Be American

>be American

Attached: BlowItOutYourAss.jpg (480x360, 17K)

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Why don't Americans look like pic related anymore?

This is how I imagined you all looked like, when I was a kid. Oh boy, was I wrong.

Attached: americanposter.png (441x353, 96K)


America is divided
America is weak
America is where war will begin

t. jewhammad

Attached: 1531857286425.png (1600x1600, 92K)

>This is how I imagined you all looked like, when I was a kid.

Attached: val-kilmer-top-gun-2.jpg (1000x563, 262K)


I blame corn sugar being in almost every prepackaged food here. Before it became so widespread we didn't have nearly the same number of fat fucks.

Thanks man
Reminds me of Opa
We're fucked anyway only America had the chance to put this right but you'd took in the people we tried to eradicate and look how degenerate you'd turned out. The balls in your side of the court. Fix it asap

Denied a job because a woman lied

It's a lost cause here unfortunately. The Jews had this place under lockdown in the mid 1800s, probably before that honestly.

I imagined that every Texans girls were sexy hot ass bitches wearing cowboy hats and who would carry guns and marry bikers

>be New Zealander

How is he wrong?

You's have some of the the most odd females on the planet to contend with

>Be American
> get accused for sexual assault

>be unkown flag
>die for Israel because Trump told you to

lole who are you quoting dude

Dukeposters pls come back

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Attached: E29859CD-8303-4CAE-8680-CAF1ADCEF269.jpg (480x360, 145K)

That smile is creepy

Attached: 1532886117921.jpg (284x262, 56K)