M-m-muh privacy!

>m-m-muh privacy!
who cares lol
if you arent a pedophile with kiddie porn on his computer then you need not worry
google and chrome is used in 90% of the respectable tech world
no amount of crying on Jow Forums is gonna change that lol

Attached: google2.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


user, please post your real name. After all, you need not worry as long as you're not dealing in cheese pizza.

Marcus Washington
what are you gonna do with my information fatass lol

Why the fuck do you have to have the same name as some famous football player? (Of course, that's not your real name, but I'll play along.)

t. Jewgle shill who downplays privacy

your credit card information is required to make this post; please include with your home address, birth name and a hi res photo of your retina

>lol nothing to hide nothing to fear lmao
Don't you have some Tide pods to eat, kid?

>I can't make use of it so it has no use for anyone

Attached: 46a.png (645x729, 97K)

Nice try CIA nigger.

>Why do you care about free speech? If you have nothing to say you have nothing to worry about

good bait
i expect this to reach atleast 50 before the mods shit it down

Now post your name, address, IP, credit card number, ssn, and everything you've ever looked at on the internet

Privacy is only for pedos, right?

I half agree that nothing really all that bad seems to happen by giving up your privacy to corporations and governments - but that's just right now. How can you know what's going to be used against you for whatever bullshit reason in the future?

Oh, you don't care about your privacy?

Please post your timestamped pic, along with your verified name, address, phone number, place of work, social media accounts, emails, and passwords. Thanks.

Its not even about what can happen. Its the principle of having control over your personal data.

Actually OP is right, and google doesn't steal info on you, you rather give them the information so they don't have info on your deep person but on the person you show to the world, it's a whole difference.

Its not stealing when you accept their ToS and allow them to scan your pc and collect browsing data without any way to opt-out.

That's such a basic and stupid reaction. Giving your info for anyone to see on the internet is different than giving it to private companies, i which nobody looks at them anyway.

>Giving your info for anyone to see on the internet is different than giving it to private companies

Attached: WasOnlyPretending.jpg (651x1600, 262K)

Yea, we all know how safe it is in their hands...

Reminder that the people on OPs side are commie movie stars/musicians (aka people who never had to learn anything on their own and are uneducated in every field instead of acting/music) and those have proven to be quite the pedophiles in the last few months.

>just because I charge people to fuck my boypussy doesn't mean I'm a whore

Of course our private data is safe! These are banks, insurance companies, government departments... they never get hacked!

Attached: Untitled.png (1392x3920, 925K)

You're glowing in the dark real hard right now, nigger.

You should worry if you've ever disagreed with a sjw because then you're just as bad as a kiddieporn hoarder in the eyes of google

yea, random people on the internet are probably more aware of data security than private companies
it's not like essentially every single fucking big "hack" was the result of someone using an ancient as fuck vulnerability against a corporate target.
Oh wait equifax's security was so full of holes it was a disaster waiting to happen despite the fact that they're the google of the finance world.

Argue all you want about trusting the government but private companies are untrustworthy as shit you fucking moron.
People with management degrees with IQs under 80 are not capable of securely and confidentially managing.

I'm just glad google is owned by the goddamned CIA because they know how to hide things, they may be glow in the dark niggers but at least they're more competent than your average wall street cunt.

Commie pedophile movie stars, what else, are they Jewish lizards too

I had a friend named Orbán Viktor but he wasn't the president of Hungary kek

Nothing to hide, nothing to worry, nothing to say, nothing to value, nothing to protect.

What is the difference between theft and taxation?

You agree to taxation by living in a country according to its laws?
You can leave if you dont like it?


First question is to where?
Second question is who asked for your consent to be born?
And lastly
Simply put, you have to literally buy yourself off the slave ownership.

post your dick, if you don't care about privacy.

>who cares
>t. shill
like comment and subscribe

>Giving your info to [random people you don't know] is different than giving your info to [random people you don't know]

I'm a pedophile and I use google services religiously, I only look at 2D lolis out of principal anyway so I'm safe.

But I don't care about my privacy.
I care about the principle of user freedom.
Someone who has something to hide (or someone who is irrationally protective of their information) should be able to.

>I deliberately and volontarily use a tripcode that lets everyone track my activity, interconnect my posts in different threads and profile me. I do it on site that is built around users' anonymity
>lemme tell you how privacy is important
(You) made my day. LOL

a tripcode that is essentially just a username, with no connection to any personal data points.
I mean, maybe his name really is Th, but I highly doubt it.

You're like a little baby...
What is metadata?

