Emacs General

Why do you use emacs? What are your favorite packages? With so many great ones like org-mode, ediff, erc, and magit there's something for everyone!

Discuss your workflow and share some configuration and elisp snippets!

Spacemacs is fine too.

Attached: emacs_logo_large.png (616x522, 51K)

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Vim is better

>Spacemacs is fine too.
I'm planning to remove it and go for my own config file. The more I use it, the more I'm realizing how retarded it is to use something like that.

Do you have any advice for my own config? I'd like to have some tips about it's structure in particular, but every advice would be very appreciated.

go get your own thread, nerd
i suggest use-package since you can easily, declaratively group a package and its configuration
(use-package use-package
:ensure t
(setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "elpa.gnu.org/packages/")
("marmalade" . "marmalade-repo.org/packages/")
("melpa" . "melpa.org/packages/"))
use-package-verbose t
use-package-always-ensure nil)

also, the which-key package gets you my favorite feature from spacemacs (which i didn't know about until i tried it).
it shows you the next possible key presses and their associated functions. so if you press C-h it shows you can invoke `info' by pressing i, `describe-key' by pressing k, `describe-mode' by pressing m... etc

use-package is god tier

>text editor with tetris and a package manager
>doing anything productive requires being proficient in Lisp, and memorizing chains of 5+ hotkeys
memes have gone too far


I absolutely love Helm.

I also love packages for extremely niche programming languages.

atom, sublime text, vs code all have package managers built in. vim has several third party package managers. emacs just does it better
you don't have to memorize anything if you know how to ask emacs what you want with C-h

don't forget about snake, pong, hanoi, solitaire, 5x5, bubbles, doctor, etc

I use Emms for listening to music. But I will pimp emacs more when I have customised my Gentoo installation more

i tried helm but it feels pretty far away from the "emacs way" though i don't have anything to back that up.
what do you like about it over the builtin fuzzy completion or ido?

what sort of languages?

Why use emacs when vi or nano exist?

Attached: yotusba-question.png (380x380, 167K)

you want to be a wizard instead of a monk

what do you like about it over the builtin fuzzy completion or ido?
I like the built-in fuzzy completion. It also just feels nicer than the typical M-x without differing dramatically from it in spirit.
>what sort of languages?
The ones that come immediately to mind are Coq, Idris, Standard ML, and Ur/Web (I like ML-style and dependently typed languages). Rust and RedPRL (no, I'm not an SJW or commie) are good in Emacs but are actually better in Visual Studio Code, unfortunately.

ivy > helm

Can emacs be a decent replacement for libreoffice?

Attached: 1518730528287.jpg (4000x3055, 1.17M)

How is it different?

It depends on what you're doing. Surprisingly yes for planning books or manuscripts or keeping a (hidden) agenda. You can also do spreadsheet shit with SES. Not in general, though.

Yep, using org-mode

much simpler, comfier defaults and keeps shit in the minibuffer.

if you're fine outputting through latex i find it serviceable. unless you're talking about spreadsheets in which case it's probably better to just use the office suite software.

i also hear you can use org mode and beamer (iirc) to make slides although i've never done that

As much as qbittorrent is a good replacement for firefox.
They're different software for different purpose.

One day, hopefully. Too bad brainlets are ridiculing RMS's wishes to add word processing features to Emacs.
btw, a tip: try M-o for text formatting.

does anyone use emacs for email? gnus or mu4e? something else? or am i stupid for wanting to

Opening a .docx file in org-mode the layout and formatting looks butchered but it looks the same in libreoffice 6. Granted I was using an older version of emacs 24.5 so I can't speak for the newest version but I hope the latest version of emacs has better compatibility with .docx files.

Attached: 1522953976885.jpg (286x176, 9K)

emacs doesn't really support .docx editing

I use frames-only-mode with xmonad so that xmonad handles my buffers. Extremly comfy.

dired is amazing for renaming a ton of files at once.
Just go into edit mode, make the changes, and save.

Which is a shame because I would use emacs a lot more if it had word lite features to it

What are the advantages to this?

>(use-package use-package
:ensure t)

Will this even work? You can't install use-package using use-package.

I thought the devs were working on integrating it into base? When will that finally happen? I can understand it would take awhile but I first heard of it over a year ago.

I just find xmonad's window management to be easier to configure and more expressive. I'm sure I could get the same setup in EXWM, but this way I have full control over resizing, switching buffers etc. the same way as I would switch between any other frames on my computer. For example I have a shortkey that gives me a centered floating emacs for quick notes. It's all run from a daemon so creating new frames doesn't take any time

you're right that that expression requires use-package to install use-package. it's a little lisp joke to me.

