Trustable ?
> pic unrelated
NSA botnet
Cloudfare MITM's most of the internet anyway. Trust them or not they probably already have your info.
"Frankly, we don’t want to know what you do on the Internet — it’s none of our business — and we’ve taken the technical steps to ensure we can’t."
Yeah so does google recaptcha...
>trusting things
they indirectly state in the privacy policy that they examine your behavior on the internet in case you use it to "cause harm" (whatever that means) and keep it general enough to enable them to do whatever
I wouldn't trust "free" DNS, they're a hosting company, they gotta make their money somehow, if you think they'd let the world's entire population just use their DNS server in exchange for literally nothing then you're just naive
modern ad companies don't need your IP or other personally-identifiable information to serve you targeted ads, all they need is browsing habits and some other general information about your online behavior to be able to semi-accurately guess that it's you
they say they won't "sell" your data, but they can just hand it over and collect a % of ad revenue, they didn't get paid for the data, so they're in the clear
who do you trust more cloudflare or your ISP?
Should I trust Comcast more than Cloudflare? Should I trust either? genuine questions here desu
I don't know the ethical history of either. Even an opinionated summary would be appreciated.
ISP in all cases even if it's a scummy ISP for one simple reason - you're paying them for the service and they more than likely operate under a bunch of regulations specific to the country you live in, unlike a privately-owned hosting company in Cyprus or another tax heaven where the law don't reach easily
too centralized
>is the company founded for the sole purpose of protecting enterprise clients from anonymous attacks going to respect my privacy?
This board is fucking retarded
what are you implying here
>Windows 10
You have bigger problems to worry about.
>enterprise client that pays in thousands for the service is the same as a free user
>a shitty 2-paragraph privacy policy is just as legally binding as a contract between the enterprise client and cloudflare signed by both sides
god you're stupid
Saying they don't sell your data is bunch of weasel words. Google and facebook don't sell your data, they just make decisions based on your data, act as a mediator between you and the ad buyer. With cambridge analytica incident there was no selling of data, facebook gave it for free. Cloudflare isn't selling the data, they are going to keep it for themselves and use it themselves as competitive advantage.
Sounds reasonable enough on the surface. However, no one posted a Wireshark analysis or anything remotely close to it. Which DNS provider do you recommend?
Try reddit faggot
Eh, I'd probably trust them more than my ISP, but that's not saying much.
What are you even talking about dumb cunt
Are you mentally challenged?
great post, friendo! what a great meme!
but seriously, does anybody have any comments to share on the backgrounds of either company?
What is wrong with you two? You don't trust that particular DNS provider and I agreed with you. Where's the mystery?
>trusting Americans with your DNS
lmao go for it
>type out a summary for me because I’m too fucking stupid to do my own research
I’m serious, reddit is probably more your speed
>wireshark analysis
Are you actually fucking retarded? What does that have to do with cloudflares provacy policies? Do you know what wireshark does? Do you know what DNS is?
Meant for
It's fucking Cloudflare.
It doesn't matter if they are trying to protect your privacy with this DNS as 90% of your daily internet traffic gets routed through them anyway.
Cloudflare is CIAniggers. They DDOS, extort, then spy on everybody. This is common knowledge.
You, with many others implied that their services can data mine you and offered no evidence of unusual network activity (hence the mention of Wireshark). I agreed with your reasoning regardless and asked you for alternatives. Nothing puzzling here.
Do you know what a DNS is?
>trusting anything or anybody
No DNS provider is trustable. At least though they are fast.
This unironically is the best response in this thread. Nothing is secure anymore. You can try your best but come'on all this shit is compromised.
I have nothing to really hide, but I'm mostly concerned with identity theft at this point and ways to mitigate those kinds of attacks. Two factor auth helps a lot with most regular login shit not because it is unbreakable but because it is more of a pain in the ass then the lazy nigs that don't use it which are now low hanging fruit.
>using DNS
Can be entirely avoided by keeping an up to date hosts file
My ISP is not allowed to log shit in my country, by law.
Well, except for the assigned IP/client for 2 years.
install BIND
What am I looking at?
regular kek
Who pays for DNS?
Nobody supports secure DNS so you should use DNS over https.
They're loan sharks of the modern age.
this is run by the same company whose reverse proxies spewed private data unencrypted all over the internet
It's amazing how quickly people forgot about that catastrophe
You guys should really learn to install and use your own resolver on every box you use
plus dnscrypt for maximum comfiness
You're retarded, their business is hosting and preventing DDOS attacks, if you're DDOS'ing their shit using their DNS of course they'd fuck with you. I can't believe retards like you actually browse this board.
>baby's first recursive nameserver
You're only resolving, not hosting, user
>slave mode
See prev comment
People using wildcards unironically ought to be shot
>split horizon
uses dns-over-http not dnscrypt protocol
That privacy policy seems actually pretty good.
Of course you can't 100% trust they or somebody else aren't going to abuse something, but at least it'd probably be a crime to do so, right?
If was Applel's privacy policy, they'd just sell your data and you probably couldn't even win a lawsuit in burgerland.
I'm using an OpenNIC no-log dns, but cloudflare's is insanely fast
Should I switch, or should I stay?
And why? No memes
>implying I'll get any answer
>using dns from a company whose ceo randomly dropped a client because he woke up one morning and decided to do so
nice argument
>t. cloudflare employee
t. muh (((pol))) memes
ze shills xdddd
just kys
>Jow Forums. Jow Forums. Jow Forums!!!!!
>literally proves my point
Woah, must feel bad being such a retarded newfag
>trust us
>we're cloud flare
>we're a middleman for a good number of the traffic in the US
>we also own data centers everywhere
>literally everyone
>t. actual newfag
t. nigger
some sites dont load with it and pornhub is lagging
Trips of truth: Trust no one.
tell your dad to stop fapping, then, retard is insanely fast for me, still can't either trust or distrust it (so i use other things)
This board is as usueless and autistic as pol
even b can give better advice
stfu faggotlord, after I switched to normal dns everything loaded and pornhub stopped lagging
after I switched to tel aviv jew overlords hq's dnss everything got unlocked for me, it all lagged so much before, stop shilling
? kys
>being such a newfag you can't even reply properly
But that's cause I live in Serbia, so the police don't even know what the DNS or ISPs are.
Nor does the ISP know what's DNS.
And the idea of them keeping logs is laughable
"You want to pay more for storage to store logs ???" "Store them at your house"
You type like a faggot who is not from here
umad, faggot?