
Chad Ubuntu 18.04 is about to be released, how will Gentoo and Arch pajeets distros even compete?

Attached: chad_ubuntu.jpg (1395x895, 309K)

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The fact that there is something on the left, but nothing of roughly equal graphical importance on the right, give my eyes cancer. How any one could use this for any prolonged period of time is absolutely fucking beyond me.

should have made MATE the default


Are you by any chance retarted?

>having to reinstall your OS every few months

sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root

>Operation not permitted


*spies on you*

Look at this ugly shit. And look on this German KDE masterrace distro.

Attached: screenFetch-2018-04-12_22-53-24.png (1440x900, 748K)

Low quality bait, senpai.

I'm currently using on this PC, but I'll switch to something else in the near future. Just too much going on for my needs.

Try LXQt.

meh, I like ubuntu for being my first distro, but Ill stick to Fedora


>take Debian
>add tweaks that make it less stable
>add custom GNOME shit
>add a "software store" package installer that doesn't work
>add a crash reporter that doesn't work
>add MOTD service that phones home on boot
>add hardware info telemetry
>add Amazon search spyware

i use backtrack 4 because im a hacker

I mean, Jow Forums posters have one of the highest rates of legitimate autism on Jow Forums.


pacaur -Syuu

Attached: 1512766357069.gif (400x225, 1.47M)

Interesting suggestion, thanks. Haven't used LXQt before, but I like both LXDE and Openbox, so it's certainly worth a try.

must be a reason why it is still widely used despite all that

Because it's the path of least resistance

Comes with the most popular apps by default
Installs non-free things
No need to fiddle around with it, once you've finished install you have a working system straight away for most people's use cases

They fucking won't compete neither would the userbase give a damn. It's not a pissing contest for christsake.

I'm going to steal this factual fact.

>not a wheezy half-nigger half-kike soyboy that phones mom every two hours

>not even 64x64

I thought Ubuntu did their own shizzle on top of Debians code, not re release Debian under a new name

Attached: 1523389841723.png (322x338, 232K)

>t. canonical

Attached: Screenshot-2018-4-13 g - Technology - 4chan-or8.png (1291x432, 45K)

>Gnome 3

Attached: 24259B1F89FB45D4A34C3E013F327067.jpg (714x698, 46K)

Use cinamon

also, their page is easy to use

I don't blame people like Linus looking at Debian and thinking "eh, I don't have the time for this"

Dropping Unity was a mistake

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-04-13 00:56:51.png (1280x800, 1.52M)

6 month release cycle + support
however their releases are automatic i.e. no test or guarantee it works OK or is buggy (as upstream debian) for whatever reason

afaik unity came into being because gnome refused to accept canonical's patches
also mir was a wayland fork

lxqt is not really relevant atm but it may be a major option once it and kwin are wayland ready
as it looks as of now it would be the only choice for a normal desktop without kde

>be me
>decided to try out tumbleweed in vm
>choose server(command-line only)
>install size:2GB

>tfw you wont ever get a distro that looks like koroa
>tfw developers only make shit for intel chip sets

it feels fucking terrible, i would switch over if i had a distro like korora but there isnt.

Alex san! W..why you're using KDE and not GNOME..?

Attached: 1512633666979.jpg (404x399, 20K)

i tried it, looks and feels ridiculously amateurish

i can't even take linux seriously anymore after this

> enable autohide
> profit?

I agree, and getting rid of the wobbly windows as a default feature was an even bigger mistake.

That shit is what attracted me to Linux in the first place

(bully me I'm 19 Ubuntu was my first distro)

Nigger you're on Jow Forums, your eyes are glued to the left side of the screen anyways

why the fuck are you using monospaced fonts in a browser

Gnome was a mistake

Attached: 2017-05-29-012334_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 955K)

Unused memory = wasted.
Because gnome is glitchy. And lacks basic features.

Unused memory = wasted, so you should keep useless shit in your memory at all times
I fucking hate you so much

>Gnome 3

Attached: 1523298258459.gif (375x209, 1.96M)

>the next version of Gnome OS is about to be released
>it has all the same issues as before
>it still looks like shit
>it still lacks basic features
>how will Gentoo and Arch even compete?

Attached: 1521925770491.jpg (700x700, 141K)

This, they still didn't fix the mouse stutter and memory leaks. This will only happen when they rewrite their shit because of retarded sjw coding practices. Even games used more than two cores at the time gnome 3 was released so there is no excuse why they do everything in one thread.

>using an unmaintained helper

>Lacks basic features

He's right though. Why would you have 16GiBs of RAM memory and use only 2GiBs? Doesn't make sense.

because it's easy to read

it really is and it will continue to be until they fix their ridiculous performance bugs

the UI in settings and tweaks is a bid different
>worse imo

>new feature is worse than the one it replaces
Confirmed for Gnome.

Attached: 1501477787791.png (737x639, 100K)

So you can spend it on shit you need instead of bloat.

does this trigger you

Attached: Screenshot-2018-4-13 g - Soon - Technology - 4chan-or8.png (536x101, 2K)

Not even him but you're retarded. I use my operating system to run applications, most of which are written by complete cocks who think everyone has at least 64GB of RAM now. I would much prefer it if my operating system didn't also eat up as much memory as the average Unreal Editor instance.
(Unfortunately that time is long gone and all I can do now is shout at cancerous retards like you on the internet.)

>He doesn't want software engineering to go forward
We're not living in 90s anymore.
Just buy more RAM.


Is that the default stock background? Did they finally ditch that fucking eyesore that they've been using for 10 years?

>t. cock

Attached: 1502804196747.jpg (640x360, 41K)

>t.poor NEET can't afford RAM and GPU for his gaymes


Oh cool, I guess we're still in 2003. Awesome. What do you guys think of Meteora?

Attached: 1519509260868.jpg (554x439, 106K)

Ironically, gaming needs less RAM than application development these days.

Btw, there's a unity remix for 18.04:

Someone's gotta say it.
I don't like Ubuntu

Well duh. You must load application and ide.
If I understood correctly you make gaymes with your soynreal engine (), right, soyboi?

I guess no one knew how you feel about ubuntu. :^)

agreed, theres actually no reason not to when Buntu was based on gnome 2 for a decade.

enjoy your memory leak

finally a stable and user friendly Fedora

You keep tipping that fedora user


Some things never change about shitnux

Attached: memory leak.png (1366x768, 91K)