
> More features than any other browsers.
> Very customizable.
> Based on the blink-engine aka chromium. Therefore fast and can run chrome-extensions.

.......... is full of bugs and slow.

GG, well played. Good job. Very nice.


Attached: 3.jpg (620x485, 26K)

Not really. Microsoft Edge is crap compared to it.

>Microsoft Edge

Attached: make me beautiful.jpg (976x663, 61K)

>is full of bugs and slow
Not sure what you mean, I'm using vivaldi and I have yet to experience a bug, and the browser is as fast as any

For me, I have cursor bug, hanging tab-thumnail and have experienced forced shutdown with many tabs and windows up very rarely.

The cursor bug is the most annoying. It goes invisible without no fucking reason.

+ SJW botnet

Hm. Yeah none of those are happening to me. I'm on Gentoo 4.15.15 with vivaldi 1.14.1077

The interface is absolute dog shit and unresponsive even compared to Furrycux. Comparing it to Opera 12 is an absolute joke.

kill yourself

>I don't know how to into computers
>people who do should kill themself
Yeah, I'll get right on that bud.


Aren't those the usual snapshot/beta bugs?
I had some of those, but never with the stable branch.

I unironically have fewer bugs in Vivaldi than I do in Chrome. Especially youtube.

I've had them in both stable and snapshot.
Also in Linux/GNU as well as Windows.

I currently use it on both windows and linux, and have had no such issues

Which Linux/GNU distro and DE are you using?

same here.

Can you finally edit your bookmarks via the bookmarks bar or do you still have to use the bookmark manager?

This is literally the one thing that keeps me using other browsers.

Nice quints

Attached: OU5mZtv.jpg (450x800, 101K)

I can create, delete, and modify bookmarks in the side-bar bookmark thing. I don't know what else you could be referring to. Hope this helps
thanks bud

Ah right, there is this Side Panel. Tbh I never use it - I was referring to the (optional) bookmarks bar below the address bar.

Gentoo confirmed for official operating system of Jow Forums

Better get compiling, kiddo


Lichess board highlighting breaks with vivaldi
Can't ever use it because of it.

No reason for me to switch from Firefox.

I don't think you can, rightclicking still opens the link which is super annoying.

I've used vivaldi on windows and mint and it never had any bug. Maybe its your machine.

you forgot