How do I hack the FBI?
How do I hack the FBI?
you can't
learn javascript
use a computer
wait no
use three computers
big ones
You need to run Gentoo, though.
install gentoo
Install Gentoo
Ask a friend to lend a hand on the keyboard.
drop a handful of flashdrives loaded with malware in front of their offices
First you have to build a team
you need to build a GUI interface with visual basic
Go to in incognito mode
with the metasploit framework
install kali linux
This worked for me on Funtoo too
go to your nearest FBI field with the largest dish antenna you can find and mount it on top of your van. beam energy
try this
Reported, have a nice day
Was FBI ever hacked? I kinda recall secret documents leak from FBI, very long time ago, though
Yeah, FBI and CIA was recently hacked by a 15 year old.
absolutely based
Don't do this, I did and now the party van is at my door.
seems like people are still the easiest exploit
drop a usb stick in their parking lot
>left threatening messages to bang his daughter
kek, I'm not sure if they understood him correctly
write a gui in visual basic
hang on, why is this not big news?
Ask your local pajeet
they always are
Americans are ashamed you doofus.
Put it in a bash while loop!!!
I'm in, guys
what a faggy larp
Jokes apart, you can get in jail if you are a American citizen and port scan Mossad IP address range.
That would be extremely painful.
>open bulletin
>no mr. robot thread
But I'm running Kali.
>inspect element open
When will the Chink tranny unveil its time machine?
Brb port scanning mossad
reminder that real hackers use nano
also rate his code
I watched the first season, maybe the second, and then lost interest. I'll give them credit though, they are far more accurate than anything before them. Actual CLI's and websites and distros and shit.
Fuck off
Nano is for children and people with no internet connection
t. skiddie who thinks his vim '''skillz''' are worth anything
Hurr durr mom look I posted it again
lol hacklet
Nano is for n00bs who can't into vi.
>not python
how to tell a ""hacker"" from a hacker
Run Gnome on Gentoo
Is it "selling" pizza, ice cream or flowers ?
>not KDE
ping is looping by default you idiot.
Is the girl who played his wife doing softcore porn on Skinemax yet? I need to clean the pipes to her a few hundred times.
U didnt got the memo on sarcasm, did you?
You didn't got the memo with definition of sarcasm, did you?
1 bullet to the head. That's how you hack.
Learn machine code.
>look up her character on the wiki to see name of actress
>get spoilered by 2 fucking words
fuck whoever wrote that wiki and fuck whoever decided to put a spoiler right there next to the name, I fucking hate these people
he also ran vi
>hacking with bullets and not axe or a hatched or meat cleaver
Step one, get a job there.
Come back in ten years when you manged the first step, and we'll move to step two.
>be me
>world’s greatest hacker
>#1 on FBI’s most wanted list
>but they can’t track me down because I always delete my browser history
>just got done hacking entire internet
>now every user in the world gets redirected to
>epic lulz
>one of my hackerbros messages me on AIM
>tells me that 420_1337_h4x0r_420, my #1 hackerbro, has been arrested
>they were able to backtrace his IP because he forgot to browse on incognito mode
>word on the street is he’s already ratted me out
>look out window
>FBI helicopters circling overhead
>hah! those bastards don’t know who they’re dealing with
>open up internet explorer
>get redirected to
>oh yeah, forgot about that
>run disableblackpeoplemeet.exe
>now it’s time for some world class hacking
>go to
>fuck, there’s a password
>something appears on the bottom right corner of my screen
>it’s that goddamn talking paperclip
>“it looks like you’re trying to hack the FBI, would you like help?”
>fuck off clipy, i’m trying to work here
>“it looks like you’re trying to hack the FBI, would you-”
>click the little fucker just to make him shut up
>clippy gives me the password
>guess he’s not so bad after all
>now that i’m in, i go to
>“congratulations, hacker!” you now have full control of the FBI’s helicopters! what would you like them to do?”
>“A) turn left B) turn right C) ascend D) descend E) explode”
>go with option E
>BOOM, baby
>flaming helicopters fall from the sky