Anyone here using exwm? I'm interested in trying it once I get my Emacs configuration perfected. I'm constantly restarting it.

Try ivy/swiper/counsel.

This is exactly the direction Stallman wants to take Emacs. I think it's pointless.

Most people seem to use notmuch or mu4e. Stallman uses Rmail. Gnus is ridiculously slow, so I have no idea how it was popular in the past when computers had less memory.

It's a good joke.

Neat. I'm probably going to give this a try. I've been meaning to switch to a tiling WM for a while now.

Brainlet here, what benefits do I get from learning and using Emacs?

What does Jow Forums thinkg of exwm? And hows the xwidgets webkit browser? Can it be customized like firefox? Is it possible for it to have elisp extensions that emulate uBlock, uMatrix, usercripts and userstyles?

I'm learning Scheme so i feel forced to use Emacs.

I like to put all my programming modes inside a prog-mode use-package sexp. What are the implications of this? I like that it makes my init more readable and organized, but I'm worried it could be bad practice.

For example:
(use-package prog-mode
(use-package elisp-mode
:delight emacs-lisp-mode "Emacs Lisp"
(setq initial-major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
(setq initial-scratch-message nil))

It's a virtual lispm. Most of Emacs is written in Lisp meaning it is immutable data that you can manipulate to your will. If that doesn't appeal then don't bother.

How do you like geiser?

You can install exwm, enable the default configuration and play around with it. So far I like it, the only thing I miss from i3 is switching to the previous workspace and having a list of active workspaces. I'm just a beginner in emacs, I assume some elisp magic can implement those functions.


Does this help?

No, exwm has its own workspaces in addition to windows. Eyebrowse seems to operate on windows only.

I have been looking for other solutions and it seems somebody else was thinking about switching between workspaces:

about dired, i recently discovered you can quickly change the dired-listing-switches with C-u s
if manually formatting your docs is necessary, yeah you should probably use a word processor. if you just need to generate documents the org-mode -> latex -> pdf generation is pretty slick.
i'm gonna try out exwm, i loved using stumpwm when i did.
thanks :^) glad someone appreciates my humor

What is the most comfy emacs theme and why is it sanityinc tomorrow night?

dark themes are okay, but plan9 theme is where it's at

i know use-package is a bit lazy when it comes to :config. the only problem i imagine is that if the top level use-package doesn't load for some reason that the inner ones won't properly load. this probably doesn't matter for prog-mode though, since that gets loaded straight away. if there were a problem you might change :config to :init, but really i'm just guessing.

anyone use org mode a lot? i'm trying to use it more, and i really liked the iphone beorg app, but my iphone pooped the bed so now i'm stuck with orgzly on android.

emacs has a better logo

Not if you work with idiots that send you .doc(x) files. Like others have said, Org-mode will export to lots of document types, so you can use that to create rich, structured documents.

For building spreadsheets I use gnumeric, which works for 90% of simple spreadsheet situations and doesn't have 40GB of dependencies.

remember to write functions for common operations like you'd do with shell scripts!
(defun open-init ()
(find-file "~/.emacs.d/init.el"))

Yes, Vim is so much better that it's now getting features that Emacs had 10+ years ago, despite Vim being a lot newer than Emacs.

>I'm realizing how retarded it is to use something like that.
Care to explain? I use a vanilla emacs but I know someone who keeps preaching about how great spacemacs is.

It is just someone else's config file for vanilla emacs.
I guess the sentiment is that you're boxing yourself using a pre-riced emacs.

HELP, I am moving to Emacs and need packages for mathematical formula editing, and maybe Maxima CAS integration. I am thinking of inline LaTeX or WYSIWYM ("what you see is what you mean") like LyX or TeXmacs, but anything close to editing math is valid.

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Inline in what?

Just use emacs with AuCTeX to actually type TeX? Don't be a faggot.

Take a look at teXmacs and you see what I mean. Is not about opening another window with LaTeX being rendered there, but editing the same window being displayed with LaTeX fonts.

I know what you mean, I'm just saying if creating documents with math is your goal you should learn to edit LaTeX code. You shouldn't ask for inline LaTeX unless you're stuck with a specific document format that needs inline LaTeX (or are doing some sort of literate coding or something)

If you knew then why the question? Is only logical I should ask for inline LaTeX if I want quick preview and mathematical integration, did you had math classes in college?

i main nano

Yes I have taken lots of math classes. I do all of my assignments in LaTeX with AuCTeX.

Attached: emacs-new.png (1024x1024, 153K)

meh. That's what you might think if you've never tried managing your own config for a good while.
There's advantages and disadvantages to both, either going 100% vanilla or using a prebuilt config of some sort. Vanilla config can take a surprising amount of dedication, time, and effort to maintain.

spacemacs has incredibly sane and intuitive defaults, and there isn't any enormous penalty for using it unless you're on old hardware. It isn't "retarded" by any means

I understand the sentiment, I sorta felt that way a long time a ago, but in practice that's not really how it works.
There is a reason things like spacemacs, prelude et al have always been popular

How do you read news without using Gnus?

