>no longer uses the greatest OS ever
Wtf is your problem?

Attached: 56389.jpg (400x400, 15K)

but OP, I'm still using Debian

The FOSS activator that is frequently posted here does not include keys for the Ultimate version of Windows, so Windows 7 Professional it is.

I don't know...

I don't like taking Microsoft's dick.

>Best OS ever
>Not Windows 7 Gold Edition

Attached: windows-7-gold-ediion-cover2016ByComputer-Media.jpg (463x600, 89K)

Moved on to Linux as Windows is a dead ecosystem moving forward.

I tend to disagree

Mohammed recommended me this

Attached: windows-xp-gold-edition-sp3-2016-with-drivers-free-download-get-into-pc.jpg (555x719, 75K)


Attached: Untitled.jpg (2560x1440, 731K)

>not being on Jow Forums in 2009 where everyone said W7 was the worst OS ever

Nobody said that. Ever.

>Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter

Attached: d27.png (645x729, 75K)

It had sever bugs and driver issues

People will be praising 10 in a couple of years. Welcome to the real Windows cycle. It's always just been babies praising what they're comfortable with.

so theyre all comfortable with Linux because nothing changed in 30 years lmao

It had no bugs and no driver issues.

That's vista you're thinking of

>he can't afford a 3000 USD OS
stay poor, pleb

Unfortunately, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard had become too old for modern usage.

Not good for long term use , Microsoft will not support it after 2020

A thread died for this.

They will, at least until October 2021.


Android uses Linux.

And then after that date?

I haven't used windows since 2005.

Then us Windows 7 fags will just have to stop using computers and pick up other hobbies like bird watching, woodworking, and weekend drug overdoses.

Nothing will happen, may get extended, may not. Who cares? You're free to use it anyway.

>installed gentoo because Jow Forums meme
>thought i'd never look back
>its been a pain in the ass though
should i try win 10 or just reinstall win7?

Attached: 200.gif (359x200, 1.67M)

>But muh xp

Just sell the computer and buy yourself an iPad. You'll be happier.

i was force updated to windows 10

>Wtf is your problem?
That Jow Forums is so much worse for discussing technology then /a/ is for anime or /co/ for comics. Most threads are garbage like this. Really, what board is worse at its core competency?

i am

Attached: i am.png (1822x512, 188K)

not even joking that's the best windows version there is

But I do use it, user.

Attached: I_do.png (1184x559, 225K)

Just how much malware do you think these came with?

>not using greatest OS

But I'm using windows 10 wtf? 10 is greater than 7 just by simple mathematics.

I installed gentoo
Not much, I installed it in a VM once
Even had nice terrorist music while installing the extra botnets

Neither can you, faggot.
>paying for an OS
Everyone point and laugh.

Attached: 1501515288072.png (1366x768, 368K)

what are you trying to say?

Windows reuses perfectly good icons?
You're telling me Linux DEs or Apple don't do the same?

What about an icon that has a plug and a battery, or a blue question mark, or a picture of a monitor, what does this imply?

The point of that image is that W10 has a terribly inconsistent UI, you brainlet.

>caring whether the activator for your illegal copy of a proprietary operation system is free software or not
Top fucking kek

Attached: lhtb0byg26l01.jpg (800x679, 100K)

>Not Windows 7 Genius Edition
fucking pleb

>People will be praising 10 in a couple of years.
But 10 is the last version. There won't be a new one to hate on.

Spoiler: it won't.

There isn't much to discuss these days. Innovation came to an end around 2010. Nothing being released hardware or software wise that is worth a shit since. Proprietary solutions are squabbling over hording user data. The open source community is bickering and going nowhere. Consumer electronics is a joke. HDMI and HD tvs were the last products worth investing in. 4k is a joke and the uncanny divide is just around the corner. All that is left for Jow Forums is memes and shitposts.

