>staring at the screen programming for 15 hours
>zen-like focus
>bruce lee levels of discipline
>no masturbatory thoughts
>no urge to shitpost
>no urge to watch youtube videos
>no guilt for not being social and standing outside on the sun with normies
How do I become like Carmack
Staring at the screen programming for 15 hours
just bee urself
>How do I become like Carmack
Get autism. I hear they come in vaccines.
90% of Jow Forums is autistic
They're not all Carmacks, are they?
Sadly, autism alone isn't enough. You need to be an autistic savant.
*mmms in your general direction*
They can shitpost on the same AMD vs Nvidia thread for 2 years.
Just take ADHD pills, they'll give you the focus you need to become like him.
But they're basically cocaine
how do I fake adhd
It will give you focus it will not give you discipline
Just tell your doctor you have extreme troubles focusing. Look up the symptoms of ADHD and copy them. If you suck at lying and shit then just get them off a drug dealer. They're cheap as chips because they're not that hard to get plus there's a lot of supply.
Discipline can be learned.
>zen-like focus
eat raw chocolate(no suggar), it tastes horrible but It makes miracles
>bruce lee levels of discipline
I don't know what do you mean
>no masturbatory thoughts
You will always get these if you only do one thing
so every time you think your going to do this force yourself to do exercise
>no urge to shitpost
same as last
>no urge to watch youtube videos
same as last
>no guilt for not being social and standing outside on the sun with normies
I have never felt that which means the cause is specific to the way you grew up socially
He still has a nerd neck tho.
>raw chocolate
>raw chocolate
>90% of Jow Forums is autistic
No, 90% of Jow Forums is bolk standard normie.
Maybe 1 user in a thread of 20 is actually autistic. Rest are normies, hipsters and tech illiterates with delusions of knowledge.
Get that femdom girl to beat you off and get it out of your system.
100% of Jow Forums users show autistic tendencies
90% of Jow Forums users are actually autistic
10% of Jow Forums users got lost on the internet while looking for reddit
Murricans just banned a company that offered snortable chocolate because it gave some kind of high not unlike drugs.
You're missing a zero there, user.
Find a project you care about, one that's challenging, but not too challenging.
RE: stimulants for focus
Caffeine + nicotine.
Caffeine makes your brain think faster, but increases distraction.
Nicotine makes your brain think faster, but increases focus.
Either on their own don't really constitute a "smart drug," but I find they have a synergistic effect -- using them at the same time makes me a super coder.
There's a reason "cigarettes and coffee" is such an old thing. The two together have long been recognized as a potent stimulant (even if their uses weren't aware they were taking stimulants).
However: use nicotine in moderation. Tolerance is built quickly and addiction is no good. Also, if you're addicted, it'll lose its effectiveness as you've built up a tolerance.
I find that, while a tolerance is built up for caffeine as well, it's still more effective than nicotine with a tolerance.
Every month or two, buy a bottle of Advil and take a few days to a week with no caffeine nor nicotine to reset your tolerance.
That's a decent recommendation. I got through law school doing those 3.
For nicotine I recommend you get a mouth fedora with one of those vaporizers that don't produce (a lot of) 'smoke' and dose it that way. The inconvenience of it will keep you from overdoing it.
>shit like posture
The key is to focus your autism on algorithms rather an anime girls
ur mom
I'll red-pill your ass right here Jow Forums
1. Get Basic Exercise
2. Juice Vegetables
4. Eat Meat
5. Consume less than 150 grams of carbohydrates per day.
6. Get your Flavanoids
7. Fast sometimes if you can
8. Eat an egg every once in a while.
All this combined will not only make you far smarter than you are now but, you will live much longer. Flavanoids will protect your DNA by strengthening the telomeres which will slow down cell oxidation and DNA breakdown. Flavanoids, fatty acids (meat), and exercise can reverse the Hayflick limit to an extent.
Carbohydrates are the single most destructive thing you can put in your body that destroys the brain. It's a huge factor in Alzheimer disease and probably causes most of the autism you see in children now. Your body produces all the carbs in will ever need, and your brain will work much better using better fuel in the form of ketones. Eating a low carbohydrate diet combined with fasting will make your brain work better.
Eggs have all the amino acids needed to support life.
There's Jow Forums "autism" which is basically the modern day version of "xD randumb" from the 2000s, then there's actual autism.
I’ve never used caffeine or nicotine before, and I’m glad I waited until this quarter to start doing so. I have an 8am Monday-Friday, a systems programming class in c that takes at least 20 hours a week, and a database class.
I actually don’t like coffee because I’ve never drank it, so when I wake up at 6:30am I chug a little bottle of those 5 hour energy extra strength. By 6:50, feel 100% awake and not lethargic at all.
