Future of Humanity and Computing

Have any of you considered a future where all nearly all work that humans currently do is carried out by machines?

Sentient or nearly conscience a.i. performing duties from the mundane to the complex?

I envision a world where we humans create code that our machine servants perform.

Physical labor can already be automated. I see the essential development will be combining routine tasks until the machine/software reaches a level of of competency that rivals mammalian life.

What are our thoughts on a future like this?

Humans creating the code that machines then produce. Is this not where we are headed?

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I'm trying to stop this

Sounds pretty awesome to me.

>Is this not where we are headed?
Yes and no, first thing to go will be the sense of a shared reality, that will backfire hard into social balkanization, way more than we have it now, then will come spiritual resynthesis and ontological glue, then super computers

This means the divide wont be as strong as it seems now, physical labor will become a sort of luxurious thing if not a religious rite

I read somewhere that there has been a noticeable trend in people wanting to have hobbies that take vast amounts of time and energy. Things like organic farming, brewing beer, building overly complex cruiser bicycles and basically all that Portland Oregon stuff you might think of. I think it was presented as an alternative to the niceties and comforts of modern life where a lot of mundane stuff is already automatised and one needs not do anything else but be a consumer.

So yeah, I agree with you that physical work will remain also in the future but with a different meaning than it has now. Émile Durkheim’s thoughts on the need for a secular religion and new forms of sacred might apply here as well.

It makes sense. People are generally happiest when they're producing something; having an impact, even a small one. Being nothing but a passive consumer just leads to depression and stagnation.


Eventually technological products will be sufficient to supply every single individual with enough false satisfaction that they can go every waking hour without producing anything of value.

Imagine a machine that takes on human form but can be a plumber or a carpenter? It would even be able to scan your mind and build what you envision in your optical lobe.

If would have no ego and not desire to harm we humans even if sentient. there is no evolutionary hard war built in.

Spend a thousand years off? why not that equals on.

Imagine nano machine repairing red blood cells and removing cancer cells. Replacing collagen and smoothing wrinkles.

Imagine transplanting your brain and spinal cord into another physical body grown specifically for that purpose.

Imagine an intelligence crafted and engineered in our likeness with the ability to explore and colonize the stars.

Is this not beautiful and our inevitable path?

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>Have any of you considered a future where all nearly all work that humans currently do is carried out by machines?
You mean like... 1980?

Heart surgeons and nurses were done by machine in 1980?

The mechanic and the electrician were machines?

Will not happen. Soyboys in tech are destroying it by allowing death of meritocracy (affirmative action, privilege lending...).
Soon we will go back to medieval ages. And if islam is not stopped we will go to bronze age...

In ironically construction will be the last automated thing

Cordoba and Much of spain was advanced when the Moors were there... but I believe this path is inevitable...

The soyboys are controlling the Front end and design but they don't control the whole of programming and software.

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This image makes me feel weird, please delet this.

3d printed buildings and walls

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But your feelings are irrelevant to my actions.

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Is that rammed earth/earth bag construction?

Moors? Well. They are nothing like muslims of today.

Also, soyboys controll not only UI side. Crypto is mostly sjws too (excluding gpg)

Im all for automation. Minimum wage "" workers"" must go.

I envision a world where superiror machines are issuing orders that we lowly human servants perform. Or better still - future with no humans at all.

Appreciate guessing

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You never appreciate guessing!

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