Is anyone else tired of the soft language that is prevalent everywhere in programs nowadays?

Is anyone else tired of the soft language that is prevalent everywhere in programs nowadays?

Attached: ddd.png (960x458, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you can't in the and by be or then before so just face it this text hurts to read?

that's hard language.

I feel it's unprofessional.


"Error 404: Page Not Found"

Sounds more professional to me and also, just plain simpler than what's in your pic.

"Hmm, something went wrong. We will keep drinking our soyboysauce and trying to locate that page for you there buddy boy. Or, if you'd rather, click the button below to immediately be transferred to the cuck refferal service of your local Bulls choice. "

Yes that's right. Plus young folk cursing and listening to the Devil's music.

You're 19 and edgy I get it


Attached: KILL_IT.png (184x186, 24K)

ur mom lol

i cant imagine being such a fragile snowflake that you're seriously impacted by the way errors are displayed

>I feel it's unprofessional.
To hell with your """""professionalism""""". If you want "professional" go work at Microsoft or some other company. FOSS doesn't need to be professional.

It's a dinosaur and it's incredibly cute. I like it better than chrome's 8-bit cactus thing.

Seems like a lot of people think that this softie language and little animal drawings is a waste of resources that could be spent making the browser better in some measurable way.

It slightly annoys me as well. Mostly because of how it wastes your time. This user mentions it: Just give me 404, not some three-sentence long sorry-ass essay.

ouch, i think you just cut me with that edge.

FOSS and professionalism isn't mutually exclusive. especially with grants, subsidies and subscription models.

why not let artists contribute to open source?

do you wanna exclude them? why?

little gained, but nothing lost, imo.

>FOSS and professionalism isn't mutually exclusive
Never said it was. I just don't see why some basement dwelling NEET who writes free software as a hobby needs to conform to some bullshit standard of "muh profeshunal softwarez"

it's a dinosaur


Nah fuck it i prefer 502 or 404 errors, that way i know whats going on. I dont mind the animals they add but at least give the real error


The old bluescreen was perfectly fine and actually gave relevant information.

Attached: Blue-Screen_1.png (1952x1112, 39K)

we live in a time where the agents that see error messages are increasingly end users who don't know what the fuck "error 404" means, whether it means some special category of error or if it means that there were 0 errors and then more than 400 errors accumulated, or what a "Page" even is, necessarily (we don't just use 404 for pages; we use it for basically all resources that are not found now).

as long as the error code is sent under the hood, this is the right way to deal with it. this page isn't trying to land an interview with you; it doesn't give a fuck about sounding professional

But this isn't NEETware. This is F I R E F O X

Not any longer, loverboy. It's now S J W F O X and you should check your privilege right now.

How pathetic is your life that THIS bugs you?

Fair call. MS is targeting that towards your average normie who has no idea what a STOP code is.
And? It's still FOSS that pulls code and improvements from regular NEETs and Linux autists like you or I. It still doesn't need to be "professional", much like most other FOSS projects.

ITT: unfiltered autism

Where do you think you are, sport?

When I see this shit every day using Microsoft products and an internet browser at work.

Use Brave

Attached: soyboy.jpg (1076x1435, 565K)

I use it on phone. Waterfox on desktop.


I'm sick of anthropomorphism of programs in general.
A program should do the following:
>perform its task effectively and efficiently
>tell me why it broke as concisely as possible
Its a tool. It doesn't need human qualities.

>whats a computer

Someone post the Fucky Wucky shop of the new bluescreen

you're also a tool desu
you lack any human qualities :)


Apple products don't have this problem.

Attached: 1501631622001.png (741x568, 29K)


Attached: dc8.png (800x450, 41K)

It's a trans-gerbil identifying as a volcanic rock.

Thanks Mozilla Foundation!

found the soft fairy

Yes. Even smplayer does it... "Oops, something went wrong".
FUCK! I am not 12!

Hi, we're glad you are here.


Something happened.

Attached: win10.png (450x450, 55K)

>everything has to be about me!
But you are 12.

>something went wrong
>*loading with meme text*

Woops, le monkeys dropped a wrench in the servers, we'll be right back with more internets 4 u :^)

It's evidence that our society has become fruiterized.

