and marvel proudly at your collection
Yeah things are
*downloads 10MB web font*
so much
*autoplays HD video*
better now
*JS loads from 500 different domains*
>he didn't login every few hours to his 24/7 irc bot guarding his channel
Literally the best laptop design, and the best technology design era. I just wish the build quality and OS weren't so dogshit
Netscape 7 had it
>You could jump tabs to spend time while page loads
That's why I liked tabs back then
That's bullshit
I miss doing things besides shitpost and waste time online. I only have myself to blame, but computers seem almost useless without a net connection these days. I know that they're not, but the cultural pressure that I feel about is and isn't a useful computer tells me this.
Install NetBSD with a basic window manager. It's secure, it's simple, it's lightweight, and it's easy to set up and use if you have enough brain cells to read the docs on their website.
user, get off the internet I need to make a phone call.
Yeah nah.
Why do people like you like to masturbate to technology that is more cumbersome, less efficient and just plain slower like this? It's not like appreciating obsolete physical tools and technologies, because at least they have a novelty to them. You're just romanticizing a slow internet connection that struggles with basic webpages. You "people" never actually downgrade shit anyway, you just complain.
I had not bought ms flight simulator and found my way into programming gauges. I would come to my apartment after college, sit on the edge of the bed 5 feet away with a mouse, and do pixel art pixel by pixel in silence.
I know that there's ways around it. I was just commenting on the general feelings I have about computers that have limited, but focussed, offline usage.
I know I could get one of my old laptops or computers down from the attic, and install nothing but a word processor and have a very capable and useful machine (people used to pay a lot of money for just that), but doesn't it almost seem like a waste in the modern times?
I know this doesn't fly on Jow Forums but I don't miss that crappy slow tech for a second. You can't even argue that websites were less cancerous because there were retarded gifs and flash animations with faux-3D and shadows everywhere
*Your bed catches fire*
He prefers the new tech, but he remembers with nostalgia the age he was forced to use the obsolete.
For you
Nah, I've set up pbbuttonsd so it revs up the fan to r9 290x levels if it reaches 80 degrees celsius or more, which happens quite often when watching 720p video. As for shitposting it runs passively most of the time.
Hell no. Not again. Even looking at that gives me aids. I love my symmetric 1000 connection and responsive websites.
>dat yellowed 5.25" diskette drive
Was bio student needing to remember complicated names. MS Paint provided nice quiet time for me.
Remembering the old times, it's satisfying to see how far we've come, and to laugh at how what seemed "cutting edge" at the time was still so limited in hindsight.
You'll understand once you start growing pubes.
>pixel art
post dem BMPs faget
I don't think we've come far at all. All we've done is gotten faster computers to slow down with more bloat. It's like we're on a treadmill.
mmmm. don't miss that.
>bio student
What are you doing now?
>I don't think we've come far at all.
You must not have seen VR porn yet.
I do. Everything around tech is too serious now.
A couple of dial-up ISPs in my city had a promotional free access to their own websites and a number of other local ones that lasted 5 or 10 minutes. I would open the forum and middle-click on every topic in every board that has new messages, then read the ones that loaded and compose my replies offline, then get online to post them and update the remaining topics. Compared to online browsing page by page, it was extra productive. In a way, I accessed web forum as it was a lame copy of a newsgroup or a Fidonet conference.
You youngsters don't understand the joy of finding an archive full of various FAQs from various sources bundled with something else you got. Fascinating read, no matter how irrelevant the topics were.
Never told this story, but I guess this thread is appropriate.
>only one PC with internet in parent's living room
>ISDN speed
>parents are out to visit friends, said they'll return late
>look for Neon Genesis Evangelion hentai
>have nice fap session
>about to cum
>suddenly hear the door opening down the hallway
>put dick in shorts as I hear mom coming down the hallway
>split second before putting dick in pants, a huge, long white rope shoots high over the desk and onto the screen
>mom has reached the end of the hallway and gives a quick look into the living room
>"Hello user. We've come back a bit earlier than planned."
>sees me sweating like a cotton picker slave, hectically wiping the screen with the end of my t-shirt
>somehow manage to wipe off all the cum from screen and desk before she enters the room
>"Phew.... that was close. Still made it."
>didn't realize I forgot to close the picture of Asuka spreading her legs
Oh man,... those juvenile early internet faps were like Mission Impossible every time.
My porn collection was started in 1998 or thereabouts
Looking at those pics now, many of them are basically the size of a postage stamp
Nope, it was March 1997, checked from file dates.
I still remember it. Found a folder of bdsm pics on a school computer that someone had downloaded and fucking scrambled to save them to a bunch of floppies
It was better than not having it.
Imagine how annoying porn was at 56k...
>getting mad at netscape and renaming the shortcut to nutscrape
>*downloads 10MB web font*
>*autoplays HD video*
>*JS loads from 500 different domains*
All 3 of these can be disabled or limited
these things couldn't even play gifs without chugging
Could you post a zip of the oldest pics from your collection? Would be really cool to see some vintage porn
Yep, how many times did we hear this?
