There is literally nothing wrong looking at what you're doing on a program or OS. You all are just paranoid manchildren

There is literally nothing wrong looking at what you're doing on a program or OS. You all are just paranoid manchildren

Attached: 2serveimage.jpg (1360x872, 41K)

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Give me the passwords to all your email accounts then.

Nice bait but of course I'm talking about the companies and the government. As long as my info is used for improvement then whats the deal?

op btfo

your idea of what's an improvement might be the opposite of what their idea of what's an improvement

Have a field day.

I get a better experience and they make more money. It's a win win scenario

So you're willing to sell your liberity and privacy for convenience?

> I'm talking about the companies and the government
It's never just the companies and the government.
If your data is going thru the internet, someone will spy on it or pretend to be microsoft or the government.
Or someone in the government or the companies will be paid and corrupted to sell your data.

You do realize that whatever email service you use also has access to your emails right?
>but it's encrypted end to end!
They still have the metadata which is reasonably enough to determine the contents.
>but I host my own!
Enjoy every email you send being marked as spam.