Are the Jetbrains IDEs Jow Forums aproved?
Are the Jetbrains IDEs Jow Forums aproved?
>using an IDE
Mostly, bit bloated though
>non-open source version of eclipse
> Jow Forums approved
vim or an ide that holds 7 classes and uses 1gb of ram....
I'm not saying that IDE are better than simple text editors, I'm just asking if between all the IDEs, are the Jetbrains' good?
Yes. They're good. Visual Studio is still the best
only if you have a job
Btw, I'm just curious, what IDE do you guys consider the best for each language? I saw something about it on other thread but just lost it.
i mainly deal with Javascript and Webstorm is great for that
Their interface is basically the same across the product line. They're all decent products. Students get a free license to the ultimate editions.
Fuck IDE, use Atom
Fuck it. I tried java in emacs and was just painful.
Better just use intellij.
Used to use WebStorm obsessively, now I think it's shit compared to VSCode.
its great , i use pycharm, webstorm, and goland
rip ram
Intellij is great. By far the best Java IDE out there. There's a reason Google uses it for Android development.
Visual Studio with Resharper for .NET languages and C++, possibly also R since it supports it and RStudio is absolute trash.
Jetbrains for anything that they support, except above. Also if you can use Intellij, don't use Android Studio (if you do Android stuff), it's basically a stripped down version.
I don't think any other languages have any decent IDEs, so you're stuck with a text editor.
Also, if you do anything larger than a fizzbuzz, do not use a text editor. Don't get memed by Jow Forums, features are not "bloat" and any relatively modern PC can run any IDE.
netbeans is better
netbeans is free, open source and non proprietary
netbeans is simple, it doesn't try to take over your workflow
netbeans provides many conveniences like great autocomplete, refactoring, debugging, documentation integration, live compilation
netbeans is the closest to the vim workflow because netbeans let's you just write code with minimal distractions
people who are adamant about not using IDEs are most likely first year CS students that think they're so smart for writing their ten line programs in vim/emacs
I aprove. If you want 20% discount on their products - use pirated license server with ned idea, they detect it and on license screen show link, click link - message from them with 20% discount (on one product or all product pack).
don't see many using this though, how come?
t. projectlet
I like to use them, but I hate the Java bloat and that everything feels sluggish.
community editions are open source though...
>community editions are open source though...
Im not an open source fanatic, Im just pointing out that all JetBrains products look exactly like Eclipse and the only differentiating feature is that its not open source
One of those statements must be true:
>you never used eclipse
>you never used a jetbrains ide
>you only used them as a notepad, i.e. you don't even know how to use an IDE
You what? Eclipse and jetbrains products look nothing alike.
Real programmers:
copy CON: C:\program.exe
they look exactly like, like a pajeet Java swing UI
I used eclipse and now moved to intellij, it's way better. First week felt like eclipse is better but after working with intellij for some time I'm not going back. Even the community edition is better than eclipse mostly because of better code completion and many *small* things that are just annoying in eclipse.
1. They do not look alike. Go and fucking google it.
2. Swing? Google that too you idiot.
I will be waiting for your post showing how eclipse looks like jetbrains products and which parts of them are plain swing.
currently using webstorm
convince me to leave please, my license is running out
Lmao get the fuck outta here, you troll. JetBrains IDE have the most fresh UI out of all IDEs. Eclipse looks like shit, designed like shit to be used with people who have shitty to no common sense.
What does Jow Forums think of brackets?
Bullshit. VS is complete shit compared to Jetbrains' IDEs.
>Not having refactoring helpers
Boy, I guess you never did that
They are. Pycharm was a delight when I first used it compared to other text editors.
Also: vim support
god bless intelliJ
>real programmers
Only Jetbrains Shitstorm for its specific task of web shitting.
>I rlexclusively use dd to edit text plebs
I think Visual Studio is only acceptable with Resharper (by Jetbrains) anyway. And at that point, you may as well just use Clion for C++ or Rider for C#.
Fucking what? It looks like NetBeans with a dark theme
Because it's popular in the real world so people online try to be "cool" and use something else. Everyone at my work uses it, it's easy to use and clean
Quick question: Brackets, Sublime, Atom or VScode and why?
VSCode, because:
- open source
- extensions for every language
- faster than atom
- integrated terminal
Sublime is god tier too, because it's really fast, has multiple column selection and great search
Never used any, is it open source?
Resharper is strong, but being reliant on it is bad, i used it to learn some neat shit and rarely use it now
open sores
>VSCode, because
>- I can't wait to get EEE'd again
how can you blame microsoft when we've got the memory of a goldfish
They're fucking awesome. Inb4 emacs/vimtards, you don't manage 100+ databases with them.
>needing to refactor
Why learn programming at all when you can just alt+insert and alt+enter?
Jetbrains is good. 98% of the posters on Jow Forums dont program for a living so their opinion doesn't matter
Joke on you I use in-house IDEs.
Sounds terrible
>i don't have a job.
Sublime. Fuck js apps.