Vim 8 vs. NeoVim vs. Spacemacs vs. Emacs

>use vim for a few months, then neovim (before Vim 8 was out), kinda comfy
>take the sublime text bait
>fast and easy, feels kinda abandoned tho (especially plugins for auto completion, linting etc.)
>try atom
>nice out of the box but made with electron, obvious performance problems
>find out about spacemacs
>fuck around with that for a little while, feels really powerful but has a mix of both the difficulties of vim and emacs combined and doing the same thing using different keystrokes feels kinda awkward

Will spacemacs redeem itself if I give it a few weeks? Should I go back to Vim/Neovim or should I even learn pure emacs instead? Are all of these editors autistic 90s garbage and completely replacable by ST3/Atom? Mainly doing C/C++ dev on Loonix. I could make any of these work for me, but I'm always tempted to use Vim or Emacs since they seem really powerful. The learning curve is huge though and it's painful to get any of them to look decent.

Thanks in advance, Jow Forumsentlemen.

Attached: spacemacs.png (355x355, 47K)

I've been using vim for a couple of years now and can't think of a single thing I can't do with it yet. I know there's shit like org-mode that's not nearly there on vim but it doesn't seem to warrant switching over. If you're just starting I'd say fuck around with both, specially try to search for interesting plugins/things to do that you can't do on vim, like org-mode or artist-mode or shit like that, if you even have a use for it.

My journey

Emacs -> Vim -> Spacemacs -> Emacs

Learning vanilla emacs is highly recommended.

To be honest i don't know why vanilla emacs is recommended, the default shortcuts are terrible compared to vim, if i switch to emacs i would recreate a spacemacs clone because it make sense at least. But i'm productive so i use what is already available instead of reinventing the wheel.

Vanilla Emacs keybinds literally gave Richard Stallman RSI and crippled his hands.

Emacs keybinds are for Chad hands only.

emacs had a chance to be best ever, lisp is way better that vim scripts, but the key combinations in emacs are so fucked up, really

by the time both of them will get fixed other editors will take over, powered by sane languages to develop plugins.

in terms of productivity, for simple things, you can work faster in atom/vscode/sublimetext3 with out fucking learning zillions of key combinations in vim or emacs

if you check there are a lot of new text editors who works over ssh also, quite interesting to vim or emacs

It's just in case you ever need to use them in certain modes.

do you actually program in vim/emacs? what languages? how do you debug?

I just use nano. It does literally everything I need it to do, and very intuitively. There's a reason why it's been slowly added to almost every distro as a pre-installed editor, even replacing vi(m) as the default editor in some distributions. Honestly, I started using it because I used Alpine in the 90s for email so I was already used to pico and jumped all over nano when it was released because it meant having my favorite editor without installing Alpine just to get it (by that point I had moved away from cli email clients)

install busybox vi plebs

Not him, but I would just use vim+tmux, split the terminal with tmux to have two shells in one terminal, edit the code with vim in one, and attach gdb to my project in the other. At least, that's what I do with C programs. Write the code, compile it, attach gdb, run it, and if there's a segfault gdb will tell me why.

I did first vim, and never want to hear about emacs because muh bloat
Then, because I learned lisp, I tried out emacs anyways. Today, I use emacs w/ evil-mode, and it's the best thing ever. I do use Visual Studio at work for C# though.

Are you me? Same story here.

OP, both vim and emacs keybindings are worth learning. I recommend vanilla emacs to learn the emacs ones, otherwise you'll be too tempted to fallback on the vim keys you already know. It's only once you've fully integrated both that it becomes insanely powerful to use vim's edit mode for larger edits, and emacs keys in insert mode for quick in-the-moment shit.

Then if you really want to step up your game, writing your own elisp functions/macros and shit is a lot easier than writing plugins for other editors.

>he didn't swap his CapsLock to CTRL

Doom emacs

I do, mostly python, sometimes go. If I need to debug I just open up a new terminal.

I've never found a workflow with tmux that actually felt comfortable, it always felt like a pain in the ass to work with even when I had a good setup. I only use tmux now for long running tasks I want to check on. It's easier and cheaper to just make a new terminal typically.

EVIL Emacs

Convince me to use anything besides vim

But you're wrong you colossal faggot. It was because of his keyboard; after he got a better keyboard his RSI went away.

The only reason to stop using vim is to make RMS happy by using emacs. If you don't care about that, keep using vim.

Attached: inane.jpg (480x451, 57K)

>OP fell for the Atom meme
Honestly if you're going to use an electron bloated text editor, use vscode



honestly, the best use for tmux is over ssh or under a pure terminal session
if you've got X running, there's no reason to bother unless you're gonna detach shit and leave it running, just open up multiple windows

would be nice if actually recent versions of nano didn't react so poorly to window resizing (namely, text gets cut off)
and set nowrap needs to be default, since it's increasingly used to edit code and config files, it shouldn't chop the lines you're editing based on terminal width anyway

Spacemacs is bloat just install evil