Opinions on AppleWhore?

Opinions on AppleWhore?

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I cummed at that video, She just looked too good in that shirt and leggings

omg steve is dead nooo

Has she got a wonky eye or something?

Bitch don't look straight.

She will die alone

Her relevance/popularity peaked like 5 or 6 years ago

damn dat iMac pro though

This tbqh. Everyone that calls the only objectively valuable female tech reviewer a whore just because she's good-looking and straightforward needs to go back to the Middle Ages.

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>hosts your video game awards show

Wow she looks a lot like my girlfriend with the eyes and all and she's all Apple all day too

>meanwhile, at the SJW Jow Forums

That cracked me up real good, nice one there user

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>implying you wouldn't

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>Everyone that calls the only objectively valuable female tech reviewer
nobody has a problem with lisa at mobile tech reviews
she's actually showcasing the products and not using the channel as an excuse for self aggrandizement.

why AppleWhore and not iWhore?
she is just a product... 'i' is mandatory in such cases.

Why doesn't a pajeet rape her?

I wouldn’t

There are good deepfakes of her imo tbqf

>why AppleWhore and not iWhore?
Because it's A) too obvious, and B) whore rhymes with store

She is ugly and annoying. I like Apple though.

man, what happened to nixie pixel? I still have wet dreams about her, and she was what made me start using linux.




fucking normies, why don't you understand that all woman want is your money.

she had brain cancer or something but apparently didn't die.


Also, you're a homosexual.

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A cunt and their money (child support payment) will soon be parted. If women were good at making smart financial decisions, we wouldn't have shopping malls for them to go and blow cash.

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Right on it brb

Apple things look so good and sleek, but never comfy

her dimples are too close to her lips and not on her cheeks, her smile looks like she is holding back a fart or she doesn't know how to naturally smile. Her nostrils are too wide and her nose is too pointy. Her eyebrows don't taper right like she botched the wax job and removed way too much on the outside. If she wasn't on youtube she'd just be a literally who.

Dumb testposter

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>t. poorfag
It doesn't even cost much.

I get that the iMac pro is supposed to be darker, but whenever I see a picture of it I just see an iMac with poor lighting. How to unsee

You answered your own question

>he doesnt know that Chad fucks all women from 1/10 to 10/10
Youve outed yourself as a pathetic beta faggot

She looks like her mouth can suck better than a vacuum

At least she's in the kitchen xD!

>wanting to fuck a coalburner