Is this still the best mobile workstation around?

Is this still the best mobile workstation around?

Attached: rog-ryzen-gaming-laptop.jpg (1667x989, 103K)


it's nice however

>gaming laptop
Pick one
If you care about actually having a workstation got get a Lenovo P51 or something

>only 4 cores
not enough
don't need it

>is this still...
It has never been, probably will never be


Lol dont want

>wanting Polaris in 2018
>wanting Polaris in a laptop

>Lenovo P51
compares a 4 core with an 8 core

the state of delusion on Jow Forums

Don't care, I don't PC game nor CAD monkey.

>mobile workstation


Depends on whether a micro-ATX Threadripper build would fit your use case.

some people don't sit at home all year long

But why not? It's where all my stuff is.
Also I do have a laptop I use for things.
I call it a laptop because I'm not trying to market anything.

How would you cool 180W in a laptop?

I'll have to leave this kind of thing to ASRock. Micro-ATX is good start.

threadripper dosen't get as hot as x299 chips
but still to hot for a laptop

Attached: 1519244261566.jpg (1280x960, 183K)

im so fuckin tired of PC gaming

Why the fuck does gamer aesthetic still exist?
Who even likes this shitty look?

Attached: 1476822719001.jpg (209x233, 8K)

Jow ForumsenZ kids will buy anything that has the gamer label.

I hate the gamer look for hardware. They all look like the shitty toys no one wanted as a kid.

Don't worry, only nv crap with have it from now on with GPP.

It's definitely the best at getting around 90 minutes of battery life, that's for sure.

>living in the third world without ready access to electricity everywhere

>he doesn't realize that laptops branded as "gaming laptops" have the best price:performance ratios, the best cooling and are the only laptops sold nowadays with half decent GPUs for under $2000

Blatently hating on anything with the word "gaming" has blinded you

Its more the stupid logo really. What even is that. an angry squinting eye?
It should just say ASUS.

True, but sorry the red outlined wasd keys is too much. You arent wrong. But a man has limits

>hes too poor to buy a razor blade memeing laptop