/fglt/ Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

stale bread: This is /fglt/ Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/fug/ Friendly Unix General welcome here

>gentoomen required reading:

>/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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Other urls found in this thread:


maybe more /sec/ related but.. after a fresh install several ports above 1000 are open, only shows up on a slow, comprehensive scan with Zenmap. otherwise 1000/1000 are closed. do i need to worry if everything is up to date, incoming denied in general?

what's a good book on actually learning Linux? I'm not looking for something that'll teach me to navigate around the system, but rather teach me how and why stuff actually works

How do I get some monitors on my dwm bar

Where do I put these scripts? In the config.h?

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Nevermind. But does something like the time and date keep up to date if I use xsetroot


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Why doesn't anyone use GNU/Hurd?

No need to, since there's linux.

Why is battery life on linux so bad?

Thinking of buying a gigabyte 15x and installing linux and doing GPU passthrough for games.

How is openSUSE? I'm using Debian and liking it very much on a main computer, but I'm thinking about trying openSUSE. Is it kind to Linux pleb?

If I could, I'd have an OS without a kernel, or hardware.

Why is the Stallman upside down?
Is GNU in distress? DOES HE NEED OUR HELP?

Trying out Vine Linux atm. Seems excellent but I can't wrap my head around package managers-- apt-get in this case.

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I tried it and went back to debian
If you cant find a reason to need openSUSE, then tjeres really no point to swapping from one binary systemd distro to another

package manager go and getty the package and it bringy to you

Do AMD Hawaii/Grenada still have catastrophic issues on Linux? To give some background, I've attempted probably more than half a dozen Linux installs (of varying distros) using my Radeon R9 390 - all of them have more or less ended in failure to actually get my video card working how it should. I have tried both free and non-free drivers. I want to jump back to Linux so badly with this desktop setup, but not if it means either A) halving my GPU performance just for system stability via a shoddy fix or B) maxing out my GPU's power consumption at all times to maintain decent performance via a shoddy fix

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It isnt, you just need to make a few tweaks.
Powertop is the best place to start

What's the best distro to know for getting a job? CentOS?

I would really like to try out YaST.

more like GNU/Turd amirite

claims OpenGL 4.5 compliance, so support is probably not garbage

Is there a guide to make a Debian based distro look like Windows XP, with a fart button instead of a start button for maximum shitposting

Hahaha, loled.

I want to fall for the Arch meme, but I'm scared of the install desu. Is Antergos a good alternative to it?

Antergos and Manjaro are really nice to use. it's a good step towards using arch or even keeping antergos/manjaro

YaST ist fantastich. Really the best tool ever made for Linux, after GNU.

Don't fell for this meme, instal Gentoo, or LFS.
If you want SystemD - you'd better instal OpenSUSE, since you don't care about bloat anyway.

opensuse & ubuntu might be bloated garbage but at least its less shit tier than windows 10.

OpenSUSE is bloated, but not as shitty, as Ubuntu. OpenSUSE doesn't shit itself, and has superior KDE support.

do screen and tmux work with actual old terminals, circa 1979

my terminal isn't quite vt100, and screen says it emulates a vt100 so I'm wondering if it's even worth looking into

I imagine splitting and stuff would be sketchy, but just attaching and detaching is all I care about

how to fix this shit? it says plugged in, and alsamixer shows it's not muted. do i have to uninstall/reinstall pulseaudio or something?

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remove it, it is unnecessary.


I'd install gentoo user but I have a laptop.

try changing the hw input in the Configuration tab

It works but I would miss having color


this is interesting, thanks

I'm just setting up an old terminal as a project to learn linux and use it for cmus, chat programs, calendars, etc.

Am I able to make an optimus like profile?

>Every .PDF reader on Linux
Worse than what Adobe offers for W10
>Every music player for Linux
By far worse than foobar or musicbee

pls recommend me a software
beets looked promising but was too hacker

Is my hdd dying? pastebin.com/M7VYCHun
I haven't used for couple of years, attached it like month ago, next day i got 2 errors and now it's 9. Another the very same drive that was used for all the time since i bought it 4.5 years ago still has no errors.

install gentoo

> 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 200 200 140 Pre-fail Always - 0
Replace ASAP.

I dont see a question here really. Are you asking what a package manager does?

Its the equivalent of an .exe installer. It gets the software and anything else it needs and sticks it on your computer in a way that your computer can understand.

what distro should i use for my first linux desktop? ive been using linux on my laptop for a while now (ubtuntu, debian, LMDE) but what im working on is a bit intensive to use on this old crapbook, i dont have a lot of time to be configuring things so anything like arch is out of the question, and i need available drivers for proprietary hardware (wifi dongles and such)
im going to be doing a bit of visualization if that helps. even if i could just stick with lmde that would be great, i just dont know if there are drawbacks for running it on desktop


Just use the same one as the laptop to reduce headaches.

install gentoo



just dive into the terminal and start doing shit

ughmmm what fuck illuminati :-DDD

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info coreutils

genkernel all

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>pacman wants to update the following packages:

Put you appointments on hold, just in case.

