Switching from Windows to Ubuntu Linux for Web Development...

Switching from Windows to Ubuntu Linux for Web Development. It's just easier to run everything locally in Ubuntu Linux than Windows.

What are some must have programs? Obviously PHP, MySQL, Apache, all that jazz. But aside from that, what's helpful?

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Web dev is for soy boys learn a real craft

>Obviously PHP, MySQL, Apache
Yikes, OP. Get out of mid 2k

k then tell me how to load a css file in magento cms before styles-m.css or styles-l.css ;) ill wait because you probably cant figure it out.

? i mean, it works. no reason to change everything just for the sake of changing it. so many web devs do this it's insane and retarded.

working mainly in magento, which is a very large part of the ecommerce space. and pays incredibly well.

How does me failing to answer a question about an irrelevant field make it relevant?

You just answered your own question. If it's irrelevant, you wouldn't need devs to do it; you'd know the answer. You obviously do not, and never will, know the answer.

Visual Studio Code

the web runs on react now you fucking dinosaur

Theres literally 3 PHP jobs in silicon valley and they're all at insurance agencies

>muh overcomplicated framework
.innerHTML & .innerText still work to this day

React is too new and untested. Too many bugs, not enough documentation. Most of the ecommerce world with high paying salaries is PHP. Sorry to burst your bubble, lad, most of the world is not silicon valley.

nigger those are the most used things in a standard web server. 90% of companies arent using AWS Lambda or whatever is going on in your head

I don't think you understand what the word irrelevant means. I said the field is irrelevant not easy. If it was easy then yes I need to know the answer to prove my point. But I'm saying the field is irrelevant and not needed.

That makes zero logical sense. Irrelevant is replacing manual labor with robots. Not coders with whatever crazy shit is going on in your head lmao

wait till you switch from Gnome to a tiling window manager where you can put shortcuts on key combos


Started using Cinnnamon and it's pretty nice. I'm digging it. Very similar to Windows in many ways. Which is neat.

sl, thefuck, supertux, supertuxkart and of course virtual Stallman (forgot this program's name)

zsh or dash

Just use gtile
You should start to use literally anything else because one of the best things about Linux is getting your workflow as clean as possible. Try GNOME and KDE

#Virtualisation. User Virtual box and Just virtualise tour local Ubuntu environment. #ask your local Sysadmin/Networkadmin of they van help setting it up.

Tried it and holy shit is it laggy to develop in. No bueno.

everybody just uses docker you nerd lmao

I don't think either of you understand what the word irrelevant means. It needs connection. You can't just say something is irrelevant. Irrelevant to what? Baseball? Industry?