Attached: 1519652136679.png (450x399, 337K)

You need an IQ above 20 to post here

they hate you

Attached: meme.jpg (847x499, 66K)

But I am

Attached: 2018-04-07 08_40_12-Settings.png (239x122, 4K)

It's pretty obvious who the pirates are when someone feels the need to say that they have Win 7 Ultimate.

Life in a basement is the best life.

no drivers support you dumb fuck


This is the sad truth about the future of Win 7.


>t. poorfag

Riddle me this.

Do you not install any updates that aren't "security only"... or do you install all updates and then break the telemetry afterward?

A guide for us retards to what you 7heads do about updates would help.

Thats not MacOS Snow Leopard

Like people praised ME or Vista?

literally just trial loop it LMAO

slowly moving to Linux on my memepad tho

Attached: lol.png (1907x951, 242K)

it doesn't run nazi simulator 2017 (wolfenstain)

thats not Windows 8 though

idk, the staff getting ransomware locks?

Windows Server XP stripped down *in a more innocent world*

>keeping everything dark because you're a cave dweller

Attached: 1505562419521.jpg (275x275, 15K)

w10 over w7, but there really are some tradeoffs, i well admit that.
it's the updates that succ, but at least they warn you now and it's better w dealing w peripherals

Windows UI has been terribly inconsistent since Vista came out at which point MS started reusing shit from older UIs, this is nothing new

Besides, I'd rather have some mismatched icons than the dysfunctional garbage linux users call desktop environments

my room has 1 window to an indoor garage
my steam client is also black + red

Attached: 1508092878395.gif (319x239, 2.56M)

10 Anniversary ? 10 Fall ? or 10 Creator's ?

MS need to work on this branding nonsense with the updates.

Why would i bother updating? The OS install works fine as it is. If I do install updates I just install everything. Either way I shut off services and background programs that annoy me. I guess I don't give a rat's ass about the miniscule amount of telemetry if its there.

>issue with choppy scrolling in programs when running under a 144hz monitor and constantly having to minimise / maximise to restore
>no native mail app
>no native way to view gifs
>slower file transfers

I love Windows 7 but I couldn't go back.

>Windows UI has been terribly inconsistent since Vista
>t. never used XP

btfo faggots

Windows 10 LTSB is here

room the telementary and you have the second coming of jesus

>all drivers

Attached: 1436182712209.jpg (295x295, 13K)

>Windows Server XP

Attached: c4a.jpg (238x192, 12K)

>nice terrorist music

Attached: 1491928669373.jpg (248x189, 18K)

Those are the most retarded pleb tier excuses I have ever read. for not using an OS. Every OS has some kind of similar quirks.

>mac os


Attached: 2dee4719691fe928182771543d949ad8.jpg (242x208, 7K)

>implying mac os can't be nitpicked

But that doesn't change anything. Don't get me wrong since I dual boot in case I can't get a game or some shit to run in 10 but I couldn't use it as my main OS.

>not using gentoo

Attached: 1474759105542.png (375x500, 223K)

Attached: Apple-Logo-Tattoo.jpg (600x409, 218K)

but im using it

Attached: 3.png (1366x768, 350K)

all of them user

do you not know how to install a mail program? do you not know how to install a media player? file transfers are literally the same.

'native' doesn't mean the program magically uses no drive space and RAM.

Pay no attention to the iToddler. They are grasping at straws to justify their overpriced bonfire waiting to happen.

Attached: absolute state of applel.jpg (2000x1125, 146K)

i use a window 7 64 beet veri guzd yease xddd ;333 OwO

Attached: god.png (854x438, 334K)

Real best OS coming through

Attached: gentooWall.png (2048x1280, 835K)

> not xp or 98se
> not osx

nah i still use it with my apogee gear. skips the botnet

I can't even activate that shit, otherwise is a great os win7 replacement

I am running a copy that i activated yesterday.

What's wrong with you

What method used? Because i tried to find a legal serial key, but it's too damn expensive

>wanting to find
>giving a shit

>posts on Jow Forums
>can't even into activating an OS for free
You have to go back

they've got to admit it's build looks significantly less attractive post fire