>use windows 7 for years with no issues >finally """upgrade"""" to windows 10 due to so much software and any potential attempts to optimize hardware for older OS's being straight up fucking abandoned, giving me no choice
>everything runs better at first, things are going great >months go by >windows start menu is now hardly fucking usable, just freezes up and shits itself every single fucking time i try to search anything >entire computer freezes up sometimes and is generally relatively slow as shit, embedded video barely plays, games crash all the time
the one thing, the ONE fucking thing in my life i enjoy which should take little to no work (at this point), a computer i built which i used to play video games, now being fucking destroyed and theres nothing i can do about it, because the only good OS is abandoned and the new one is AIDS ridden NSA creampied faggot shit
why are all those silicon valley kikes not already hanging from lampposts?
windows was always aids ridden NSA creampied faggot shit
Cooper Baker
my big problem with the windows 10 hate is that I'm concerned that you're using your PC like a toddler. I thought we were a technically literate board Jow Forums but every windows 10 hate thread I have to question how do you lads fuck up your PC's up so badly. Don't get me wrong, im not a fan of Windows 10. But across the 3 different Installations I have used, I have never fucked it up that badly. Am I just really naive or some shit, how does your ui elements start fucking up? Things like the search function and I have heard that someone broke the taskbar or some shit. Whatever I fucking hate myself.
literally never had a single problem with windows 10 performance improved heavily all round since 7, from booting/sleeping to gaming and just general browsing
>fully reinstall win10 enterprise right now >dont install anything else other than your browser and main programs >download the latest updates and restart several times until they install >after done, manually edit all privacy settings from the control panel and disable every single form of botnet >disable superfetch >proceed to run this github.com/Nummer/Destroy-Windows-10-Spying >disable automatic updates and install a different antivirus >>repeat all of the above with a frequency of 2 months and use a cloud service (not microsoft's) to sync all your program config between installs
You're welcome.
Luis Gray
>windows 10
Wtf did you expect
Aaron Lopez
>>>repeat all of the above with a frequency of 2 months
>reinstall the OS every two months
so we're back to a windows millenium tier piece of broken shit
Same here, don't know what issues people are having.
Win 10 Pro, lets you sort some of that shit up, but other than that, i don't know man.
Isaiah Ramirez
I don't understand what this means, have you used a computer before? Windows can't be this shit if purely of the virtue that Im posting from it right now. You would need to elaborate as Im don't know what big meme Im missing right now. Is it a problem that it doesn't meet the niche demands of computer enthusiast? I genuinely don't get these memes
Must be a problem with you or your computer or hardware. I've been running 10 for two years now and it's still running just as good as the day I installed it.
At this point, try reinstalling it to clear out all the bloat you've probably polluted it with. If you're using a spindle hard drive, then perhaps it's failing.
Zachary Long
Wow, triggered much? I guess i hit a button
Adrian Brooks
install Gentoo and kill yourself
Justin Cox
sounds like you can't defend your brain dead rhetoric. enjoy being a shitter I guess?
No sympathy, we warned you w10 was trash you fucking retard
Kevin Harris
Windows 7 ultimate for life bb.
Justin Jackson
Ok ill bite
Because you sound like one of those eccentric normies that shitpost about how good windows vista was despite the fact that it was despicable. Microsoft fucked its users in the ass with more restrictive licensing terms and its concerns about PCs meeting "Vista Premium Ready" hardware requirements and Vista's pricing.
Its yet another Microsoft scam where they copy apple but try not to be shameless about it. Like the microtransactions for "freemium services".
Just kys pls.
Ryder Lopez
Do you remember the name of the game this image is from user? i remember this from my childhood
Leo Morris
I see that you only truly demonstrated my point. Your post is no different than any dime-a-dozen mega shitter virgin faggot post I see daily. I will reiterate my premise so you don't have to make any more brain dead straw-men arguments. I don't like windows, it's a pretty big shitter meme. but if the crutch of your argument for hating it is based off an anecdote about how you slam you're giant fucking cheeto dusted fingers onto your shitty mechanical keyboard and you broke the windows 10 installation of you're own fruition and ineptitude, you're literally brain dead. I'm sorry I, a rando Jow Forums faglord has to break the news to you but you're mentally defective. Please before using your computer ask yourself "am I actively adding to the cancer of the world" if the answer is yes simply unplug your pc. In this case the answer is undoubtedly yes. please fucking end yourself before you make another one of these AIIDS riidden fallacious arguments on any website.
to clarify I use winidows because I have to do work you out of it. But by the end of the day I don't care about the OS I use, mostly because my windows 10 install is apparently invincible and doesn't croak out like every other Jow Forums post says
Connor Perry
I had to abandon a previous install because of the same reason. I disabled updates on my current install and haven't updated once. It hasn't slowed down one bit. Really makes you think.
Oliver Foster
Reported for racism
Jose Flores
Mods only ban you if you say "niggers."
Luis Powell
since when?
Jonathan Bell
The average Jow Forumstard literally installs a shitload of retarded hacks and other bullshit because "omg wtf m$ is stealing my error logz to spy on me!!!" and literally break their own installation while blaming MS. I'm in the same boat as you and my W10 enterprise install has lasted 3 years no issues through multiple upgrades and I even did a full hardware upgrade and just popped the SSD into a new system and W10 reconfigured itself automatically to the new PC without me having to do anything.
Windows literally just works now if you aren't a full retard and intentionally break it.
Jason Gonzalez
For a while now. Say something bad about niggers here and you'll get hacked with a 24 hour ban. Say something bad about niggers in IRC and they'll ban you from the channel. The mods are staunch liberals.
Kayden Powell
Justin Flores
I want to agree with your premise, but it is a bit naive to say that it's entirely the user's fault (regardless of mental aptitude) when the installation breaks. but yeah as a meme, your entirely right.
Interesting and yes i have to use win 10 for work and i hate my life because licensing. So ya fuck Microsoft
GG you magnificent bastard
Landon Jones
Julian Morales
This I just used OOSU10 and classic shell to fix what I didn't like.
Wyatt Rodriguez
They added a "reset" option in Win 8. Use it and start over.
Anthony Long
When my Windows 7 eventually dies I'm just gonna move to Linux Mint Xfce. The interface is basically the same as Windows 7, and I'm already using it on my laptop.