I dont understand how they could build such huge pyramids over 2000 years ago?

i dont understand how they could build such huge pyramids over 2000 years ago?

Attached: pyramids.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

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we meta


Strong slave muscles.

>over 2000 years ago
a bit more than that

The egyptians who built the pyramids were as ancient to romans as romans are to us now

out of all available materials, material composites, purified elements, metamaterials, nanobot replicators etc etc etc. why in the name of asgardia would they use rock

literally rock. aliens... using rock

i know you're shitposting but can you think about this for 1 second and give me a rational explanation why someone would think that's the case

Attached: noahs-ark-obviously-alien.jpg (304x266, 14K)

stack one rock onto the other

How do you get a rock 100 ft up?

to cut rocks you drill some aligned holes, hammer some wood sticks into the holes and soak it so it expands inside, then you hammer that shit and it will break in straight line

to move the rocks you wrap ropes around them and have people use the weight of the rock to literally rock it side to side and move that shit, or use pulleys and levers and cars when you can

to do the work you need to mobilize society around it, hire slaves, make the whole thing move towards its construction and wait a few to several decades

all of that is quite old knowledge and discovered by several people in different places, and it was like so not only because they were capable to do it, but also out of specific necessities of each people, even if a symbolic social necessity

the most famous pyramids of egypt are not just over 2000 years old, they are roughly 4500 years old, cleopatra is closer to us in time than she is to the pyramids

While yo whitebois wur still cavedwellerz we wuz the epitome of culture boi!

Because they weren't aliens from another world they were aliens to the land whose civilization was wiped out

>to move the rocks you wrap ropes around them and have people use the weight of the rock to literally rock it side to side and move that shit, or use pulleys and levers and cars when you can
None of those work you stupid mimbo

Attached: fig6_p.gif (573x230, 11K)

Rope, free labor, math and time

Apparently in large parts not slaves but seasonal workers.

>ancient Egyptians

Select one

If it wasn't for America ancient Egypt would be speaking alluh allbar right now.

Considering it’s still standing after tens of thousands of years I’d say they made a solid choice. You don’t need the artificial when god has already provided natural perfection in abundance

>there's still people who think that works
So go ahead and simulate it, or explain it in detail

Then go ahead and tell EVERYONE in the scientific community how you solved something everyone worked on for hundreds of years in a matter of seconds

why not? isn't that a lever?

Slaves. Actual slaves that got whipped to death and worked 24/7 unlike lazy American niggers that got it easy.
kys nigger

t. brainlet
That was solved hundred of years ago mongloid.

Because it doesn't fucking scale that's why

It works for a few levels tops then you're out of luck & Pharaoh has you fed to crocodiles

[Citation needed]

nice digits

They have an unhealthy obsession with rocks

source: the pyramids


In the words of that fat balding redhead american comic: just throw death and human suffering at it until it's done

>how did they build the pyramids
>look, it's the pyramids
>yeah but how did they build it
>look at the fucking pyramids
>but how did they fucking build it
>they're there!!!!
I don't even

Jesus Christ, Marie. They're minerals.

its just cgi for the asethetic

You make a big pile of sand and then you sweep the sand away when you are done. Inclined planes are one of the 7 simple machines that make work easy.

Wat. The scientific community can do this with rope pulleys and other methods. AFAIK we only dont have conclusive proof which of the obvious methods they actually used.

>implying rock outlasts alien meta-materials
They can space travel. Space fucking travel

Do you even comprehend the amount of energies that their materials must be able to withstand, absorb and/or deflect?

Try pushing a rock to warp speed. See how that goes. Yeah

Attached: Thor.jpg (461x576, 27K)

They had help from ancient aluminums.

>6 simple machines
doh... bumaybe there is another and those dead wops were wrong

You are assuming that our current scientific paradigm won't be as laughable to our future kin as alchemy is to us.

>hey look there are proof that egyptians used thousands of paid workers on a daily
>there are itineraries that show a workers pay and schedules
>there's remains and ruins of the tools they used to build them
>"NOOO you fucking liberal they were build by Americans slaves and stolen American materials, you are just spilling leftist propaganda faggot cuck REEEEE we don't how they were build"

>he doesnt' understand how much sand you would need for this

doesnt' work. the most credible theory is the inner spiral theory made by some french architect and even that has many problems, most of which remain unsolved.

