Recommend me a distro to try drunk

I was gifted some alcohol, so I will finally have the tolerence to try something new. Recommend me a distro to try drunk!

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NO GENTOO. I will not have the time to compile everything before sobering up

If you can't install Gentoo before you're sober again, you need a faster computer.

try Calculate Linux then. It's also Russian, so it pairs well with alcohol.

Last time I tried it, the translations in the App Store were hilarious

you need more booze

Clearly, Aloonix.

Install CloverOS

Attached: 2018-04-06-190926_2560x1440_scrot.png (2560x1440, 1.57M)

is cloveros meme? I want to install it for daily use

I have been using it since last may, and it has been the most usable desktop linux experience I've ever had. Plus the dev is a nice guy and will add any missing packages as he can, while trying to stick to being lightweight and minimal.

Attached: 2018-04-06-192102_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 1.29M)

Install Crux

I-Illya! I LOVE ILLYA!!!!!! I LOVE ILLYA!!!!

thanks, guess ill go for it. i just need to figure out how to get it to boot, xorg is bitching on me

use the fallback kernel



Don't pee in it!

Honest answer, Ubuntu.

I run Debian and Slackware but I still have a soft spot for it. It's easy and comfy as fuck and great for daily use. Can't go wrong with it really.

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Install Gentoo, nigger.

do this