Come on now, don't make me feel old. They're mostly scans from magazines, I think. Just imagine a porn mag from the 90s
I'm attaching one pic however, I remember the story being that this is from the 40s or 50s
She's not nude so should be ok for this board
either you're the underage, or your ISP was out-of-town
because in 1998, I spent hours and hours browsing the internet with AOL (largely did just go dicking around in the AOL walled garden, spent ages posting replies to shit I'd never look at again lmao)
until I got high-speed internet in 2007, I'd just open like five, six windows, go eat something and watch TV until they were done loading, and then just read through everything or play whatever flash game/animations
before WinXP came out, I'd have to hope the machine didn't lock up in the process too -- one machine was top of the line in 1994 and really showed its age by 1998, still had win95 on it, the other was a cheap shitbox that my family got in 1999 with Windows ME on it, we installed XP on it first chance
would have fucking killed for tabs (first thing I did when I got high speed internet was download Firefox)
man, I remember slowly downloading hentai off of /b/ back in 2006
I really don't miss that shit, especially since I'd have to keep reconnecting some days to AOL to get a different IP because AOL was full of retards asking for real CP and shit
and I wouldn't have cared about being unable to post, but you couldn't even browse the site with a banned IP
This. We are in the golden age of internet. But only if you're smart.
>I'd just open like five, six windows, go eat something and watch TV until they were done loading
I used to download whole sites (sans images usually) for offline reading with wget and then have my home server share them with apache. I did it at least for the Babylon 5 episode guide and some others too. Garfield and Dilbert as well.
The internet contained a lot more reading back then, it seems to me.
You fuckers had better have been alive at that time otherwise gtfo.
Were you?
Remember AudioGalaxy? It was fucking amazing when it was still active. You could have it running at home and give it download orders from your work computer. Early botnet in a way.
Then the copyright holders ruined it, as they usually do
Okay, okay. I'll stop posting it. Serious.
I used AresGalaxy like the dumb child I was.
I downloaded so many fucking songs through that piece of shit.
fonts used to look better before cleartype etc
For once the ancaps were right. Copyright and intellectual property are tools of evil
>Need to constantly clean mouse ball, it kept getting stuck anyway
>Slow startup and program loading time
>Only one computer in the household
>Noisy as fuck modem
>Charged by the minute for dial up, had to go to an internet cafe for some privacy and multiplayer LAN
Only really started heavily using the internet around 05 when I got access to ADSL and got into MMOs a little later.
Never engaged in IRC, BBS, Newsgroups and what have you. Mostly just MSN with friends and messing with the search engine.
Only time I've used newsgroups was at university a few years later for Q&A.
I must've missed out big time; likely still am by hanging around in image boards only.
>less efficient
*blocks your path*
Dumping videos, here is REGIS graphics
And now, Tektronix!
>Literally the best laptop design no.
Holy shit. My mom used to have one of those a long time ago, like 2003. I remember the school was giving them out.
Amazing little computer, that was.
Does your mom ever give you dirty looks for being such a massive faggot?
Stallman still browses the web this way.
I remember rarely being able to get through on the phone to somebody because she or her sister was always on the fucking dial-up so their phone was busy. They must have been rich then.
I cringe every time someone posts this webm.
no whenever she gives me a dirty look it's because I'm getting a bit too manly and I haven't been taking my hrt pills like a good boy
t. youngshit
> Garfield and Dilbert as well
Fug. You made me remember I've read the whole 10 years of (that was already ancient back then). Now I have another 10 years to process…
/me reads Wikipedia
Oh, well. I stopped reading right about that time.
Link of the Day archives (+comments) should probably fill these threads with content for quite some time.
How many megs of RAM Carmine?
I only get my first computer at 2003.
I’ve got 1.2 and 1.33 GHz versions of these, a little housefire-y but still kind of nice.
I’d rather have a PowerBook though.
I'll leave you a link to The Computer Chronicles, a Tv show which started on the 80's and went until 2000's
You'll never guess who is the co-host, pic related.
>not good goy
missed opportunity
I was thinking more along the lines of "good girl" but I missed that opportunity too :(
I start chat rooms on SyncTube to watch episodes of Computer Chronicles with fellow Jow Forums users, but the faggot mods always delete my threads and ban me for "advertising."
Gung'f orpnhfr gur zbqf nyjnlf rasbepr n "ab fgernzf" ivbyngrf pbclevtug ynj naq pbafrdhragyl tybony ehyr ahzore bar. Gel znxvat n fgrnygu guernq fbzrubj.
altavista was pretty good for video search, better than google vid search today, more like bing.
Not using Mosaic...
Link? Put it on pastebin. We should do more retro stuff in group on Jow Forums, other communities are already growing here.
>I don't think we've come far at all. All we've done is gotten faster computers to slow down with more bloat
You're either very young or never used computers at the time to say something that dumb.
Go find a proper old pic of AG for nostalgia. This is lazy.
Weak fiction.
Thanks for the advice. I wish the mods would just show better discretion. I my case, I always queue episodes directly off the OFFICIAL Computer Chronicles YouTube channel.
>he never put a cassette in his Commodore 64 and then went out to play for half an hour while it loaded...
And thank to those times that made me paranoid ever since, can hardly fap with both ear cups on.
For years I would only wear one earphone so I could hear if someone was coming down the hall.
>retarded gifs and flash animations with faux-3D and shadows everywhere
You don't see a lot of that nowadays with steamrolled site design for the phoneposters.
And it can be hard to go back for a minute because of all the broken images on Geocities archives.
What site is this even? Some lame blog or something? I don't even browse those and see no point to.
>10MB web font
Huh… What kind of font is that? I have a font family with 21 variety. Weighs around 1 meg.
I wonder what girls farts smelt like back then...
Agreed about slow tech, disagreed about other stuff
The old web layouts were clean and simple. You had your navbar, your underlined blue links, etc. Standard for every site.
And today's web is overdesigned to all fuck. Everyone tries to be special. And the pages are overloaded with pictures, links, etc.—it's worse than in the worst tabloids.