Why does your choice of OS even matter?

Pic related is 90% of my opinion. As you long as your OS is stable and not violating whatever principles you hold, why do you even care what OS you have? Most shit these days is done in the browser and anything that's missing can either be installed directly to your OS or indirectly via VMs, so why care?

Attached: mac_pc.png (200x371, 13K)

Doing shit in browser sucks. Wish companies would invest in desktop applications again.

This desu, doing anything besides shitposting and media consumption in your browser sucks ass. Whoever made this meme probably doesn't do any work besides basic data entry. It's important to have a selection of locally installed software that allows you to be more efficient.

>Why does your choice of OS even matter
Because they're all entirely different. Windows is good for if you're a big company and need to support some legacy software, Mac is good if you're a normal person who doesn't do much outside of media consumption and maybe some light webdev work, and Linux is good if you're autistic and like to have control over your system.


Explain how VMs don't solve that problem completely.

Even GPU passthrough will lower performance by a few percentage and I'd rather enjoy my games at 120 FPS on Windows than 119 FPS through a Windows VM on Linux

You dont get native performance.

I don't do everything in a browser???

Why would someone run a VM just to play games when they could run an OS that runs games without a VM and does everything else as well?

>I don't do everything in a browser???
Are you unsure about that? Because that is not a question.

Good point.

>As you long as your OS is stable and not violating whatever principles you hold, why do you even care what OS you have?
because my principles are
>no windows as base os
>no systemd
>limited GNU shitware

>Most shit these days is done in the browser
yeah, because i can definitely run vim, make, gimp, and my xmpp client in a browser.
just because you have a facebook machine doesn't mean everyone around you doesn't use their computers for actually doing shit

I do almost nothing thru the browser.

>that picture
Applefags actually believe this

>yeah, because i can definitely run vim, make, gimp, and my xmpp client in a browser.
Oh, I get it.
You don't know how to.

Let's look at Android. Want to play a youtube video?

The default youtube app has all the ads fully enabled. Good luck stopping the ads there.

Try to view it in your browser which has adblock, and it still opens it in the app.

So the workaround is a browser add-on that fools android into thinking it's something else and blocking the original functionality.

All because the original OS tries to lock you in to official apps on the store.

Your shitty opinions of Windows, Apple, and Linux are ignored by Menuet OS thinkers. 'The rabbit will fall over from exhausted bot net compliances and the turtle will walk all over it's own grees driven defeat.'

>>))° °((

go back

If you're a gamer or just someone that uses a computer, use Windows.

If you're a media artist / graphic designer, use a Mac.

If you're a programmer, use a Linux distro.

If you're any of the two, dual boot.

That's it.

You know youtube vanced is a thing right?

well being given a mac to program on for work I have come to the conclusion that serious work can not be performed on a mac.

Jow Forums is /v/ but instead of graphics cards brands its os

shitters will literally spend years of their lives arguing which os is best it's quite pathetic

Linear Video Editing, Audio Engineering, etc.

Attached: 1443683117766.jpg (625x626, 281K)