>he owns a gayming PC
He owns a gayming PC
at what point does a pc become a gayming pc
>he has memepad with lincuck distro without gui.
when it has rgb lights and fancy case
i guess when you start buying rgb and glass window cases deliberately
when it has a dedicated graphics card
>he poster
what if you use it for rendering or computing?
same tier as gayming
So I guess your perfect computer is a facebook machine. Do you own a macbook by any chance?
Kys. I use my graphic card for scientific purposes
>he can't afford viper killer extr3me gaming rgb ram
Gaming RAM gives your colors a better refresh latency
>tfw rgb ram was cheaper than regular but Jow Forums autists call me a gaymer
mining monero isn't a "scientific purpose"
RGB RAM was the cheapest 32 GB 2800 DDR4 kit they had when I bought it. I guess that makes me the gamer.
no? it's arch without DE kebab
>i-i swear i only use the COMPUTE part of the graphics api !!
>He doesn't know about deep learning and all the scientific uses of cuda
Go back to /v/ kids
>he cares about what I own
>Lying on the internet
Oh sweaty
>he doesn't own a retro PC for playing ms-dos games
Uncle Junior?
>he uses microshit
My mums gaming PC is pretty sick. That 2600, gt 210 combo man.
>I'm too young to post