Now that C# is open-source

Now that C# is open-source.
Why aren't you learning this superior language?

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Never cared that it was open source or had cross-plat for linux.

I am however already using it daily.
C# is comfy desu

Whats the difference in use case between C++ and C#

Because I prefer OOP like C++

C# is actually designed to be used.
C++ is just kitchen-sink of features that authors thought were cool.

C# doesn't have all of the compile-time features though. I like templates, type_traits, constexpr... all missing in C#. So much is unnecessarily put off until runtime.

you cant enven handle your own garbage

Those are so crap that not having them is a good thing.

The point of garbage collected languages is to make you focus on building your application, not focus on making sure you didn't fuck up and cause a memory leak somewhere.
If Golang can be GC'd and perform almost as well as C, I don't see any reason C# can't be almost as performant as Golang

C sharp is more like a less verbose java than a c++

>If Golang can be GC'd and perform almost as well as C
Gophers are this fucking deluded

Because kotlin and scala exist

Why? The syntax is clumsy, sure. Duck typed macros are a neat idea though.

>If Golang can be GC

Without being a Golang user myself - it's certainly turned certain memes upside down. We've gone years of asserting it wasn't possible for a GC language to run any performance sensitive environment. It's why every major network service ends up written in C.

Now you've got Cloudflare serving DNS for half the planet on Golang and doing it substantively better than my isp's BIND server.

A cowboy server running Erlang serves static files just as fast as nginx in my benchmarks.

Because the tooling and ecosystem is absolute shit tier level.

>constexpr missing in c#
dude,const in c# is not the same as const in c.
its actually much stricter and safer than even constexpr.

I like C and C#.
Always avoided C++ though.

Lemme finish learning C.I'm still at the basics,started recently.

C++ has a shitty syntax
C# is too platform dependent
Java is a better OOP language

Because encapsulation in code is for retards.

Attached: 1523153973050.jpg (625x800, 80K)

How so?

dotnet core

C++ is faster and lighter, it's basically C with a bunch of stuff strapped on the side to make it easier to develop large applications with it. You use it for large scale applications where you need maximum performance (neural network backends, games, compilers, databases, etc.) or small scale applications where every byte counts (embedded, IoT stuff, systems programming, basic libraries like binary file formats, etc.).

C# is easier to develop in and usually more portable being abstracted from the operating system by default and having portable binaries that run in a VM rather than directly on the processor. It's probably best for writing desktop software where performance is important but not going to be pushed to it's limits, like an image editing program for example. It also sees use in business middleware applications the same way Java does because it's difficult to seriously fuck up in (you can write some unbelievably awful stuff in C++) and it provides nice tools for breaking the program up into lots of object models that non-technical managers can wrap their heads around.

Not even joking. You'll see the horror of OOP madness soon too user.

>Java is a better OOP language
pajeet my son...

More complicated than Java.
Less useful than Kotlin or Scala.
C# fills a pointless niche.

prove me wrong

Can you actually do anything useful in java without dozens of classes, apache and guava's cock and dozens of factory crap and builder pattern?

>windows exclusive
>just works

>windows exclusive

im a huge proponent of c#

No. Let me fix it for you

for loops.

> basically C with a bunch of stuff strapped on the side to make it easier to develop large applications with it

Attached: cat++.png (200x209, 34K)

It's definitely a double ended sword, one advantage of C# would definitely be specifying a pretty consistent design everything should adhere to. Personally though I quite like the ability to choose a paradigm that suits the project from C++'s arsenal of options.

Scala is better that's why

t. 12 years of c# experience

Everything is fucked as it should have been. We can't have a superior language which is not backed by a big corp.

this is very well put, ty

vb 4tw

Should have fpbp

How do I get started with c# for job purposes?
Looking to be a code monkey as fast as possible, because anything beats being a neet

Java has better ecosystem

So, basically it's still worthless and only mono 'works' on Linux

Got hyped for nothing

It has high-quality, high-performance web / service system.
What else do you want on Linux?

what is dotnetcore, my friend.

>He uses windows products
>He doesn't make the connection they only care about what makes them money
>C++ tooling could be this cool
>C++ could have nuget (It does but it is cancer)

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"open core" retard, which is just as bad.

how can a language be open source? asking for a friend

Compiler, runtime and base library are open-source.
The development also happens in open-source manner, where anyone can contribute. And all all feature discussion is public.

Because I use js for everything and I don't give a shit.

What was microsofts motivation to make the language Open Source?

Why not?

JS is dead

>js is dead

Lmao. Keep dreaming nigger.

Node.js is more powerful than ever and the major frontend frameworks rule the market.

