Buy tablet and stylus for school to use for note taking

>buy tablet and stylus for school to use for note taking
>excited to being a 21st century student
>use it once and then went back to paper and pen
anyone else?

Attached: apple-pencil-ipad-note-taking-670x335.jpg (670x335, 39K)

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Except I've always used paper and pen

probably had a shitty tablet and stylus
or you take notes in one color and never import graphics

pen and paper notetaking is dead grandpa

It werked for me back in the day. You just haven’t learned enough about the power of multimedia note taking. OneNote is god-tier software.

A sensible choice since pen and paper doesn't need charging.

I use fountain pen, with them I can write with really good hand writing

I haven’t used a fountain pen for note taking, but I did use one to practice moon runes and it was incredible.

my nigga
which one do you use? most people i know who use them for note taking use Lamy Safaris

I still do, although finals in 3 weeks so recently I've been rushing and using keyboard for words, pen for draws

Too hard, eh? Or not exactly like you were expecting?
Adaptability is the key to survival.

I think tablet screen would die under my big amount of writing

I take mine to uni and use Notability for taking notes + recording the lectures. Works great for me, user. It really isn't for everyone, but I learn the coursework well.

Using pen and paper is better for your memory.

>buy Nexus 7
>install simple draw
>get stylus with fine tip

>stylus with fine tip

Capacitive stylus with fine tip for precise writing.

Attached: 517Bwou7tRL._SL1000_.jpg (1000x1000, 60K)

>What's a computer

>buying a tablet and stylus for note taking
I can't think of a single benefit to this over using a pen and paper. I write all my notes in shorthand then type and print them out when I'm home. This lets me get word for word notes and have them be easily readable when I need to go over them.

They exist? Can you provide a link, kind sir?

>Buy sort of expensive cube tablet with a wacom pen,
>It's badly calibrated around edges.

More than Chinked and Maoed in one.

Saving for a new pen maybe that one will be better.

Attached: 1494386428303.png (546x269, 175K)

Thanks, 500 is rather a lot but I'll find one :)

You can order any amount you want.
I ordered 25 piece with replacement tips as well.

Thinkpad X220 with Wacom Bamboo Fun and Krita

2018 not taking notes on a slab with a chisel