I want to use Win10, is it worth using? can I get a rundown of all the flaws it has?

I want to use Win10, is it worth using? can I get a rundown of all the flaws it has?

Attached: Windows-10-640x353.jpg (640x353, 19K)

I was literally just wondering this as well
My windows 7 install has become fucked somehow so I need to completely reinstall and was thinking about going to 10
How can I make 10 not suck ass and be more like 7?

>Willingly joining the botnet

I have Windows 7 too, does yours freeze and crash too?

Use reference images user. If you can't keep windows 7 working, you may have to stick to noobuntu

There's really nothing bad about 10, 8 was the shit one

No, windows 10 is not worth using. The only reason to ever use it is if you are forced to by using newer hardware that doesn't support windows 7.

This literally wasn't my fault. I've had the same exact install for 7 years. I logged on today and my user profile was corrupted and permissions are completely fucked now and nothing fixed it. So I'm transferring everything over to my other PC and starting fresh tomorrow.

No. If you want a good OS look into GNU+Linux. Most are good but avoid shit like Mint, Ubuntu, and Manjaro. If you need to use certain proprietary software, like Adobe's rubbish, then install MacOS.

It's pretty great IMO.
If you're doing anything you're worried about them seeing you should be more worried about the NSA and CIA and using a secure distro anyway.

What I really hate about Win10 is the piece of shit "apps" (the fact that they call it apps itself triggers my autism) it comes bundled with and I hate that it has 2 separate programs for settings.

how about ltsb version? is it capable to run windows game smoothly? i want to dual boot with my linex


but i heard that you have to reactivate every 90 days right? can i just reactivate it fully so i don't have to reinstall it

win 10 is fine other than the dumb defaults
if you play games there's so much stuff to disable
also it downloads & installs a bunch of PUPs

get a preactivated torrent, the version obtained publicly from microsoft cannot be activated
no ifs or buts !

Attached: 1523458593013.png (508x514, 195K)

The Kill MySelf Emulators hooks to Task Scheduler and runs every now and then, way before every 90 days

Disable windows updates, dilisable the telemetry shit and it's a good OS

180 but yeah. just use kmspico from forums.mydigitallife.net

shut up, you're not allowed to post on this board.

Are you retarded?


where did you get torrents these days anyway

thanks, i'll try


>I want to use Win10, is it worth using?
Sure, the Enterprise version has full Hyper-V support, Storage Spaces and ReFS bring dynamic storage pools and Copy on Write error checking file system.
Shitlocker is supposedly better, but that's debatable.
The virtual desktops are quite handy.
Better native handling of SSDs
The task manager is finally the way it should have been 20 years ago.

>can I get a rundown of all the flaws it has?
A lot of the stock programs are dogshit.
Windows Update is a total ratfuck.
The UI still looks like it was made out of construction paper by kindergarteners.

tl;dr: it's Tuesday in Redmond.

The KMS tool also activated Office installs as well

i get it off tpb
there's some uploader that puts out the latest build with security patches every month or so

wow, thank you so much user i love you

It's simple, really: you don't need it.

Windows 10 UI is a hot mess. Windows 10 is still pretty much in beta.I'm looking forward to the day they fully implement Fluent Design.

It has more or less the same flaws as any other Windows version, but updates are way more frequent. Maybe the feature upgrade twice a year will annoy you, but there's a high chance you will encounter no problems while doing so

It fixes almost everything wrong with windows 8 and 7. It's an improvement in every way other than privacy and UI.

offshutup10 and antibeacon and it's cleaner than vanilla 7.

all windows versions were historically bloat anyway.

Fluent Design isn't going to fix the UI designers just being shit, it's sprinkling the turd

Fluent Design is basically just they slapped a ton of glassy effects on their super Spartan flat UI so it wouldn't look out of place compared to Android and iOS

LTSB 2016 doesn't give me any problems.

the biggest flaws in the other versions is spying, forced updates and forced "upgrades" i.e. MS installs new programs you never asked for.

Is ReFS ready for production use yet? Or does it still have a ways to go?

HI newfags. Windows 10 will only result in driver issues, crashing, and all your user data being suddenly wiped after an update. Oh and you can't stop updates now.

The only problem I've ever had is after an update my driver doesn't remember my gamma settings and I have to open nvidia control panel and toggle it back on

It doesn't even install the weird candy crush shit after updates too, I don't get it. Maybe I'm just lucky but I've not even had a SINGLE lock up or crash once.

>How can I make 10 not suck ass and be more like 7?
By reinstalling Windows 7 like any sane person would.

