I'm confused, should I start appreciating kpop now? do we have a new queen?

I'm confused, should I start appreciating kpop now? do we have a new queen?

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no it is degenerate as fuck and used for subversion

is this real?

Absolutely. Comparatively to burger media, its sanitized, Jow Forums approved, and my favorite non-white activity of my week.

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>being this new
>not being /new/

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Goddamn fonephags

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But not redpilled.

Nah, it's designed to rot your brain.

Would you ask a pornstar for their opinion on something serious? That's what kpop is, softcore porn

it is fucking old

My Korean girlfriends over the years have all looked down on blacks.

My current Chinese girlfriend refused to hold my hand after I shook hands with a Somalian after a football match.

Shes a keeper.

>things that never happened: the post

Minutely reminder that barefoot kpop girls are the final redpill.

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Isn't she at a bit of a disadvantage being the keeper?

Feels 2016 man.

Maybe she didn't want to hold your hand because you're a Paki and she's six and wanted to go back to her parents.

Not until they allow porn in Korea so we can watch Korean 10/10 qts suck off massive BWC

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kys gook loving inbred nigger


I am a minority British Citizen. Stop targeting me. Of course by minority I mean white. Not exactly helping the cause by dating purely Asian women.

Some people drop litter.. but as long as we don't wall drop litter, things will be ok right?

Honestly, I'd wife a based Asian woman in a heartbeat if not for the mixed children.

Skin is pretty white, but many male hapas come out a bit short on masculinity, it's much harder for them to become Chads.

I don't want a skinny manlet for a son.

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I know what you mean. I don't want to have a daughter because she will be stunning and guys are going to abuse the shit out of her.

I don't want a half asian boy because he will not enjoy the same success with women as me.

I guess I plan to have the boy but try make him taller and stronger than me at least. Good diet and force him to do Muay Thai or something.

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