Congress should have TERM and AGE limits

Congress should have TERM and AGE limits.

>five 2 year terms
>age 30 - 60

Listening to the old retards at Zuckerbergs hearing was so embarassing. They barely can read, they sound drunk and talk at 2 words a minute. The chairman is 84 years old. Sad.

Attached: 5acd1fe84d0386a9008b5052-750-500.jpg (750x500, 48K)

get out you milennial POS

> he still believes it's not comedia dell' arte.

kys op

Why is his face abnormal? Is he human?



almost there

That was one of drumps platforms but it's likely going to be another he abandons, it's a shame too, that was one of the few ones I was for

If only there was a system to vote in policy makers.


Windows XP POSReady 2009?

Jews aren't human, user

Perhaps he was the most human of us all...

Doesn't matter if he abandons it or not. It won't happen because why would Congress limit itself and ruin their own careers? Trump really can't do anything about it because noone in Congress is going to have the integrity to actually vote for such a bill.

Unfortunately pretty much no one rocks the boat on congressmen unless there's a scandal.


yep, the senators were disgusting. maybe 3 of them were actually semi-knowledgeable. but that is pushing it.
also the chairman called him suckerberg cuz he can't even speak anymore.

The senators unironically wanted to take a break before he did. It's the hardest they worked since they traveled back to DC after the last shutdown

Throw acid on his face, it won't damage him.

they are doing fiiine
they just force him to explain shit because most of this is about how they try to evade law with gimmicks

It's pretty clear that anyone who wants to be in congress should be STEM educated. Tired of seeing these law graduates try to understand or talk about tech they have no idea how it works. They just end up looking like the ass clowns they are. This who thing was an embarrassment because the Senators don't know what they are talking about and they are talking to someone who is at the forefront of tech.

You dont even need to be a STEM major. Take any non-brainlet kid from one of the younger generations and they probably know much more about technology than any of the senators combined.

It's clear our system of checks and balances is broken and we need to create another administration whose sole job it is to keep Congress in check. And then we will need another administration to keep the new one in check, and another to keep the newer one in check, repeat ad infinium.

Also then stink of corruption, make me wanna puke just looking at them.

I think it's more that they need someone qualified or at least familiar with the subject matter at hand to be asking the questions. Congress should've handed him to some kind of panel of people qualified in the field to probe specifics.

>write laws understand laws
>why don't the know stem shit.

>attempts to write laws on things he doesn't understand
>why don't these laws work!!!!11