Is it actually worth switching from vim to this?

Is it actually worth switching from vim to this?

Attached: shit.png (2000x2000, 371K)

More features.

Spacemacs is a pretty comfy compromise.

Attached: ss1.png (1380x718, 200K)

More versatile. It is for advanced users.

Yes, you can more or less use it as your os or at least most of your computer needs can be done in it

can anyone tell me a good reason to switch from Sublime to this?
on a text editor basis

think of it more as a partial replacement for your terminal, a new thing to live in, with better intercommunication and the same syntax and logic behind most keybinds.
the actual text editor is great too but i would even recommend you stick to evil-mode there.
also having a good file-/processmanager, todo system, rss reader and editor even when im on winshit is pretty nice

After learning you can be a lot more productive.

i will give it a go and i'll report my progress in the future

Worth switching from Atom to Emacs even if you have to learn elisp?

Why switch to vim or emacs when you got nano?

if you have to ask it isn't

I switched 3 months ago to Spacemacs and have not looked back.
I mostly do C++ (and as of months ago, lisp) dev work and it's really cozy.
If you care about C++ it's best to run on the dev branch for rtags support.

If you currently have more than 7 language-agnostic plugins for vim installed, yes.

Atom is shit so yes.

best tool for the job.


Emacs is better at being vim than vim

This is what I use as well. Great combination and looks prettier. Space bar as the super key is genius.
Takes a while to load if you have a lot of packages, but after that it's breezy.

Why not switch to a more modern editor?

I'm glad to see Emacs got a decent editor now.
But why run an extra OS just for vim?

Emacs Lisp is better than Vimscript in every possible way

yes, emacs has the best elisp support. Emacs has the best support for basically any lisp.

emacs and vim are both maintained lol

Attached: poop.png (625x626, 36K)

Good thing you can script Vim in a dozen different languages..


Attached: emacs_2018-04-10_11-12-52.png (1366x768, 364K)

Just use evil

>make a bloated editor even more bloated
>add a ton of soyboy shit like powerlines

Might as well use Atom.

>everything I don't like is soyboy

Attached: 1513971350641.png (380x380, 4K)

Are any of them as good as Elisp?

t. Soyboy

Almost anything is better than Elisp

>implying that's a good thing
Also, the great thing about Emacs being one big lisp machine is not lisp per se, but the fact that it's capable of self-modifying and self-documenting on the fly. I don't particularly like Elisp but it's still infinitely more powerful than the "core + plugins in 12 different languages" way.

How is performing. Last time I tried was slow as fuck with helm, etc.or are you using daemon mode?

t. prancing lala homo man

any of you nerds use exwm? i just installed it and it seems p dope

The truth is any good editor/IDE supports plugins written in a turing complete language and provides the hooks to manipulate everything in the editor.

Basically, vim, emacs, visual studio, intellij, eclipse, vs code, and sublime all do that. Not sure about others but probably atom does too.

I even have a multi-select plugin for visual studio, and they are investigating adding it as a base feature

Yes. I like using my mouse. I don't even know how to move down one line using the keyboard in emacs.

down arrow obviously

This is now Emacs General, post elisp snippets
(setq frame-title-format
'(buffer-file-name "%f"
(dired-directory dired-directory "%b")))

actually i got used to program on the Jow Forums quick reply box + writing all code on paper to scan and convert it when done

vim is best

Attached: temp.png (818x584, 101K)

vim supports mouse too