Why the fuck doesn't anyone release good, FREE software anymore...

Why the fuck doesn't anyone release good, FREE software anymore? every time I download a program or app of some kind there's always a catch, e.g. "to use this feature you'll need to pay $60 for the premium version!", or there'll be surveys and ads attached to it etc

Can't you just make something good and release it for free with no strings attached? Why does everything have to be about making money?

Attached: efd.jpg (600x584, 29K)

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>program or app

fuck off faggot

If something's REALLY good as you say, then it's worth money. Most people aren't really into charity. We're all self-interested people who have to feed ourselves and put a roof over our heads.

The only exception is open-source software, which I suppose counts as charity, but since it's free, well you know the saying, "beggars can't be choosers." You'll get some good stuff, and a lot more garbage. Krita for example is great for digital art, I won't even use Photoshop even though I can afford it. But there are a lot of examples of shitty open source software that just aren't up-to-par with their commercial counterparts.

People without business sense don't have the skill to make good things. Intelligence is a linear scale.

>why aren't people my personal slaves

Attached: 1502781639440.png (323x335, 183K)

what would you call it then?

I'm not asking anyone to be my slave, I'm just saying, do something fucking charitable for once. You can still put your name on it and advertise yourself, just stop trying to make a quick buck with every little thing you do

Must suck being 100% dependent on the charity scraps of others. Don't you wish you were a little more self-sufficient?

cause people need to feed themselves?
$60 is excessive tho

you're missing the point, it's not about the money. It's about the intent. Why must everything be about making money/furthering yourself?

You have no clue how much charity they do. For all you know they work in a soup kitchen and spend most of their time helping the poor, but the only way they can feed themselves is selling some software.
>makes a little money

Nothing is free... BUT, I agree that every tiny fucking bit of work done by anyone, (particularly new work entrants), nowadays expects praise. Society doesn't infer a sense of self worth anymore, you need it provided or validated; eventual subscription service.

It's their's, they can greed it if they like. I do understand you're perspective though. Yes it is shit.

Name one piece of software that is not free (as in free beer)

fuck off you money grubbing faggot

don't get me wrong, I understand that people need to feed themselves and obviously I value their work. I just don't think every little piece of software needs to become a fucking money making scheme. Like, I downloaded some video conversion software the other day for free and they were asking for $120 to unlock the premium version. I mean, 120 dollars for a fucking video conversion, what a joke

Find a FOSS equivalent if one exists
If that doesn't meet your needs, find one that is "free" but datamines you.
If that doesn't exist, find one with ads that you don't mind
If that fails, stop being a faggot and pay for something.
Or you can actually learn programming and make it yourself and release it.

Program. What the fuck is an "app"?

Sounds like your just mad you can't have something for free
This user had a point and you just start insulting him with no real argument other then 'plz be a nice person and put it for free because that's what nice people do'

kill yourself

Because free software are made for GNU/Linux now. Switch to GNU/Linux and software will be free.

fuck off jew

So even you can't justify the stupid name.

no, you're just autistic desu desu

I am what? o.O

Apps are programs on smartphones

Have literally never had this problem, what are you trying to do that requires a $60 program?

>implying you cunt make money on free software

if you can't find anything good, why not make it?
then you'll understand why

Easier to sell things to retards with degrees in management than it is to people with brains.

If you want good free software, you should look for free as in freedom and not free as in free beer software. The reason for this is that if someone just wants to make good software without the intention of making money, they are also likely to release it under a free or open source license.
>inb4 people posting examples of free software they perceive as shit
You should realize that all freeware being shit && some free software being good != all free software being good.

>I'm not asking you to be my slave, I'm just asking you to work for free in exchange for... Err... Recognition...?

fuck off jew, not everything needs to be a money making scheme

Yeah, but not everyone likes to work for free either.

Only time I bought proprietary software was Office 2016, DroidEdit (bought with amazon coins that I had with my knidle hdx now the .apk is on all my devices), and Sublime Text but it wasn't required (I just really like how editor works on all OS'd including the plugins (no fuss required.))

Office, DroidEdit, and Sublime Text.

Classic Shell is amazing but dev gave up on it

But its free, and open source so i think you should go fix it so i can use it for free.