I also have been abusing adderall. Hopefully my body survives these next 8 weeks.
work on a project you actually care about.
>In the information age, the barriers [to entry into programming] just aren't there. The barriers are self imposed. If you want to set off and go develop some grand new thing, you don't need millions of dollars of capitalization. You need enough pizza and Diet Coke to stick in your refrigerator, a cheap PC to work on, and the dedication to go through with it. We slept on floors. We waded across rivers.
it won't
They say this but it's blatantly untrue. 80% of people are absolutely tech-illiterate and can barely log in to facebook, the remaining 20% can become smug retarded """UX engineers""" and webdevs that call themselves "koders".
Half of these (top 10% of people) can work as actual programmers on normal projects.
Only 2% of people can actually create "grand new things" and develop efficient assembly code.
Most people are actually retarded and the push to have programming in schools is batshit crazy considering almost no one (except us that would end up in CS anyway) gets anything out of it.
How(I’m not taking any nicotine)
My grandfather, who is 102 years old, has eaten the following every day of his life since he was young:
Breakfast: white gravy made with lard, biscuits, eggs, and bacon or sausage
Lunch: mashed or fried potatoes, a protein of choice (usually chicken, eggs or steak) and clabbered milk or buttermilk
Dinner: mashed potatoes, brown gravy, vegetables (usually corn and peas) and a protein of choice
At least 25% of his diet is/was carbs, probably more like 33%. Can your hipster nutrition account for this?
of course you will be fine stop being a pussy
Genetic lottery
On average, vegans are healthiest
Yeah, he was a faggot with testosterone deficit who put you fucking soyboy in this world. What else do you need explained?
>On average, vegans are healthiest
As a law student right now I suggest ignoring the Nicotine suggestions smokeing will kill you(eventually) and lowers your ability to get jobs. It's best to over-caffeinate most of the time with the occasional Adderall for big projects on short deadlines if you are going to take the stimulant route.
But a more healthy way is to eat properly excercise and get vitamines such as b12
Wow, an 'average' consisting of one data point! (unverified at that - zero evidence that he hasn't eaten in his whole life)
This is your brain on veganism
Are vegans unhealthy? I know a few of them and they always annoy the fuck out of me.
They have severe health problems even when leaning on things like multivitamins. The human body needs animal products, morality was not part of our evolution.
This, except maybe even 90 percent.
Why is the space above his shoulders where his neck and head should be completely empty?
Smoking isn't the only way to get nicotine you retard. Quit law school now or regret being unhappy and overworked the rest of your life.
You can't
>They have severe health problems even when leaning on things like multivitamins. The human body needs animal products, morality was not part of our evolution.
Absolutely 100% false
Except that's fucking bullshit
source: vegan for 5 years and 0 health problems related to it.
Didn't he do most of his best work before the internet was a common thing? That's why.
Go drink your soy and let the big boys talk. Understand?
Don't poison yourself with shit like heavily processed food and drugs. Drink only purified water and freah homemade juice (no not vegetable juice, fruit juice) and eat fresh homemade food. After a while your body will be cleansed of intelligence surpressants and you will find joy in the most intellectually challenging tasks. Why do you think the majority of fat people are retarded and have an attention span that lasts as long as a single bite out of a hamburger?
You can never cleanse yourself of a fluoridated pineal gland.
>Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in young adults, and has been observed in children as young as two years of age.[30] The calcified gland is often seen in skull X-Rays.[30] Calcification rates vary widely by country and correlate with an increase in age, with calcification occurring in an estimated 40% of Americans by their 17th year.[30] Calcification of the pineal gland is largely associated with corpora arenacea, also known as "brain sand".
>It seems that the internal secretions of the pineal gland inhibit the development of the reproductive glands, because, in cases where it is severely damaged in children, the result is accelerated development of the sexual organs and the skeleton.[34]
>Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas.
How do you get b12, faggot
I don't live in america user.
>My grandfather smoked 8 packs of cigarettes a day and lived till he was 54
>It seems that the internal secretions of the pineal gland inhibit the development of the reproductive glands, because, in cases where it is severely damaged in children, the result is accelerated development of the sexual organs and the skeleton
I'm really not seeing an issue
Since you are an ignorant fool, allow me to explain.
B12 is a vitamin produced by bacterium that lives basically on shit and dirt. The reason why animals get it is because they basically eat shit. The reason why you as a meat eater get B12 is because you eat dead animals which have eaten said shit. The problem is that your source of B12 is, well, shitty. It's not at all as optimal as you think it is in your ignorance, in fact unless you eat a lot of meat and animal products (like, almost nothing but), you yourself are most likely deficient in B12.