Recently started using spacemacs (used to use vim), and I have to admit it's pretty based. The way all the searching and shit is integrated with helm and everything just werks with crazy partial completion (and even incorrectly typed search terms) is fantastic.

This. Emacs is the ubuntu of text editor.

Care to explain?

I don't use Emacs because it's a single-threaded piece of shit that locks up anytime there's a blocking operation.

Emacs is to Vim what GNU/Linux is to FreeBSD.

Why do you retards spout these opinions? Are you mad that you couldn't "get" emacs?

Editor wars are for dilettantes who can't fizzbuzz.

All these defaults modes. Major mode, minor modes. All these layers over layers over layers. The default is a GUI with bloated menus.
The first thing you have to do when you try to get into emacs is to debloat it.

My first experience with emacs was when I tried to use it for a week to edit C++. The "electric indentation" (whatever this means) was a pain in the neck. I ended up using it like a newfag would use gedit or something.

I came back few month later, following some emacs tutorial. I thought by imitating other people I'd get the best practice and then learn how to get started from there. I ended up with a bloated emacs config. Tons of shiny meme features like bullets for orgmode, switching within buffers like some tiling wm...

The deeper you get into emacs, the more you see people using emacs as a webclient, emacs as a file manager, emacs for taking quick notes, shell within emacs, run python within emacs, compile your latex within emacs...

When I complained about how things as simple as deleting a line in vim was "dd" whereas in emacs you had to go to the end of the line, select the text up to the beginning of the line then kill it, people were like "Just use evil mode if you like vim so much" or "it's just a habit to take lmao".

Eventually I came back to vim, within a terminal emulator, closing and opening vim constantly to get back to the shell.

Things I miss from emacs
>Swipe search
>go at the variable definition easily
>keybindings like C-a or C-e can also be used to go at the beginning or end of line in the shell (quickly add sudo at the beginning of a command or arguments at the end of the line)

I use Emacs and live by org-mode, I think you're confused, boy.

>Eventually I came back to vim, within a terminal emulator, closing and opening vim constantly to get back to the shell.
how can you expect us to take you seriously? lmfao

for a bit, yeah. Then I stopped using emacs and I wasn't mad anymore :^)

>implying I have any expectation from emacs users

>deleting a line

Glad to help.

C-k kills the text until the end of the line.
dd in vim deletes the line

C-a C-k

Sorry if that gives you CPS.

Thanks. How can I have "smart indenting" by default but not indent the line when I press ?
Ultimately I'd like to indent with 4 spaces, expect for makefiles where I'd use tabs represented as 4 spaces.

>>keybindings like C-a or C-e can also be used to go at the beginning or end of line in the shell (quickly add sudo at the beginning of a command or arguments at the end of the line)

oh, this has to be bait
please be bait

unironically not. I'm quite brainlet so I often try to edit some file I don't have the permission to.
When I notice it too late I sudo !! otherwise I C-a, type "sudo", C-e and continue typing.
you may not like it but this is what optimal brainlet looks like.

How do you solve the right control problem in a laptop keyboard?

I work mainly on a laptop and I already use CapsLock as control, but still don't know how to deal with the right Control key.

I only use left control. Feels ok.

How do I use emacs without being bombarded with shit im expected to memorize? Every time .

I try to us ebuilt in tutorial and its just so much
I have a dream of one day learning to program

Attached: biker.png (900x576, 162K)

I palm press left control. Comfy and always easily available, no need for right control at all.


Does this help?

Is there a proper way of turning off Customize? I have this setq hack but it doesn't actually turn it off, just stops it from littering my init.

(setq custom-file "/dev/null")

use spacemacs
this is exactly the use-case for spacemacs

> immutable data

What do you mean? The only Lisp I'm aware of that's opinionated about immutable data is Clojure.

I meant mutable.

I really like elscreen :^)

How so? Why is space better

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vim auto insert mode + vim-rsi plugin

>When I complained about how things as simple as deleting a line in vim was "dd" whereas in emacs you had to go to the end of the line, select the text up to the beginning of the line then kill it, people were like "Just use evil mode if you like vim so much"
Whats so bad about just using evil mode? It works great.

evil-mode does vim better than vim.

For those of you considering exwm: technomancy.us/184

If by news you mean rss, you can use elfeed


elfeed is great though.

In a nutshell, "better defaults".
I didn't really like it myself and I prefer vanilla emacs + evil-mode