Unironically quit being poor, retard. You're not entitled to anyone else's work.
>12 year old De'Traivus can't afford to pay for a $2
>walk into restaurant
>ey yo gimme a burger
>what? Not free? Oh hell naw! Gimme yo manager
For your sake, I really do hope you're just a retarded nig. Otherwise you have no excuse

Just fork it and make your own of whatever it is you want.

it's not about the money dipshit, if I wanted to buy these programs I would. It's about the intent. If your only intent is to make money rather than actually provide a good product, you're a dumb jew

The only way good, "free" software becomes economically feasible is if YOU are the product (Google, Faceberg, etc.) i.e. selling and profiting from your data.

>devs must do thing because I said so
Just don't buy it and stop whining then. I mean, you don't even seen to think that the software is good, so what's the point.

>I am a money grubbing jew

Literally shove a knife in your throat

Free as in 0 bucks or free as in foss? There is decent foss software, you can also always modify foss software. Free as in 0 bucks (proprietary) is either malware or basically kind of a very limited preview until you pay the full price.

Yeah I'm sure you don't work thinking about money, you just want to be a "good professional" or whatever right?
You're not even a freetard at this point, you're straight up a commie.

> Write open source program
> Have shit teir plebs open 100's off issues like "doesn't work"
> Fix for free
> Provide 1000's hours dev time
> Have vmWware fork your program make $$$
> The end

there's a difference between having to make a living and nickel and diming people like a cunt jew even when it's unnecessary

>not as in beer
well yeah but when something is open source pirating is as easy as compiling no?

Quit trying to be pedantic hipsters, people have been calling them apps for short, decades before smartphones even became prevalent. Read up on 'killer apps'

Attached: appi.png (657x300, 29K)

>ust stop trying to make a quick buck with every little thing you do

but im dead poor so i have to do it like that and so does like 80% of the planet's population. US Boomer ethics are not coming back, get used to it i guess

if you didn't want this to happen, use a license that satisfies your wants. if there is none, make one.

then get a real job and stop trying to make money off the software you made in your mom's basement you fucking retard

why not both?

>get a job!
>not that one

Well i have stopped for the most part and now I work - for money, which the company gets from users. What is so hard to grasp about this?

because that's a jew move, just release the software for free and stop being such a cunt

making video conversion programs and slapping on surveys/ads/premium fees isn't a real job

super f4

>isn't a real job.
If it helps to pay your bills, who cares?

So write your own converter then if its so easy that it doesnt even qualify as a job?

What specific software?

Here is a good list, what more do you need?

I care because I don't want to pay $120 for a program that took you 20 minutes to create

I don't even bother pirating this garbage anymore, if there are premium fees attached to a piece of software that took you zero effort to create, I refuse to use it

I shouldn't have to, it should be freely available

I'm really surprised at the backlash in this thread kek, with all the linuxfags on Jow Forums I didn't realize you were all jews looking to make a quick buck

>making video conversion programs and slapping on surveys/ads/premium fees isn't a real job

You yourself are the real reason for the problem. If people would just acknowledge somebodys work fairly, things would be much cheaper. However, according to you only the top 1% of most creative and devoted people even deserve a living wage with what they work on. And that is the real reason why everything outside enforced monetisation is kill

Jews infiltrated software market. Just like with music, movies, cars, you name it - they take over and make it about milking consumer to the death. Not even delivering a product, just making money.

Do you like to work for free?

what? are you some kind of communist ?

>However, according to you only the top 1% of most creative and devoted people even deserve a living wage with what they work on

of course this is true you fucking retard

why should I pay for anything but the best? why do you deserve $100+ for a program you built in your mother's basement in 30 minutes? This is the reason why I torrent indie games and buy AAA studio games at full-price.

yes, because I'm passionate about the work I do and I'm not a jew

>with all the linuxfags on Jow Forums
most the linuxqueers here aren't actual FOSS advocates, they just got meme'd into using the OS to feel superior

>I care because I don't want to pay $120 for a program that took you 20 minutes to create
Don't pay then you fucking idiot.

