Notification icon in win10

Finaly decided to allow win10 to update.
There some shit-tier iconappeared in right bottom corner of panel moving clock to the left. How to remove this crap design by microsoft (the message icon)? I would ofc installed gentoo, arch or another user-recommended linux distro, but this PC is netbook I do use for streaming Steam to steam link. And I got bored from "update plz" dialog showing durning playing on TV so I have to go other room for alt+f4.

I use linux on my main PC and do not want to ruin my search history by typing word "windows".

Attached: delete this.png (562x538, 488K)

use incognito retard. or maybe your free as in freedom GNU web browser doesn't have incognito?

>settings>turn system icons on and off

there are no menu item your greentexting

Attached: delete this.png (1024x600, 26K)

>retarded gaymur shit
Read the sticky, fag. Then call Microsoft support. We are NOT your personal free tech support. Get that through your thick /v/ toddler skull.

holy shit do you need your mom to spoonfeed you too?
>settings, personalization, taskbar, turn system icons on or off


Or easier yet, press start and write "turn system icons" blahblah until the option shows up and then press enter.

You basically don't have to know where anything is in windows, just type in what you want to do in search and it's almost always there.

Fucking degenerate

>We are NOT your personal free tech support.
Youre microsoft shills, so you are, lol.

Attached: 14639997582240.jpg (2560x1920, 641K)

after seeing the amount of time it took me to get this OS even usable, i'm just going to use LTSB next time

are you seriously using 20 year old hardware?

So what if he is??

REM Disable Notifications
REG add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer /v DisableNotificationCenter /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001 /f

REM Disable Pop Up Tips
REG add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v EnableBalloonTips /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000000 /f

If you actually want to delete Action Center, you need to search C:\Windows for ActionCenter and delete all related files.

Here is a PowersHell script I use.
cd C:\Windows
$string = "ActionCenter"
get-childitem -recurse| where-object {$_.Name -like "*$string*"} | foreach ($_) {remove-item $_.fullname -recurse -confirm:$false}

Don't forget to take ownership & grant permissions.

REM Take Ownership Of Windows Directory
takeown.exe /f C:\Windows /r /d Y

REM Grant Everyone Full Access Edit Permissions Create Delete Read Write Of Windows Directory
icacls.exe C:\Windows /grant Everyone:(OI)(CI)F /T /C /L /Q

Some of the .DLL's are open in explorer
TaskKill.exe /F /IM explorer.exe

I ran both reg fixes, but icon in bottom right of panel stille there
Do I need to restart?

Attached: aJyfZKA.png (1920x1080, 1.21M)


Thanks that totaly solved mine problem.

Seems windose nowadays is trying to imitate oldschool linux features like needing for alot of console command inputs.

Attached: desktop_wallpaper_touko_madobe_win_10__chan_by_daronzo83-d99t7wx.jpg (1024x576, 99K)

Stupid fucking weebs. Get cancer


Attached: 1517551793331s.jpg (125x125, 3K)

Noob, think why Jow Forums means and stands for technology!

Attached: 1512172073836.webm (600x336, 924K)