Answer my poll u gay

should every Jow Forumsfag be executed irl?

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Everyone on Jow Forums should be executed

bit harsh

what are you

t. racist

no not all of them are retards even if majority are


t. gayass nazi

t.faggot childkiller

so u admit Jow Forums is full of children

how can I admit what I was never asked or denied
learn to communicate better retard

t.Jow Forumsfag

oh you are a Jow Forumsfag. i see now

just not a 'kill em all and let jesus sort em out' amerifaggot

if jesus doesnt sort them out then who will user, oops I mean faggot

I have a better idea.
Instead of violence why don't large groups of people who disagree on fundamental shit just live separately.
Let the Jow Forums types or the ethnic tribalists have their own little homogeneous Japan and then they can't blame their problems on other people anymore.
Likewise let the people who want big Government live separately from those who want little Government.
It is the attempt at destroying consensual collective identities and forcing integration at all costs for the sake of utopian global collective ideologies that is failing.

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whoops, wrong pic.

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how do you sort the line at your mums bedroom door cunt, I mean spastic cocklord

your contribution is appreciated, thank you

take a breather and try replying again

have you tried turning it off and back on again?

no? serious question, do you ever go on Jow Forums?

only to call them faggots