tech cringe stories
ill start
>be me
>8th grade
>be a fucking knowitall who thinks they're the best in tech
>programmer comes in to talk to us
>programmer starts asking us questions to see what we know
>name some programming languages you know
>raise my hand as high as possible
>go through the list of the programming languages 14 year old me has remembered
>java, basic, c, c++, c#
>guy lets out a short chuckle and corrects me
it was probably nothing looking back but damn if i don't think about that every other week
Tech cringe stories
>8th grade
>be me
>present day, preset time
>click this thread and can't even get through two lines of OP's shit thread
>8th grade
why must we age so quickly user ? ; _ ;
>I was a junior in highschool
>2012 was 6 years ago
Man if I could go back and talk to 22 year old me
Really you would've just ended up fear-selling once it hit $400
I spent all mine on Silk Road on adderall and meth.
>I've had my RAM at half-data bandwidth for about 5 years because I never read the manual.
imagine what $40,000 worth of meth and adderall would get you
explain further please? I wonder if I am making the same idiotic mistake.
How old are you that you called those hashtags in 8th grade? It was always pound sign until twitter or the few people who said octothorpe
I placed the RAM in 2 slots together rather than in the first and third slot. Doing the latter gives you a double data rate.
I'm 20 right now. Used Twitter in middle school.
This fuck grew up in a time where the pound symbol was well known, and he didn't go with that as his first guess. Not everyone knows what a sharp note is though.
??? no i didn't. when i went through middle school everyone was calling them hashtags.
I did the exact same thing
fuck me too man, i graduate college at the end of 2012 ;(
3 4
Oh, I have all four slots taken up so I geuss it doesn't apply.
>be 16
>first day of skills center
>machinist program
>spent about a month fucking around with java for an hour or two after I got home from school
>lol this G-code shit he's talking about sounds like it was made for retards
>I'm l33t computer man
>send spindle at 3500rpm into table at 60fpm
>8th grade
This is premium bait because it's likely real, still made me feel bad about myself tho.
>be me
>present day
>present time
>dad shows me the dark web
>notice I take an interest as well
>brand new rig shipped to the house next day
>hang out with some strangers online for a few weeks
>build tons of 1337 cred fast
>start programming in lisp regularly
>begin dissociating into online community
>so popular there people start to think I'm god
>wtf that ain't me bro
>blackout for a few days
>blackmailed my slut best friend maybe
>she don't believe me I dindu nuffin
>try to kill myself but it didn't work
>moved away instead
>nobody remembers me
>be 18
>be in infantry because retarded
>ask to go to combat medic school
>now I have to carry medic gear everywhere additionally to the regular combat gear
>get back problems
have a rare lain.
same here, but don't really care
> implying you would be able to cash out
wow, a production sketch
The worst part of this story is that it's called a HASH. The "tag" comes from using the hash to TAG it for searches.
what would you tell her?
The octothorpe purist in me is triggered
Pound sign dates back to the fucking Romans. Number sign is from the 19th century, hash sign is from the early 60s and octothorpe is from late 60s.
You aren't a purist, your usage is the least pure of all.
i too was a junior in highschool at this time
fuck you