Redpill me on Librem 5. They promise full security/privacy, no tracking, and the ability to run GNU/Linux distros on it, but is there some sort of catch?
Redpill me on Librem 5. They promise full security/privacy, no tracking, and the ability to run GNU/Linux distros on it...
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>but is there some sort of catch?
It hasn't been released yet and won't be until January next year. That, and outdated UI design with just average hardware choices could be another downside.
>outdated UI design
cant you use a GNU/Linux distro to change the UI? Like using your own DE? Thats what they appear to be advertising anyway
the catch is that it turns you gay
Probably the same problems the Fairphone has. It delivers but the catch is old, ugly and underperforming hardware for pretty high prices.
have they released any tech specs on it? most linux distros dont even need that much RAM or CPU power, seems like it could run pretty smoothly
Sailfish OS 3 looks more interesting with its android app support.
I don't know, I just looked at the Fairphone quite closely when I was last looking for a phone and this looks pretty similar. (Literally, it's got the same "small bezels was outside the budget" look).
I'd rather support a vendor that actually gives a shit about their product so I don't have to. You can of course customize it but it's a terrible excuse for mediocre work.
>That, and outdated UI design
you can't tell it's linux without the outdated UI design. what's the point of having a linux phone if you can't show it off?
Kill yourself redditor
>cant you use a GNU/Linux distro to change the UI? Like using your own DE? Thats what they appear to be advertising anyway
We won't know until the device is commercially released.
I'm not or .
lmao LXDE is pretty much the only option then, fuck that
You know base kde plasma install sits at 600mb. Ram usage, right?
That's why he said outdated UI design. All Linux DE have outdated UI designs.
That's not why. From the screenshot in OP's post it looks like it, although they've mentioned much can change until the release.
>Looks fucking hanus, Ui is even uglier
>No snapchat, instagram or messenger
>Probably dogshit components
>Wats de catsh gaise?