Attached: 10b57677-dd97-4f01-85ba-f6594dd19a31.gif (300x300, 2.76M)



I do the opposite of this soyboy shit when debugging using print statements.
def debug_fun(x, y):
x = x + y
print('Fucking addition finished motherfucker')
x = x * 2
print('Bitch I did the multiplication fuck you')
return x

really badass


I remember when I was 12 too

yikes... :s

It makes debugging less boring when you have humor. It's not meant to be cool or badass.

well it's VERY cool

At least chrome has a game included.

I have no idea, but I bet you they paid a woman a 5-figure sum to draw it, cos we need more women in tech.

Childish response

This is shooting oneself in the foot. Which one do you think would give the user the most amount of help needed?
>googling "Adobe Photoshop error 32:12"
>googling "Adobe Photoshop Exception at 0x408032482"
>googling "Adobe Photoshop whoopsie doopsie something went wrong :((( don't feel sad :C"
>googling "Adobe Photoshop unknown error"

there's a fine line between what's USEFUL and what's COMFORTING

Attached: DaAOdDBWAAA3Ncj.png (442x234, 16K)

Where is humor?

a brainlet



This wholeheartedly HOWEVER you've got this totally mixed up. It's the "professionals" who are the biggest implementers of this soy fucking trash

Open dev console and look at the response if you're so bothered.


Something happened

Took me a while to figure out what which of these squiggles are supposed to be eyes. Its mouth looks like a part of the Lenny face.

It's a gecko!

It doesn’t seem like it would be hard to implement a hard/soft language error toggle. Have it default to soft but let power users who know what unresolved host means turn on more technical errors.

Maybe it’s worth submitting a feature request

Attached: 29104257_1893300427410329_389179351901405184_n.jpg (800x450, 20K)

Just download the source code and replace the text with "Fuck you" and the image with goatse and compile it yourself. It's not that hard.

There is soft language that feels like it's a developer personally there suggesting things to you (We have encountered an error, please restart your PC or try one of these additional options) and then there is soft language that seems like the developers are trying to give the program/software it's own fucking identity and personality (OOPSIE, something went wrong! We'll fix that right away for you, in the meantime could you just restart your computer for us kay?)

One is acceptable although maybe not ideal, the other is just pushing it too far and getting annoying.

Why not:
"You fucked up the web address"
"Yo nigga what are you doing, this page 404'd on yo gay ass"

I agree OP. This would be funner.

>no fun allowed

I bet you would call the Titanic something like "A big ship".

A Soyzilla.

Now this pisses me off.
Your computer has had a major error and they try to make it cute.

>not being autistic


>growing number of tech-illiterate users
>make error messages simpler
Seems pretty obvious to me. And because those that understand the classic errors would understand these too but not vice versa so what's the problem?


Attached: LPzIa8N.jpg (1995x1490, 652K)


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.


Maybe that's why you can't see the nose.

But the buffalo sentence actually makes sense...

The first one does as well.
It's just harder English to interpret.

We tend to go towards "simple english" nowadays.
Vid related:

We wouldn't get shit done if we talked like that.

yeah. lack of information like
fucking microsoft


A dinosoy

fucking jews ruining my software

Attached: 29425843_2129441500617581_6305460396707983212_n.jpg (720x253, 33K)

These also make sense but take a while to understand:

The horse raced past the barn fell.
The old man the boat.
The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families.

this is my website's 404 page for about 14 years

is it Jow Forums approved?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-04-12 05-51-11.png (585x550, 163K)



This isn't a 404. You didn't connect to the website. A website has to send a 404 message (saying you looked for content on that site, which does not exist).

Fucking fork Firefox or write an extension if you're so pissed off.



This. DNS fail has nothing to do with 404

Yeah I can tell you're very professional and definitely have a professional adult job. You're not some teenage NEET or anything like that.

wow… it's almost like… it's almost like everyone from kindergartners to elderly uses google now… and they don't understand what 404 means… and they bring more profit than "tech pros" with 7 proxies and 8 adblockers running from obscure anime distros.