Only reason is it's monopoly on browser.
When WASM spreads enough, people will stop using JS.

One is better Java.
The other one is messier C.

>people will stop using JS.
Are you serious? Unless browsers drop JS, most people will not consider learning another language without actual reasoning as to why that would be of benefit.

This x1000

Bjarne should've been drunk when he added them

This but I prefer C# as a language. If C# had Java-like support it'd be awesome.

They both incomplete. C# is still a pajeetsoft meme only.

People are already dropping JS for TypeScript.
And when languages like Python, C# or Java can run in browser, even more people will drop JS.

Js is ubiquitous.

If you're a developer and you don't use or know at least basic js, you are pretty much a pajeet.

Some people(like me) use js almost everywhere, web, server desktop and even mobile. For some people it's the only language they know and need.

Even if WASM spreads and become successful as js is today(highly doubt it) it will take at least 5-10 years for js to be replaced.

What is missing?

>Js is ubiquitous.
No it is not.
It is only really on browser. Node.js is abortion that only devs who know only JS use. If you know any other language, you will stay the fuck away from Node

Are you seriously comparing typescript (which is still javascript) to webassembly?

No. Just demonstrating people are perfectly willing to migrate to clearly superior technology.

Also I can imagine TypeScript being compiled to WASM instead of JS.

You know what would be awesome? If Java and C# would run on the same JVM and interface with each other. I would bring cultures together

But CLR is superior to Java.

>no real generics
>no value types
>no unsigned types

>are perfectly willing to migrate
I don't think you're taking into account the transition difficulty involved and time taken between moving to typescript and moving to webassembly. You cannot in no clear soul deny that as a major argument as to way webassembly doesn't have fast adoption potential to a person who knows JS best and has to target all kinds of scenarios.

CLR is superior in feature set but isn't nearly as well optimized as modern JVMs.

But JVM has scala and cotlin. Is also platform independant

>CLR is superior in feature set but isn't nearly as well optimized as modern JVMs
[citation needed]

Also, don't forget there is major optimization effort for .NET Core CLR

.NET Core has C# and F# and is also platform independent.

.NET is developed by microsoft therefore is botnet

C# is more modern than C++ and as a result has much safer code.

Whatever makes you sleep better, user.

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Java is botnet too, it used to be in internet explorer

Free garbage is still garbage.

like linux, the bajillion distros it has and a big number of open-sores projects, right?

Kotlin is like a bit better version of Java.
C# is like a really better version of Java

>C# is too platform dependent
>What is .NET Core

>windows exclusive
.NET Standard
.NET Core

buggy, unstable, lacking library support, lacking standard features, still less portable than a JVM.
Pick at least two.

>Why aren't you learning this superior language?
I already know it, i don't use it because msft is a cunt about patents

Also, mono has been out for a decade and nobody cared then, nobody cares now

Gimped and most C# codebases in the wild don't work with it. There is still massive dependence on proprietary windows-only libraries out there.

I code in C daily, have looked at C++ (back in the 90's) and C# recently, I just don't like it. C is _the_ best language ever, end of.

What kind of work do you do in C? I can't imagine C skills command a higher salary than C# or C++.

>C# isn't the definitive pajeet language
nice try pajeet

C++ is a completely different beast these days.

It's still pretty shitty though.

Because it's too overused in unity
Man unity is beautiful but too cringy that (((some))) people make terrible stuff in it

>I can't imagine C skills command a higher salary than C# or C++.
They do, for the sole reason that C developers are maintaining decades old critical infrastructure.
They're on par with COBOL developers.

Decades ago you would have declared that no one is going to move away from Fortran because there is already so much invested in it and people already know it. JS fanatics like you are going to make me laugh when your hubris ends with you being homeless and unable to find a job.

You do realize you can program with object orientation in C#, right?

Haskell is better that's why.

Scala programmer here. Never believe odersky's lies.

because the jvm being 10000x better outweighs the 1 or 2 syntactic sugar features c# has over java

C# was cool, but it's dated now. You guys are only just starting to learn it now? The world has already moved on. We had C and C++, then Java came along, then we had C# which was basically just Java but way better. But now times have changed again and we have Rust. Rust is a modern language that gives us the best of everything. The low level power and speed of C/C++, but with high level features and safety. It's fucking 2018. You guys need to stop living in the past.

Rust is still too new

C# being more portable than C++? I hope you're joking.

Been coding in C# for a while and I love it, but I'm not a fan of Jewsual Studio, do you guys use a different API to compile code or we are all stuck in this microsoft hell for a while?

sorry, sleep deprivation turns me into a literal retard. I meant to type IDE.