R8 my life

00:00 SLEEP
01:00 SLEEP
02:00 SLEEP
03:00 SLEEP
04:00 SLEEP
05:00 SLEEP
06:00 SLEEP
07:00 SLEEP
08:00 WAKE
09:00 WORK
10:00 WORK
11:00 WORK
12:00 LUNCH
13:00 WORK
14:00 WORK
15:00 WORK
16:00 WORK
17:00 WORK
18:00 WORK
19:00 DINNER
21:00 FREE
22:00 SLEEP
23:00 SLEEP

Mon - Fri Schedule as above.
Sat & Sun I dont work or workout and I sleep for 12 hours on these days. My free hour is spent meditating for 30 minutes and doing whatever else like sex or jerking off desu

Attached: Screenshot_20180405-181441.jpg (977x810, 645K)

is this some kind of a slave diary? why don't you own your own company and have others work for you?

youre sleeping for ten hours a day. If you need two extra hours of sleep a day to function then you are either working too hard or there is something wrong with you medically.


im a hedge fund manager I founded it.

nope you need 6 sleep cycles a day. you have been lied to and are sleep deprived

nigger I feel perfectly fine on 7-8 hours who the shit told you you need "6 sleep cycles"

t.slowlane life

What am I supposed to do with this information?

You're supposed to skim over the text and whip your dick out to the image

rate my life
>00:00 LURK
>01:00 LURK
>02:00 LURK
>03:00 SLEEP
>04:00 SLEEP
>05:00 SLEEP
>06:00 SLEEP
>07:00 SLEEP
>08:00 SLEEP
>09:00 SLEEP
>10:00 SLEEP
>12:00 LURK
>13:00 LURK
>14:00 LURK
>15:00 LURK
>16:00 LUNCH
>17:00 LURK
>18:00 LURK
>19:00 LURK
>20:00 LURK
>21:00 DINNER
>22:00 LURK
>23:00 LURK

Attached: 1518641195305.jpg (500x500, 52K)

>0000 Sleep
>0100 Sleep
>0200 Sleep
>0300 Sleep
>0400 Sleep
>0500 Sleep
>0600 Wake/Breakfast
>0700 Work
>0800 Work
>0900 Work
>1000 Work
>1100 Lunch
>1200 Work
>1300 Work
>1400 Work
>1500 Work
>1600 Work
>1700 Gym
>1800 Run
>1900 Free/Dinner
>2000 Free
>2100 Free
>2200 Free
>2300 Fap/Sleep

So what happens when everyone is the CEO amd there are no workers?

>monophasic sleep
I bet you use windows too

>getting 9 hours of sleep
you should check your priveledge
lucky fuck

depends on the intensity of the workout and the type of mental/physical stress his work puts him into. 10 hours could be needed. The avg sleeps 8, some people are fine with 5, it's all relative and resting properly is super important.

The botnet life. Botnet life

I'm pretty much the same, but I work for myself. Doesn't really feel like work.

Damn she's cute. Would awkwardly glance at twice from 40 ft away before shuffling off to do my business

fucking kill yourself. go to tumbler or reddit to blog post, you fucking nigger. how your post is related to technology, baka

You're not suppose to work out every day. You need a day for your body to recover and build muscle.

Only an hour a day for social/love life doesn't seem super healthy.

Do you eat bekfast?

At least your sleep schedule is better than mine.

I feel like this is the dream

>three meals
lot of rich people here

>You need a day for your body to recover and build muscle.
That is true if you are a professional bodybuilder on gear.

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner on a typical workday?

>lunch at 11
just the thought of this is making me nervous

pretty sure she's a solid 6 under all that makeup and Photoshop

She probably looks better without it