Home server general - /hsg/

home server general - /hsg/

+ use the new privacy focused DNS by cloudflare
+ run your own DNS server edition: zwischenzugs.com/2018/01/26/how-and-why-i-run-my-own-dns-servers/
+ RISCV Homeservers NOW
Are you interested in learning Linux or BSD administration and configuration better. Becoming a systemd expert? Or maybe you hate that shit and want a cozy little BSD machine to run services on and interact with. Or practice more advanced and complicated networking setups.


> discord.gg/9vZzCYz
> or use riot.im and join riot.im/app/#/room/#homeservergeneral:matrix.org

Seriously though. Beep got hacked. You can root boxes via beep. update your shit!


Attached: beepsploit.png (658x594, 552K)

Other urls found in this thread:


kill yourself OP, your shitty raspis arent servers and you're a retard to think that CloudFlare or is privacy oriented. Their CEO has deliberately censored people they dont agree with andrew angelin, and have said they want to track down and throttle users like Ajit Pai. And to specifically they said they are giving all the data from that address to APNIC and others you incompetent fuck


> your shitty raspis arent servers
if they run a network connectable demon they are servers :)

> you're a retard to think that CloudFlare or is privacy oriented
it's autism awareness month

You're so incompetent you cant even use IRC let alone host your own IRC server and try to shill discord and riot you retarded fuck

the chat is on riot.im, 100% free software. don't know what you are talking.

I know how to use IRC, I choose not to because it is full of people like you.. :)

>be inna home server thread
>cant even run your home server
>have to use cloud services
again, you're a incompetent larping fuck

ok kid if you're so smart whats my ssh password

Is this n00b seriously suggesting to use CloudFlare for privacy?
>chat on discord
kys op

is MINIX out of the question for hosting a webserver? simple static HTML


yes/no, pros/cons

NSA snake oil, use openbsd or something instead.

what did you mean by this?

pros: it actually works unlike 99% of meme security bullshit
cons: you have to actually learn something to make it useful. some tools exist to make it easier to punt policies for whatever app you're deploying like sepolgen.

it can be used to make user activities role-based as well, not just for confining executables.

this person is a retard and doesn't know what he's talking about.

he's meming

>you have to actually learn something to make it useful

I already have everything deployed, although it took an hour of headscratching to work with it. root has no sudo privileges? well...

I was wondering whether there's a point to it if you only have a single user (me), although I think it might prevent collateral damagage in case a node or something has a backdoor.

Upon startup, patch attempts to determine the type of the diff listing,
unless overruled by a -c (--context), -e (--ed), -n (--normal), or -u (--uni‐
fied) option. Context diffs (old-style, new-style, and unified) and normal
diffs are applied by the patch program itself, while ed diffs are simply fed
to the ed(1) editor via a pipe.

that's the security bug, specifically the call to ed. fucking god damn it. I hate UNIX faggot shit.

further for those who can't be assed to read GNU ed's info page.

Shell escape command. Executes COMMAND via 'sh (1)'. If the first
character of COMMAND is '!', then it is replaced by the text of
the previous '!COMMAND'. Thus, '!!' repeats the previous
'!COMMAND'. 'ed' does not process COMMAND for backslash ('\')
escapes. However, an unescaped '%' is replaced by the default
filename. When the shell returns from execution, a '!' is printed
to the standard output. The current address is unchanged.

don't use -e if you don't trust it? what's the issue?

it automatically determines the patch type. I agree it's not a real security issue as patch could change random files and make sources malicious anyhow but it's annoying how many ancient garbage tools that are floating around that allow arbitrary code execution.

>it's not a real security issue
enjoy being r00ted fag

Getting a Norco tomorrow to fill the last 4u

Attached: IMG_20180407_202544.jpg (3456x4608, 3.4M)

I guess you aren't using selinux