Data caps are a good thing

Data caps keep people from wasting all day (and everyones bandwidth) on netflix, gayming, torrenting, youtube, streaming, and other degenerate wastes of time. Their time has to be carefully picked and planned.
Why would you want normies and degenerates being trusted with unlimited data?

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>Why would you want degenerates being trusted with unlimited data?
Because we're fun people! ^_^


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ISPs tend to jew out and not give out enough

I think you should pay for your usage like with eletricity

I think you clicked on the wrong board
only Jow Forums would have corporate cock this far up their ass

That's retarded.

I dont want to subsidize others, pay for your own shit

Those bytes sure cost those poor ISPs a lot!

But bandwidth is plentiful.

Yeah thats why we have so much competitiin because its so cheap and easy to start an isp that is reiable and has good speeds.

Actually its because of Jews in the US monopolising entire areas and preventing competition
Then unironic ancap shitters defend such practices

Please kill yourself underage.

All i said was pay for you own usage. If I use less i should pay less. If you use more pay for it and stop begging for government gibs, jamal

Every single thing you can think of in this universe is scarce. That includes bandwidth, and the ISP's resources to provide you with bandwidth.

>Why would you want normies and degenerates being trusted with unlimited data?
Because there's no way to determine who isn't normie without far more powerful Big Brother-tier systems, and I don't think faggots like you (or me) want their trapfap sessions cut short when everyone gets data capped even further

Am*ricans were a mistake

Hows thst european welfare state tax rate doing you? Mine is 22% here in freedom land. Oh what you dont work do you?

gulags keep people from wasting all day on netflix, gayming, torrenting, youtube, streaming, and other degenerate wastes of time. Their time is carefully picked and planned by their superiors. Why would you want normies and degenerates being trusted with unlimited freedom?

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Still can't afford a car, huh? What's it like sitting next to smelly muhammad on the subway every single day?

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>hate "rich" farmers
>put them in labor camps
>steal their property
>give it the government
>farms not producing food
>everyone starves

Should've let Hitler finish...

Congratulations OP on this subpar bait getting all these (you)s. I'm a bit disappointed in Jow Forums for falling for it this hard.

Total energy is potentially limitless if the big bang actually happened, therefore bandwidth is limitless

Did you know that electricity bill is two fold? Fixed rate for being connected + burned energy.

This. In usa (and even kangaroo land) there is no free market. There are laws instead literally banning any competition whatsoever. If you look at charts, even yoropoors have 10 times faster uncapped internet for less money than usa will ever have. If hungary can have fast internet, why not usa? Because corrupted gov + lobbies are in play.

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Your isp also has service fees like like the eletric bill, but then you pay for some arbitrary data cap if you use it or not. Imagine the electric compant charging you what the average eletric bill is and not your usage. No one would defend that. Those who use less subsidize those who use more. There is no incentive to useless than the cap since you paid for it anyway. Wasteful

Thing is IPS's eletric bill is always the "same" regardless if you actually use bandwith or not because all networks points must be ALWAYS on. You pay for their hardware and it simply has to be there and ON at all times. Electricity works way differently.

But feel free to have datacaps. Usa is land of free. If you can pay for it ofc. Here we have 10Gb up/ 10Gb down shared optic fibre connection for one commie block (50 flats) and at night where kids are asleep you have practically whole bandwitch for yourself for same fixed price roughtly 15usd per month. Beat that fat burger.

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You fucking idiot
If I'm paying for 50mpbs, I should be able to blast it non stop all month, AT THE SPEED I AM PAYING FOR, without a cap
ISPs and mobile providers are huge jews about this

>network under heavy load doesnt use more power than a network at idle
Youre a retard stop replying to me

ISPs don't owe you anything. Stop being whiny manchildren.

why are you morons responding to this obvious bait thread


You do realize that isp can easily set up limits so you never reach that "critical point" where your routers melt down from overheating? Datacaps are just anti customer jew practices, the only reason for their existence is to jew out more money from the customer.

And honestly, if your infrastructure cant handle the usage from all your users, then you have made error while building it or when deciding what speeds for which prices.

Either offer variety of speeds with various prices or go fuck yourself. You literally cant go bankrupt as ISP as long as you have customers who pay on time. The problem is when new player enter market and can do the same thing as you, but for lower price. But thank god that will never happen in usa.

Better than 99th gpu /v thread.

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I'm Australian

How is competition banned in Aus?

Why not just ban those websites outright?

>Every single thing you can think of in this universe is scarce.
Not the intercourse your whore mother provides to strangers for free.

Jow Forums wouldn't accept such jewery.


Tldr version: certain people in charge made questionable decisions which even after decade hasnt been fixed.
>inb4 you have to go back

>Actually justifying being jewed by ISPs
Perhaps you'd be better at Jow Forumsnetneutrality.
Pic related.

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There doesn't seem to be much stopping me from purchasing whole sale brandwidth and use my fibre connection to run a wireless internet business.

If an ISP existed that blocked netflix, torrenting and other bullshit, +had data caps, I'd pay for it

Sounds like you have found out your bussiness plan involving you retiring in your 30ties. Good luck OP, bring kangaroo land to the 21st century internet connection vise!

You dont fight procrastination by banning fun activities because you just end up doing broing stuff instead of actual work. Been there, done that and didnt work. You need to stop treating yourself as a slave. Once you figure out what you REALLY want to do, the rest is easy.

cell tower assitant tech here: They're not but proper QoS is. Most LTE towers have 20 MHz siso on each sector for a total of 200+ Mbps bandwidth for the whole tower IF everyone was 1 meter away from said cell tower and didn't move. Real world factors limit overall practical bandwidth to under 100 Mbps which has to be shared with hundreds of people at once.

Fair QoS would give everyone unlimited 500-1,000 kbps throughput forever BUT carriers want to engage in pissing contests so they give the most bandwidth possible to a select few who request bandwidth first and then fuck everyone else over.

Implementing mimo would also increase speed but carriers are too jewish to do this.

Attached: lte-peak-downlink-data-rate.jpg (636x360, 76K)

Don't ever think even for a milisecond you'll get the speeds in pic related EVER. Y'all niggas sharing that bandwidth with hundreds of other people.

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They loved NN repeal because trump supported it

i'd like to remind you Jow Forums isn't going to put up with your shit and will start charging $1 for every 1000 characters you post here
disk space ain't free, son

Thanks for an actual technical post.

If they can't manage their own time, that's on them

>Implying you have to sit at your computer to keep torrenting


>Data caps keep people from wasting all day (and everyones bandwidth) on netflix, gayming,
You could have mentioned IRC and emails, because they probably use as much bandwidth as playing games, in case of emails, probably even more.

>All i said was pay for you own usage

Then the installation should be free.

t. Telecom shill
Friendly reminder to sage shill threads