You don't get it. that's rock ET science.

slave labor for your god king is a hell of a drug

Without one mad genius and/or ancient aliens, gl

>Slaves. Actual slaves that got whipped to death and worked 24/7 unlike lazy American niggers that got it easy.
This is wrong.

>Slaves. Actual slaves that got whipped to death and worked 24/7 unlike lazy American niggers that got it easy.
slaves did not work on the pyramids, that's just some stupid myth. the people working on it were paid, it was basically like a state project.

>slavery 2000 years ago: pyramids, temples, ancient warships, walls dozens of kilometers long

>slavery today: iphones, scavenging for diamonds, building cheap skyscrappers in the middle east

What went wrong?

> doesn't work
Wat, even shitty low level funding academic projects managed to come up with pulleys strong enough to move the regular size stones.

And 3.8cm diameter rope with >8ton strenght. If we needed to, we could do it with pulleys. Maybe not the best variant to build faster, but could be done.

>>hey look there are proof that egyptians used thousands of paid workers on a daily
>>there are itineraries that show a workers pay and schedules
>>there's remains and ruins of the tools they used to build them
>>"NOOO you fucking liberal they were build by Americans slaves and stolen American materials, you are just spilling leftist propaganda faggot cuck REEEEE we don't how they were build"
I took you seriously until I realized you're from Go back there and never return

You too

It's one thing to pull a stone, it's quite another to build a fucking pyramid. You're way off dudebropersonguy

Remember the shit you used to do when you had no phone and a sand box?

You mean pretend I was a lion and bitting the ass of every kid I met because autism?

Yeah. Think of the pyramids the same way.


Attached: IMG_20180404_195432.jpg (957x936, 173K)

Nice fonts

Y'all unironically need to play Pyramid: Challenge of the Pharaoh's Dream NOW.

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Pyramid funfacts:

One of the primary current theories about how they moved the blocks up the pyramid is that they built an internal ramp within the stones of the pyramid. An external ramp would have required ridiculous amounts of dirt to get stones all the way to the top. I think there was some ultrasound/radar something that lent credence to this recently, but it's been a while and pyramids were never my specialty.

Also, what is correct. Pyramid building was not done by slaves but by draft labor. You'd get called up from your farm to work for the king's construction projects, and sometimes that was actually a good gig--it was a lot of labor, but it meant a steady supply of food, where farming could mean that you'd get a bad flood and nearly starve to death. (There's even records of the draft laborers at one point going on strike because they wanted more beer and makeup.)

Its one thing to make a piece of cast iron and another to make the eiffel tower, yet this was something the frenchies made on the side for a national exhibition.

Turns out that if you own ancient egypt and have more time and this is more of a nation level project in the nth iteration (hint, they built more than one), you can pull a whole lot of stones up a stone ramp and structure.

Ha, faggots.

Have you tried asking /sci/?

Attached: 1407658187450.jpg (800x532, 182K)

This guy seems to have come upon on some working ways how to move massive bricks by himself with primitive tools.

Now thousands of workers doing the same is a fucking lot of massive bricks being moved around, even for such a massive structure.

You build it similar to a pit mine but in reverse. So instead of a massive incline over a relatively short distance you're pushing (or rolling it on logs) over a much larger distance but a much more gradual incline. Since labour was free minus room and board, and this was a testament to the gods, man hours didn't really matter much

Attached: open-pit-mine-25617705.jpg (1300x957, 318K)

They're too busy masturbating over which one has the highest IQ

/sci/ has literally gone to shit

Forgot the link


>you can pull a whole lot of stones up a stone ramp and structure
How is the question, just saying that it can be done is insufficient and inconclusive, not to mention possibly wrong

Ancient Egyptian makeup actually helped protect the eyes in the sun, similar to how football players will put black grease paint on their cheeks to reduce glare.

Someone worked out the math for how much dirt you'd need to build an incline up to the top of the Pyramid of Khufu and it seems like a prohibitively large amount of dirt. Which isn't to say that it's not possible, but it would be much more economic to build the ramp into the pyramid itself, a la

i remember watching this. it's neat but i doubt that will work on anything other than hard flat surfaces like concrete.

