Just a friendly reminder that SSD's are not to be trusted
all SSDs still store data in electrical charges, which slowly leak over time if left without power. This causes worn out drives (that have exceeded their endurance rating) to start losing data typically after one (if stored at 30°C) to two (at 25°C) years in storage; Therefore, SSDs are not suited for archival purposes.
People, just don't fucking bite.
Thank you for the PSA, captain obvious
>SSDs are not suited for archival purposes.
so don't use them for archival
Why would you use an SSD for archival purposes? It costs more an holds less.
>holds less
Well, at the consumer level anyway.
Those cost obscenely much. If you want to backup that much data, you'd do better with tape.
No one is doing this in the first place. Anyways 3-2-1 backups solve this long term and RAID solves this short term.
HDDs lose their data too since magnet
CDs degrade overtime as well..
There is not true long term storage beside on physical like paper
after one (if stored at 30°C) to two (at 25°C) years in storage
Where do you live, a god damn desert?
Get some cooling turned on, fuck.
Better yet, put your SSDs in the fridge.
Buy a mini-cooler, problem solved.
Better yet, don't rely on archival at all. Keep shit fresh or get it to fuck.
I deleted 17 years of stuff and feel better for it.
All those memes lost, like shitposting in shit. Time to die.
25c is normal here in Texas, it's considered just right. Where the fuck do you live? Fucking Antarctica?
>There is not true long term storage beside on physical like paper
>not backing up your porns into binary data on paper
>not renting a warehouse to store 10 of your porn binary data on paper
SSDs are not for backups, their purpose is to work with big data as fast as possible. And for 4k films, etc.
But how does EEPROM work?
jokes on you, i store all my company's mission critical data on 20TB of cpu cache i glued together
Can we instead just derail this thread into some kind of discussion on the best way(s) to archive data for long-term purposes?
I don't know much, but firmware/software side:
* RAID / maybe some zfs principals?
* Par2 archives
* checksums
On the hardware side, what's best? What will survive a nuclear disaster / fallout?
Brazilian reporting in. I live in Rio and it's not uncommon for our thermometers to go above 40°C. Also
>implying cooling helps
>not opening your apartment window and get blasted by aircon exhausts everywhere
Tape. Just don't bring them here and you'll be fine.
I think flash memory technologies work more or less the same way they're just addressed differently.
Mask ROMs are very safe but it can be corrupted by radiation.
PROMs can be zero'd (or one'd) which would render them completely unreadable but otherwise they're nearly as resilient as mask ROMs.
EPROMs can be corrupted by radiation especially UV radiation but also by electrons escaping.
EEPROMS can be corrupted by electrons escaping.
Tape is considered the best for long term archival, magnetic tape can retain data practically indefinitely even offline and the media is inexpensive and has a huge capacity and very good read/write speeds (in sequence). Hard disks are acceptable for low end archival purposes, they can hold data for a very long time offline, the only real problem is the data and drive are one piece so if the drive fails the data usually has to be sent to a specialist to be recovered.
Are there consumer-level tape drives and media available? I'm a leaf and newegg leaf edition (TM) has no consumer-priced options.
Paper decays. Better use stone tablets instead
You likely wont find many affordable options unfortunately, tape isn't a commonly used medium on the consumer front so the drives themselves can be very expensive but the media is cheap. They're mostly used in commercial businesses nowadays.
Yeah, amazon glacier is a big purchaser of this, I imagine.
When you say commercial, do you mean enterprise, or what prices are there for entry-level commercial stuff? I'm genuinely curious on this from the perspective of offline backup. I'd be interested in spending more up-front on the drive hardware if I can get lots of tape media for comparatively little.
Although you can get older tape drives off of ebay for relatively cheap if you don't mind being a bit behind the curve.
Yeah it would be large businesses and enterprise I'd imagine. Tape setups can be incredibly expensive so if you don't need to store a ton of data hard disks often make more sense.
The highest end setups use robotic tape loaders
Stone tablets erode. Better use steel sheets instead.
Well no fucking shit. Who said they were for archives.
If the problem is temperature than cooling would help. Good thing you said you were from Brazil so now I know not to blame a first world country for your poor education.
Also if you could do me a favor and tell everyone you meet to quit playing a game called smite on NA servers cause the people from Latam are fucking trash.
I see LTO-5 tape decks border on affordable - US$300 was the cheapest I saw on eBay. 1.5GB per tape isn't too bad - at about US$20 a tape. They all seem to be SAS though, but wouldn't be too hard to snag an el-cheapo SAS HBA, I imagine.
My issue is with second-hand gear itself - especially enterprise gear. Don't they absolutely flog their equipment, and dump it when the wear becomes obvious?
>1.5GB per tape
I submit for my 1,024 lashings.
Amazing how stupid someone can be with just enough knowledge to spout off quarter-truths.
Steel sheets rust, better memorize binary data and pass it on through generations
No industrial activity will EVER be totally clean. Absolutely NOTHING in physical reality CAN be. Worse comes to worse, protons decay! Enough eons pass and you've got a small but non-zero chance of a micro-black hole forming by quantum tunneling and destroying something. Everything dies, all things. Everything comes to dust.
Your dub-trips stay our hand. But don't do it again.
So remember kids, test your backups on at least a billennial basis.
well no shit why would you use ssd on something that lays there for a year
Memory fades, just hardwire it into the human genome
Yet my fist-generation, 6 y.o. SSD is still working perfectly as ever
Well yeah. No one's that stupid.
Human genome is prone to mutation - encode it in the protein assemblers of every lifeform on your home planet.
Electricity moves easier in the cold idiot. Shit And Gay Editor