What email client do you use Jow Forums ?

what email client do you use Jow Forums ?

Attached: linux-email-clients-thunderbird.png (640x439, 42K)





Outlook, but at work I sadly have to use Notes, which is pure cancer...

unironically Mail.app

Attached: mail.app.jpg (393x413, 106K)

Exchange owa for work
Comcast web app for personal

Outlook because I have a job.
No open sores crap can compete.

Gmail website.

Google chrome

I have to agree outlook is by far the best, I'm part of the botnet aayways

Outlook at work
emClient at home

I use Thunderbird. I want considered using mutt but I'm too lazy to configure it.

emails are deprecated

Fuck you.

I use thunderbird and I cannot see any difference between outlook

Outlook 2013 at work
Outlook 2007 at home


claws-mail, but I’m thinking of switching to thunderbird because it’s a little slow to sync.

no client: webbrowser


Protonmail web

K9 mail



Thunderbird werks 4 me

Web client. I only use mail to confirm accounts.

Sylpheed is actually neat

K9 Material
None, but I thinking abiut using mutt

What do you use? Mu4e?



Thunderbird, although I would like to switch to Gnus when I get the chance to do so

Evolution when on Loonix
Office Outlok when on Winders
Thing that comes with MIUI when on phone

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upasfs(4) and subsequently mother(1)

Attached: ello.co.png (710x249, 8K)

cockli + firefox esr