I wouldn't even call myself a FOSS advocate in most cases, like, if you put a lot of time and effort into something of course you deserve to be compensated. i'm just sick of downloading trivial programs, like for example a Flashlight app on a smartphone or something, and being inundated with ads, surveys, and premium fees

I mean what the fuck happened to just delivering a good product, not because you want money but because you want to make people's lives a little bit easier?

I don't, what I usually do is email the creator and call him a jew cunt

That's not as bad as anyone wanting a subscription now.

What happened to just buying a fucking license?

what a fucking thread holy fuck

I'm the opposite on this one, I can't believe how much good FREE software I've used over many years. And some give away quality shit for students as well, like jetbrains!

or here's another example, downloading a wallpaper, setting it as your desktop background and spotting a little watermark in the corner "Johnny'sAwesomeWallpapers.com"

can't you just design the fucking wallpaper, upload it and forget about it? Fucking money grubbing, attention whoring pieces of shit

what would be the point in that?
First you're mad people demand money.
Now you're mad they don't demand money but recognition.

usually those jew wallpaper sites ask you to pay money for higher resolution versions, so no it's the same thing

You can't demand people to do their art for free and not even be credited m8. It's usually pretty easy to remove it tho.

yes I can, if you're a good enough artist you shouldn't have to resort to getting recognition/money off your fucking wallpaper designs

so whats the problem then? they are usually like 3$ anyway.

Also I have to disagree with your charity begging scheme. I will never work for any free software or any type of open source whatever if there is nothing in it for me. I did a 3 month unpaid internship once that didn't result in me getting hired, so I consider that to be enough charity for a lifetime.

>if you're a good enough artist you don't have to resort to make money with your art
You're not making any sense.

People like you OP make me with absolutely no free software or the possibility to pirate would exist.

Fuck off

Attached: ppp.jpg (385x385, 27K)

you make money with your art by being commissioned by others to do new works, not selling your garbage online as desktop backgrounds

I bet if I posted this thread anywhere else people would adamantly agree with me, but Jow Forums is full of poor 85 IQ curries who scrape by in life by making video conversion software in their mother's basement, just fucking lol

>you make money with your art by being commissioned by others to do new works, not selling your garbage online as desktop backgrounds
Except you just used an example of someone who did exactly that...?

being commissioned to make something new is different from posting your own work online and e-begging

Yeah, and both are legitimate ways of making money out of your art.

yeah if you're an e-begging pathetic scum of the earth talentless hack

Just call them games. Because you're not going to do anything productive with them anyway.


Software developer here.
I cost around 200 Euro to "work" 1 hour. Most of the time I'm not even working kek. Just drinking coffee with coworkers. We laugh at beggars like you lol.

damn what do you develop? 200 an hour sounds like consultant fees to me.

>yeah if you're an e-begging pathetic scum of the earth talentless hack
You mean, like you?

I'm none of those things though

I said cost not paid.

Are you daft? People making money on free software is literally what OP is complaining about.

Attached: unrelated, although you are definitely a faggot and probably like traps.jpg (640x822, 65K)

The vast majority of the population is ok with artists getting paid for their work, even if they do pirate shit. You're just looking for a particular subset of autists.

I don't understand FOSS vs Free and why I should only go for FOSS? can someone who is a FOSS advocate tell me whats so shady about someone who prefers not to share their source code but give their complied program for free? This is how I picture you FOSS advocates:

I discovered a great way to brew a beer, I prefer to keep this method to myself but share my beer freely and offer it to people:

>Hello Mr Stallman, would you like to have some of my beer? Its free of course.
>Before I accept your beer, can you tell me how you made it?
> Well no, I would prefer not to tell you my methods, but I assure you, it is only water, barley, hops, and yeast. You are free to test and analyze it if you're worried.
>Well that's not good enough, I must know all the steps you used to make your beer before I guzzle it.
>Ok well then you don't have to have it Mr Stallman and I will go ahead and leave you alone now.

>I don't understand FOSS vs Free and why I should only go for FOSS?
The point of FOSS is to have software that respects you freedoms, not to have software that is free as in beer. You may not agree with it but that's usually their point. (although there are a lot of people like OP who just don't like to pay for things)

commercial application has an open source version

sitting in some
and all you have to do is clone and build it

Yes you are.

Attached: the two genders.png (311x301, 87K)

Another dumb frogposter.

jump off a bridge desu desu