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Actually I just updated, still works.
As always.
This meme is stupid.

You dont have the same packages as i do, and also you could have xorg setup in a way that i do or do not. It all depends on the users settings, which is mostly why xorg breaks in the first place

>move 12gig file to USB (NTFS) using Ubuntu
>it appears in Windows as 0 byte file no matter what I do



>Can only change DE when in log-in screen
>CPU softlock up if I logout

lol i cant fix this

How the fuck do I force KDE to require login screen

I just want to find out how to make KDE not auto-login but my stupid nigger brain can't figure this one out

It even diverted my account password. I had Gnome ask pw. Then I installed KDE. Then KDE doesn't even ask and logs in with my account.

What the ungodly fuck my brain is full of shit

Auto login is displaced from two places in KDE Plasma but the motherfucker somehow logged into my account without asking for password

What the hell

So uh, how much spying is going on with the new Ubuntu release?

Guess I'm reinstalling 7th time in 4 days fuck it.
Motherfucking KDE hacked my account for real.

that won't teach me shit
>oh lol just type this command to do this, but I won't explain how it works or how it's connected to the rest of the system so when you're stuck with a problem you can go to Ubuntu forums or stack exchange and ask around like some clueless cuck

>doing things and seeing how they work or don't work doesn't teach me

ok well, you're unteachable.

>Dell XPS9560
>Neofetch breaks touch pad
what the fuck how does neofetch have anything to do with my laptop touchpad

no, you faggot, not what I meant. What I meant was learning about stuff you might not even know exists. Example being /dev/urandom, maybe I needed a random generator but I had no clue something like this exists and I used some alternative instead. How would I know about it unless I searched around the internet and maybe came across the mention or asked on the forums and got it as an answer?

>hmm I need a random generator
>let me google if one exists in linux



read all of this

I want to automatically replace "detach firefox" with "firefox & disown; exit". If I wanted to put something in front of the command I could just use alias. is there anyway to use aliases in a way to achieve putting something on the end of the command.

>now missing a mouse and desktop
how did that even happen LOL

this is why books exist. They save you all the autism and still are able to let you know about useful things

Create a function and use a variable

If you need a command look for it and use it.
Eventually you'll learn all of them

Which one to pick?

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This one


gnome if you're really master race

this one

Is there any touch-friendly DE that isn't bloated up the ass like GNOME is? I've got some old POS tablets with only 1GB of RAM, and while lubuntu runs well, it's dogshit for a touchscreen even if I make all the icons bigger. Plus needing to plug a keyboard through OTG to log in is just silly.

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Sup' Jow Forums just a stupid question. I installed CloverOS last night, is amazing! I have a question, is there is a form to build packages from source instead use binaries? I'm totally new on Gentoo. I've been using Arch for the last two years, so I don't know how portage works. Is it like manjaro using its own repositories? On Arch we can change that and use the Arch ones.

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The only correct answer is and tasksel. Live installers are retarded.


1. open make.conf (it's in /etc/make.conf or /etc/portage/make.conf
2. look for the EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPS options
3. from the line remove "-G". This parameter pulls in binary packages

Gentoo also supports user make software repos, called "portage layers". Look into the "layman" software on gentoo wiki for more info.

but user,
I'm retarded.

libreoffice writer seems to be increadebly slow. When I type one letter, it appears quite quickly but if I quickly type an entire sentence it can take up to 3 seconds for that sentence to appear on my screen. How am I supposed to fix this?

download a liveCD only if you want to try out the DE before installing. Otherwise there's no reason to download it, netinst has a graphical installer that'll ask you which DE you want and then it'll download it

Try disabling graphic "acceleration".

holy shit thanks you are awesome

nvm it is still shit on pages with a lot of text

How do you guys deal with the tiling WM-only life? I installed Debian with no DE and I cannot connect to WiFi from the command line to begin with, and if I use a wired connection I have to manually configure xorg or something and everything is very uncomfy (the LED on Caps Lock doesn't work for example). Do you have a guide for me?

correction pages with big images

How do I make a backup/recovery of GNU/Linux system?
I thought installing something minimal (literally kernel, busybox, gz) on recovery partition and make image via dd, and then compress it. Then I've realised, it will take too much space. What should I do?

Android, literally.

Need a 32bit x86 distro for an ancient Lenovo C100 laptop with 256MB RAM. Any recommendations?

By the way, I'm not scared of the command line.

Install more ram.
Try LFS then. Just compile it on fast computer before installing it on shitbook.

Android x86 too heavy to run, already tried.

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e2image is your friend. It allows you to make an image of your ext2-3-4 filesystem, but backs up only really existing data, not everything. Similar programs exist for other filesystems too.

Debian netinstall (install in text only mode).

Well, I don't know. Try KDE (or fucking foot) and do magic with swap file. /etc/sysctl.conf