post geekbench for your phone
Post geekbench for your phone
>t. Samefag iToddler still shilling his gookbench trash
Meanwhile iShit X gets fucking destroyed in real world apps by $400 phones with SD835.
How does my S7 beat your Pixel 2?
pic related
probably because this phone was the biggest mistake I've ever made
LG G6. Didn't feel like rerunning the benchmark
But isn't the 835 fast than the Exynos 8890?
i have no idea, literally only bought the pixel 2 because the verizon midget jew salesman managed to convince me i needed a pixel 2
WTF my S7 is beating a Pixel 2 and a OP 5
This thing kills my old S7 Edge.
Only in single core performance, but it is surprising that it beats the OP5 even by that small of a margin. The average S7 score is below the OP5. Fluke maybe? Silicon lottery? Very strange.
iphone 8, 8 plus, and X all use the same cpu
all curbstomp flagship android devices
Ishit gets destroyed by fucking $300 phones in any actual app. The only thing itoddlers can fall back on is applebench.
This. The only thing iTrash can do well is run a tiny 5kb app in retarded unrealistic conditions. Meanwhile if you try to run any app over 5mb, iTrash gets utterly BTFO.
>trying to justify a sub-10,000 multicore geekbench score in 2018.
It’s okay Arjun, lagdroid will get a phone with a cpu as powerful as the A11 in a short 10 years.
tfw you get an expensive phone and iPhones just dab all over you anyway
>official twitter app
>google apps run faster on google phones
Wow, I wonder why Google apps run faster in the Google OS
How will iToddlers ever recover?
>his phone doesn't have a MC score over 10,000
fucking poorfags
>his gay toddler toy gets btfo by a $200 chinkphone
Lmao thought my s7 was crapping out on me. How'd you get updated to 8.1.0 by the way?
Enjoy your placebo :^)
I haven't noticed any slowness on my 5 year old phone. And I've saved thousands on not obsessing over the latest phones
I spent less than $500 for my OP5 as an upgrade from an $80 phone. Only two smartphones I've ever owned.
Didn't come remotely near breaking the bank, and it was money well spent. I won't need to upgrade for years, so no regrets.
What the fuck?
Might aswell post random numbers.