>installing placebos means a clean system

Disclaimer: I had a broken OEM installation of Windows 8 on my laptop which would BSOD when it went on battery. When I moved to 10, I used the upgrade option instead of a clean install. This might have affected the laptop's performance under 10. Having such bad performance, I clean installed 7 on said laptop and haven't used 10 since.
From what I could tell, probing around the interface and settings, Windows 10 is the same as 8, with slight changes to make it appear more like 7, but it's still the same shitty 8 that's been disfigured. It's a patchwork of 8, nothing more. The tiles interface is still there, in the start menu, and considering how a fresh install of 10 would greet you with icons for Candy Crush and Minecraft, you might be able to guess why that's bad. Next come the "apps". Similarly to 8, you have regular Windows programs running normally, and you have the "apps", which are mobile-tier full screen programs with huge DPI scaling and touchscreen-oriented deseign, which in the transition from 8 to 10 only lost the "full screen" characteristic. They're still redundant and visually different from normal programs. These "apps" cannot be avoided, as they replaced the calculator with an "app" and basic Windows games turned into mobile-tier games.
The start menu just looks like it was tacked on to (optionally) replace the W8 start "menu". I honestly can't remember what beef I had with it, but it was difficult to navigate and use, compared to 7's, or the StartIsBack menu I had in 8. I can't put my finger on the issue.

Attached: Microsoft employee.png (1300x4704, 1.14M)

The settings are a bloody mess, and that's where 10's patchwork really shines. There are TWO control panels and one settings "app". Whereas before you could access basically everything from the regular control panel (linked in the start menu of 7) with the more direct access to specific settings in specific locations (right click on desktop, click on user picture in start menu) and such, and most let you reach the control panel with one click on the top of the window. In 10, you have no idea where your desired setting is. Screen resolution is under ADVANCED display settings. I don't even know where anything else is, because I both don't remember and because I had to search for it every time since it never made enough sense to remember. It's a mess. In addition to that, you can find 10's patchwork in the msconfig->startup tab. The feature was moved to the task manager, but it looks like they couldn't remove the tab from the msconfig window, so they just left the tab blank with a message telling you where the feature is now. Not to say part 1's image is nonfiction, but it does align with its tales.

Then there's the Windows 8/10 "user friendliness" which is so condescending I can't stand it. Microsoft decided that the users are a bunch of infantile tech illiterates who can't be trusted to use their own computers, so they made everything seem like a nanny handing a child a coloring book. Microsoft just leaves messages addressing the users worded as "Something happened. Don't worry about it, we'll take care of it for you". Look up 8/10 BSOD to get the idea, or look up the installation process. Instead of it being your computer doing stuff for you, it got shifted to MS doing stuff to your computer for MS, because you're not old enough to bother your little mind about it. It shifts the ownership of the computer from yours to Microsoft's, and makes it feel like you're only granted shallow access to their machine, while they don't trust you to be competent.

Attached: Gee Bill! How come your mom lets you have TWO control panels.png (341x247, 159K)

Used Windows 10 since official release, only switched back to Windows 7 recently due to:
1. Nvidia drivers randomly crashing in certain games.
2. No longer able to disable update service, it just turns itself back on.
3. Nothing worth staying for, gaming is dogshit, false promises of dx12.
4. Horrible support from poo in loos and them adding piece of shit features that break something every major update.
5. Less user freedom.

Stay away from Windows 10 for now.

This supposed user friendliness with its emoticons and baby gloves is just alienating you and your computer. It makes the experience of using the computer unpleasant. And it's all throughout the environment of this OS. Anywhere you look, there's something that was put in place you keep you away from the "adult stuff". They don't trust you to use your computer as you see fit. They don't trust you to manage your updates. They don't trust you to decide what MS services you wish to use or not. They assume they know what's best for you, and you get no say on this matter.

When my laptop had Windows 8 on it, it seemed like a terminally ill hospitalized person. If I literally pulled the plug, it would crash.
When it had Windows 10 on it, it didn't seem like my laptop. It was alien. It was also slow as fuck, but I wouldn't put that necessarily on MS, because of my fuckup during installation.
When it had Windows 7 on it, it finally seemed like a laptop.

Attached: W10 BSoD.jpg (1280x840, 93K)

you're supposed to have stopped the updates when microcoft said they weren't supporting it

aka said machine suddenly starts working like shxx for no reason, forcing you to buy their spyware infested crapware

why do you think motherboards don't support win7 ?
it's because microripoft pays them to

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I really wish there was a way to install windows 7 on my ryzen 2200g computer. Windows 10 makes me feel sick.

>I want to use Win10
This is NOT something someone should say.

dude no, get a clean iso not some preactivated shit.

>I want to use Win10
No you don't, it's fucking garbage. If you're a loonixfag, just set up a VM with Direct I/O passthrough so you can play vidya, and use it for fucking NOTHING ELSE. Garbage spyware OS that rips all user choice away and obfuscates all setting behind a veil of tablet UI fuckery.

lol windows? what are you a newfag?
>yes let the goverment spy on me ill use windows
>yes ill accept viruses and exploits which 99% are made for windows
>yes ill share information about my computer location and everything else to NSA by accepting the terms of use on windows feedback to ""help them out""

there are no flaws

use enterprise or education (i use the latter) because you can disable windows defender, cortana etc with group policy editor

Only reason I'm not upgrading my 2600k is because latest shit is locked to win10 now. I mean, it's still a beast of a CPU but more performance for le gaymin would be nice.