16 fucking YEARS and this shit still hasn't been fixed and doesn't work. Every other mail client complies with .eml formats, but no, not fucking Thunderbird. What a shitshow.

Attached: thunderbird-256.e5af8f2b33f3.png (256x256, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Name a better mail client

isn't thunderbird not part of Mozilla anymore?

windows 10 mail

No, please no

Use sylpheed


Attached: 1520211348061.jpg (608x309, 29K)


Attached: 1521680685217.png (1037x205, 45K)

> Add support for X-Unsent property in .eml files
> "bug"

If you read further, someone made an addon that fixes this shit. Sadly, I can't tell my costumers "just install this non-official addon that doesn't come included by default lol". Most of them can't even into computers.

It is a bug, because X-Unsent is part of the EML standard. Which means they aren't supporting it properly, hence, a bug.

Reminder that Thunderbird is going to be trash soon.

Our base goes away. Gecko will change dramatically in the future,
and dropping many features that Firefox does not need anymore, but
that Thunderbird relies on.
* Our codebase is now roughly 20 years old. It heavily and
intrinsically relies on those very Gecko technologies that are now
being faded out, more or less aggressively.
* JavaScript and HTML5 have evolved dramatically. Entire applications
in JS are now realistic, and have been done. There are several
existing JS libraries we might leverage. JavaScript is an efficient
language, which allows fast development. A rewrite in JavaScript
makes sense now.
* We will learn from shortcomings of existing Thunderbird, and solve
them, for example a more flexible address book, and cleanly
supporting virtual folders without overhead.
* The goal of the rewrite is to be close to the existing Thunderbird,
in UI and features, as a drop-in replacement for end users, without
baffling them. They should immediately recognize the replacement as
the Thunderbird they love. It will install and run as normal desktop
application, like Thunderbird does today. It keeps user data local
and private.
* We can also make a new, fresh desktop UI, as alternative to the
traditional one, for new users. The technology also gives us the
option to run it as mobile app.
* While we implement the new version of Thunderbird, the old codebase
based on Gecko will be maintained until the rewrite is ready to
replace the old one.
* I expect this effort to take roughly 3 years: 1 year until some
dogfood (usable by some developers and enthusiasts). 2 years until a
basic feature set is there. 3 years until we can replace Thunderbird.

Still the best.
>open your mailbox website
>take ages for that because of all those stupid useless CSS
And to think Gmail is seriously the fastest box for me.

they are doing an electron app
they are MAKING thunderbird an electron app
how are they allowed to live



>working for free
yeah no fix your fucking software yourself lazy piece of shit

Mutt is great

is there any skin that makes it not look like utter trash?

you brought this on yourself

everyone fucking memed Qt so hard everyone ended up believing it's garbage. Well now you have to deal with something even worse, enjoy

> 16 years ago
> Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1;

Attached: K5tIYLIPGguWD1t-uU7sJMXOeILz4v_cLt85uGHJQ0Y.jpg (577x534, 41K)

Customers don't want native apps that integrate with the host platform anymore, they are so used to spending time on web apps that use all their own custom chrome that this has become the new normal. Even Qt is not focusing on this space anymore, they make way more money from embedded.

>using emails in 2000+17+1

>Implying he isn't right

Built in Mail in macOS.


The tag is part of the eml standard. The application behaviour is not required by the standard. A bug would be if Thunderbird crashed opening an email with x-unsent set. This is just an absent feature.

>email clients on end user machines
why isn't your home server running your email on a webpage?

Because I can't force my clients using my enterprise grade application to use servers like that.
They want to use their own emails, on their usual email clients. Not on a local server, and not on my own client, which would also be a waste of time to develop on my end, as I'm not in the business of selling mail clients.

kmail, claws mail, mutt, sylpheed


Attached: 1511702359383.png (722x1599, 640K)

>JavaScript, if used diligently and with good design, is a very efficient
language. Both in execution time, but more importantly for developers.
Personally, I wrote apps in many languages, including C++, Java and
JavaScript. Of those, JavaScript is by far the most productive - I am
personally 4-10 times as productive as with C++.


Well that say more about fucking C++ and Java than JavaScript.


I have almost tried every mailing clients out there and my current favorite is em Client then Outlook

>em Client

"em Client"

>em Client

I still haven't found a Linux email client that
1) Doesn't look like shit
2) Can sort first by unread, then by date
3) Has a search/filter as good as Thunderbird's quick filter

gnus, mu4e, rmail

>Doesn't look like shit
Nothing in loonix including the os itself will ever meet this requirement

why does Thunderbird not work well with yahoo? it takes forever to sync and sometimes messages don't get sent.

I meant to say "client other than Thunderbird"
Thunderbird is excellent

>the first three responses to this
Jow Forums is dead

alpine is bettet

It's called /nu/g/ these days, you can blame abit of it on the Jow Forumstards whom come here to shitpost about the stupidest things and not actually talking about the botnet.

Its because they havent rewritten it in Rust :^)

just use Suave skin for Thunderbird

>Thunderbird is

t. Been using it since forever. Switched to eM Client today.

GNUMail and Claws are actually real solid, but I just always go back to thunderbird. More configurable than the others.


This shouldn't be a bug in the first place. It's a feature request. And one that only few people will ever need.

>Every other mail client complies with .eml formats, but no, not fucking Thunderbird. What a shitshow.
why does this remind me of the xkcd standards comic?

redpill me on using an email client and not just going to the respected webpages.

>easy operating multiple email accounts
>can be used offline to read downloaded mail/write mail to send on next reconnect
>better user experience due to not being constrained to "web app" UX

If you're that averse to code generation, you can demand that gnome devs strip out python support next. Goodness knows their api needs a good redesign.

Mozilla dropped Thunderbird support at the end of 2016 you ugly tranny. It's an entirely open source project now. The fact that mozilla still allows them to use bugzilla is a small miracle because I distinctly remember IRC convos with the devs that said this was going to end soon back at the beginning of 2017

>mfw bugs that I fixed and then neglected to do unit testing for are still open despite me having copy pasted the solution for the problem in the comments.

I feel like i'm walking around my old gradeschool as a grown man now.

Attached: wtfsimpson.gif (480x354, 3.6M)

Outlook is fucking woeful. Waste of money.

I have several email accounts, probably unnecessarily. Thunderbird makes it super easy to check emails from all of them at the same time.

Even if I cut down the number to, say two, it would still be convenient application.

Em client looks great. Thanks for the heads up.

>claws mail, sylpheed
are identical and they suck

TB needs to be UI simplified. There are too many options.

It'll be simplified alright, once they port everything to Electron you can be sure it'll have 1/10th of the features at 10x RAM usage

I unironically am considering switching to mutt before this shite happens.

have unironically switched to it many moons ago
best client so far