Can we trust him?
Can we trust him?
>all the fucking billionaires are sub-6'
>tfw 6'2"
>muh manlet meme hurr durr
I don't understand commie units, please re-post using the correct freedom units.
t. Ameritard
Do you really need to make 20 threads about your boyfriend?
>he actually think height has anything to do with anything
Does this look like a face you can trust?
Shh! Be quiet. This idiot probably from Jow Forums
I'm the same. Greatness awaits.
he looks like he's got a few naked virgin girls noshing him off under the table
That's not even 6 feet
I though euros/everyone else goes my cm for height
did the nips lie to me?
Elin musk user...
180 cm dipshit just multiply by ten
holy moly it's that easy?
metric systems sounds pretty neat too bad it reeks of un-american
holy shit are you really that fucking dumb you don't know how to convert centi to milli etc?
what's this have to do with french?
hey asshole its not like you know how many feet are in a mile
try again
you should be able to at least understand english words and deduce that prefix of a word means something
cant believe you managed to turn on your computer
No American school doesn't teach metric you fucking retard. By the way there are 5280 ft or 1760 yards in a mile. Do you know how many square chains are in an acre?
t. American
Actually when you have chemistry and physics classes in high school they teach measurements in metric
No. I know who we can trust.
yes I do, 5280. I live in Denver, there's a fucking magazine with the title. Metric is easy as fuck to learn and shouldn't take more than an hour to understand all of it.
yes they do, are you in texas or some shit?
Incredible ingenuity.
Yeah that's my point, no school doesn't teach it, as in, every school does teach it. Everyone in America also knows metric, albeit not in the super comfortable with casual measurements way that someone who uses solely that system does.
Point is the American claiming to not know metric is a fucking tard.
>ywn be happy billionaire dancing with maracas
the future is dark
It was already on when I got home.
That's pretty chad desu
Orban: "I-I thought I was in charge"
Soros: "Do you feel in charge?"
Holy shit
>Can we trust him?
To be fair, that chair does look rather low
zucker does not have aspergers, he has psychopathy...
Use the right units dipshit retards
>freedom units
>commie units
Haha you should know that all your freedom units are defined by the commie system, meaning you use the metric system everyday only abstracted back into imperial.
Fuck off shill
>sweaty axilla
From what I've read. apparently children typically use those
Calling me a shill doesn't make it any less true that the US is a metric country whose population uses measurements translated from metric standards that the us received after the signing of the Metre Convention in 1875
Definitively not
>reading comprehension