What u guys use to get rid of duplicate files on your pc?

what u guys use to get rid of duplicate files on your pc?

pic not related

Attached: QxjCuN6.jpg (1024x1024, 107K)

i put them on the nas

more specifically, pictures, but some may be of slightly differing quality

Attached: state of the art cloud computing technology.jpg (676x507, 75K)


pic is related. That's what I use.

I prevent them from coming in to existence in the first place.

can i post yet

fdupes for hash and findimagedupes for visual
if you use windows, enjoy ur botnet

what is fslint?

god I fucking hated the 90s

Upvote if you're a 90s kid

we did it, reddit!

not for duplicate files specifically, but windirtree is really good for finding large files you don't need anymore. i only have a 64gb ssd on my surface and it really helps with keeping it clean

I don't

10 gm gold has been transferred to your account.

write a program that goes through each file, with two lists: filenames, and then filehashes. When there is a duplicate hash in a list, delete the associated file and then remove both the hash and the filename of that index.

most versions of acdsee have a plugin for "find duplicates". the interface is a little clunky, but it does the job.

Clonespy. It let's you match files in a specific directory or specific files to files in another directory.
It's only for windows.
Won't work for this though but I found very useful for general purpose stuff.

I use a for loop traversing a directory tree and md5sum or sha1sum. I've never bothered with resized similar images.

I tear through my porn folder with visipics every month or so.

It would be easy to add a color % criteria to detect same pictures with different resolution and quality.

I delete them


What's a Linux way to do this?

Not having ADD, so I don't save stuff I already have again.

gdmap for systemd enriched OSen

google 'perceptual hashing' (phash (3 algos atm), ahash, dhash, etc) and try the shit that uses it

Would that actually work?

its not all plugged in

Das funne, i actually use pic related to get rid of dups!

fdupes only does md5 hashing though

Are phashes just feature vectors?
int ph_hamming_distance(ulong64 hasha, ulong64 hashb);

>n fact the open source pHash library has an implementation of Multi Vantage Point (MVP) trees