Vegans and vegetarians have two options to get by, basically. Either you take B12 supplements, which are made by putting the same bacteria that thrive on shit in a sterile environment and letting them do their thing and is no more involved than basic fermentation (meaning it's a really simple thing to produce), or, you eat dirty food. Anything non-washed will do. Dirty vegetables straight from the ground. Dirty apples straight from the tree. Obviously don't eat veggies from the store unwashed as they're most likely covered by a layer of pesticides.
Multivitamins, which still don't provide the complex proteins we derive from meat/byproducts.
Don't bother, vegans are mentally ill and they all come back around in time.
I'm confused
Are you trying to deride and mock meat eaters for getting B12 from meat via a long chain of "HA HA YOU'RE EATING POO POO!" without acknowledging that every single plant you consume only grew because it was slathered in literal shit? There's a whole lot more steps between bacteria producing B12 from shit, then going all the way up the chain to eating meat and getting B12
vs eating a plant that was caked in cow shit not two days ago
>still don't provide the complex proteins we derive from meat/byproducts
You're the one who's mentally ill, you literally eat dead things and support a psychopathic cult of industrial murder and torture
Go and kill the pig yourself for a change, you pussy
No, I'm trying to educate a fellow user
I said that a way to get B12 was to eat shit (dirty, unwashed food) yourself, didn't I. The problem is that you're risking an infection, which through the layer of abstraction of eating meat gets taken care of by the host animal.
If I were to mock meat eaters, I'd say you only eat meat because you were told to and have no volition of your own
>If I were to mock meat eaters, I'd say you only eat meat because you were told to and have no volition of your own
The real answer is that meat tastes good, and there are no demonstrable health benefits to avoiding all meat products completely unless you want to compare man-who-eats-30-hotdogs-a-day to person-who-does-not.
>this whole post
Adderall my dude
Truth hurts?
>Discipline can be learned.
Yes, it must be learned. Stimulants won't actually help with that.
Without discipline in the first place, all stimulants will do is drive focus for your distractions, urges as defined by OP.
Yeah, they're fun, and they do make focusing on tedious things fun if you can already do that. But they're not very helpful inherently.
If you can function well on them (And trust me, that is hard) then you can function well off them. Unless you're lacking energy so much you're genuinely falling asleep to begin with, which stims will only make worse over time.
man sure got him.
We should make data structure and algorithm-tans. That would speed up the learning process.
>Discipline meme
Nice status quo apology. The only true answer to OP is, like two anons mentioned, to be truly interested in the subject
For me, it's all about the problem being solved. If I've got a good problem, something I can really sink my teeth into, I get fucking consumed by it.
Strangely enough alcohol does that to me although it destroys my health and sanity so I don't recommend it.
Just not give a fuck
>no masturbatory thoughts
>raw chocolate
Do you mean that 90%+ dark chocolate? I eat it sometimes. I find it minimises your desire to eat actual milk chocolate because it tastes so bad,
Dopamine is all you need.
it's because you actually ate chocolate, dummy
What should I do with it? Melt it and inject with a needle? Or enema it to my ass?
find something you like OP and it's really easy
I love programming and I love hating this fucking world, what do I do user?
Depends. Do you hate world as Earth or world as people?
If it's latter then make large botnet and cripple popular services.
If you hate planet then you should buy lots of GPUs to mine buttcoins and use as much electricity as you can to fuck this place up!
Or... write a virus which infects nuclear facilities.
Ambitious I know, but else you gonna do with your life?
whatever, man. but doing this with milk chocolate wouldn't be any good either
Earn money and fuck bitches!!!
>urge to shitpost
my only weakness...
>it's either eat pills because your diet sucks or be a fucking caveman eating dirty food
i love these desu
great advice. also just chill in a public place. can't wank it in front of people unless you're really fucked.
>other shit
maybe pair program. or just study with another person present. kind of forces you to actually stay on task. can't be like uhh muh lols if you both have a task to complete.
what difference does it even make?
been veg for 8 years and i can run laps around everyone i know in virtually any circumstance. maybe its genetics. maybe its the diet. idk its working for me.
i have several relatives that lived crazy long drinking and smoking everyday. i mean a pack is the norm for chronic smokers. others that died young but seemed healthy. i think the whole thing is too complex to attribute to any one cause.
Horrible for actual problem solving since it basically turns off your creativity, god tier for grinding out boilerplate since it give you laser focus on even the most inane shit.
without seasoning or sauce, meat tastes like shit, or at best, pretty plain. try it. eat some meat without sauce or marinade or frying oil.