I’m pretty sure there’s no need for a giant glorified burial chamber to ever be made out of something that needs to withstand warp speed. It just needs to exist in its current environment. What better material to use than the stuff the planet itself is made out of naturally? If we assume aliens made it and assume they’re vastly more intelligent then I refuse to believe, at the very least they would be so environmentally unconscious as to rape the earth for paper mache building materials as we do.

Brick & mortar was built on site according to the book of Exodus.

Egyptians were so fanatical that they worked on stuff like pyramids whenever they weren't farming, as a society.

I understood that reference!

The reasons why pyramids were made of stone is actually pretty interesting. Before Egyptians even began building pyramids, they built structures called mastaba for their burial instead. (The use of mastaba continued well after they started building pyramids too, primarily for elite non-royal burials.) Mastaba were meant to be like a palace for the deceased king, so they had a similar palace facade and were built out of mud-brick, which is what the palaces themselves were built from. The problem with mud-brick is that even if you bake it, it deteriorates over time, but stone deteriorates much more slowly. So because Egyptian kings wanted an everlasting palace to live in after their death, they began to build mastaba in stone instead of mud-brick. Mastaba led directly to the development of the pyramid (through the Step Pyramid of Djoser) and so pyramids were also built in stone, in order to be everlasting.

What's interesting is that while dynasties throughout Egyptian history built pyramids, they soon learned that it was much easier to pile up a ton of rubble and put casing on the outside to make it into a pyramid than to bother with dragging all those stones up into place, so there are a ton of pyramids now that are just piles of rubble, because people came and took off the valuable casing stones and they collapsed.

Yes, that's what Dubai calls their slaves too.

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Egyptian construction projects operated on draft labor. Whether or not you consider conscription to be slavery, it's not the same thing as chattel slavery, which is what most people think of when they hear 'slavery'.

We have a little lower bar for what gets called a slave than what's traditionally considered a slave. From what I read the seasonal workers were farmers who paid part of their taxes off-season in labour. Could be wrong and outdated but that's what I remember reading.

We go in space too, and have various composites and exotic materials, and yet... our tombstones are made of stone

Really makes you think


How you do this un that time.

(pic related)

Attached: pi_diagram_0.jpg (500x519, 55K)

So assuming aliens, this was like an alien hobby project?

Because even if they would use rock, they'd do everything with such precision it would be immediately obvious it's alien upon first sight

With pulleys and levers you fucking imbecile, he already answered you


>they'd do everything with such precision it would be immediately obvious it's alien upon first sight
Exactly, this proves it wasn't aliens

basic math, it's piss easy. if you can mark a rope you can find pi.

also, they fucked up the angles at least twice before the great pyramid

Attached: Snefru%27s_Bent_Pyramid_in_Dahshur.jpg (2592x1944, 2.07M)

you sir are a gentleman and a scholar

dude the pyramids are a gas station for alien space shits

Doesn't fucking work

It will work for first few levels, after that you're shit out of luck because physics will start to work against you. You need at the very least an external ramp to keep it going (almost impossible) or, more likely, an intricate system of inner ramps and pulleys (still weird because barely any evidence)

Jew magic

theyve found evidence of an internal spiral ramp

All the rocks are rough and the corridors aren't evenly shaped, very few perfect 90 degree angles

Think of it this way.
A single ork is just a mindless brute, bested easily by the enemies. Then comes along a strong ork with leadership and planning capabilities. He controls the lesser orks and achieves great things.

The same thing happened in IRL, more or less. Just replace orks with niggers and the warboss with egyptians

Attached: waagh__huh__good_god_yall__by_inkydinkywho-d9xig4a.jpg (798x1001, 112K)

Almost no slaves actually worked on the pyramid, they were paid to do it and not forced to

Yeah but it's inconclusive, there's serious problems with the theory like the lack of notches on right places and so on. Still interesting and plausible though

the only way for them to confirm it is to basically rip parts of the pyramid away and thats never going to happen

Heh, that looks much smaller at first glance than it actually is. That little staircase is three stories high

Simple, those in power now want only personal benefit and not the glory of the country they're governing like in the old days

Back then every country had to fend for itself, mostly, and architectural wonders were built either to have bragging rights or to defend against enemies (the great wall of china is a great example)

Nowadays we're basically a global village and nothing matters beyond having a ton of cash for personal use

From what I understand the government doesn't even allow a passive investigation due to some bullshit reasons

> hire slaves