>if you arent a pedophile with kiddie porn on his computer then you need not worry
>nothing to hide nothing to fear
>literally the argument the nazis used to spy on the german people which later helped them rise to power

you point is what contributed to the nazis success, but yes lets just blindly trust something that has happened in the past will not happen again



that's like saying free speech isn't important because you probably have nothing of value to say

literally use a free as in speech VPN

I would say even if you are a pedophile what difference it makes for Google? Unless you are posting pedo shit on google plus they don't even know that. Please don't post pedo shit annon.

The javascript free captcha doesn't have this problem

go back in time to the 1970's, I gurantee if you walked up to any stranger and said...
>"Hey, did you know that in 2000's there will be this amazing technological revolution? Yeah, communication will be completely changed for the better, computer graphics will be so top of the line you could mistake them with actual photos, it's pretty great. Oh, but the catch is multiple corporations consistently spy on you and archive every thing you do."

They'd probably say
>"Wow that sounds pretty fucking Orwellian and creepy. Glad I'm gonna die of a drug overdose before that ever happens."

But nowadays people are like
>"Oh my god, you fucking crazy conspiracy nut. Who cares that tons of data on you is being tracked and your privacy is being rifled through. What are you, a PEDOPHILE!??"

we truly have devolved as a society.



alright so how about you stop sounding like a retard while offering no points and tell me your technological philosophy within the character limit of the post.

>free VPN
the only free vpn I can find is Tunnelbear and the free version only gives you about 500 mb of data

freenet onion network

wow, you are so out of the loop...

what was your slave surname that your owner gave your ancestors, nigger?

>if you arent a pedophile
but we all are!

I agree, as businesses have other intentions than a random Jow Forums browsing scriptkiddie in his basement. The scriptkiddie will probably want to do harm or joke around with said person, and there will be no consequences. While a business wants to make money, they have a reputation to uphold, and are less likely to do malicious things. Provided you don't give your data to shady small companies. I'm okay with companies making shadow profiles of me.

hey thanks user

Auto airplane mode off/on like a telegram tapper, with data delete. Not a fckG thing can be done to stop it either, FCC enforced. Eat that

Long long ago a wise man once typed in a programming chat room, "Beware of script kiddies in large numbers."

Now post your IP, picture and internet history.

so this is what /v/ looks like


> nothing to hide lmao
> privacy sucks
> majority of users means a product is better
You probably choose your favourite movie/book by sales alone.

> Companies are trustworthy because they are companies.

Attached: julie-uhrman.jpg (600x337, 47K)

Best post ITT

>uses dropbox like a pleeb
sorry i'm new, good replacement without me needing to host it myself?

Post your ps4 collection

Please post your email address and upload your google/facebook history to mega so we can examine it, then tell us again how you don't care about your privacy.

Yea, didn't think so.

just use Jow Forums x to filter them. I don't even see name/trip fags at all, they just get auto-hidden

Exactly. There's no reason to worry. There's literally no way for that data to get into the public's hands. Not a single one.

Attached: simply-not-possible.png (361x252, 9K)


>"It's too big to be evil!"

you need to tell us everything google knows about you

Privacy allows you to be yourself.


Here's my personal notes on the subject.

Why do I care about protecting my data?
1) It's an extra layer of security against theft, incompetence, or malice (e.g. killer ex-girlfriend).
2) To the people who says "If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear" then I say "but I do have something to hide!". Even if it's not something illegal that I've done at any point in the past, present, or future, there's still plenty of stuff that I'd like other people to not know about, like my family situation, my health, who I've lied to, my relationships, how much I drink, my finances, whatever dumb shit I did as a kid, and whatever hobbies that I'm not proud of. I don't know about you, but I'd like to minimise my chance of getting embarrassed or outright blackmailed.
3) Even if I don't have something to hide, I bet that I've got my friend's secrets saved somewhere (e.g. emails, chat logs). I wouldn't want to put my friends at risk.
4) Why do I care about protecting my data from huge companies and governments? Because people make mistakes and sooner or later you can bet on one of these companies getting hacked (Google it, this shit happens all the time). Furthermore, what if the government turns bad (e.g. we vote in a far left/right party or a heavily religious one)? No doubt they'll have collected plenty of data before they went bad (e.g. they could've made the laws a decade ago, and then someone evil got elected) and then all they have to do once they go bad is read it. Heck, for all we know they could already be bad. How many people can honestly say that they trust the government?
5) What if I make some real enemies? The less information they have on me, the better.
6) People get arrested for what they say on the internet. You'd be a fool to not have some protection against this. For all you know, there could come a day where someone, whether that be the police or some enemies of yours who've reported to the police, could ruin you.

prepare to get your asshole wrecked by the hacker known as Jow Forums

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